U.S.S. Reliant MK I NCC-1864
Type I Miranda Class XI Cruiser
(Star Trek Movie Ship: ST II The Wrath Of Khan)
XON Gaming Item;
Researched, Compiled and Written by Mark_XON
Extensive help from; Lee (fasaFAN) , Vctrsgma, Daniel Kurtz, desubateta

Source: FASA Federation Recognition Manual 1st Edition
Miranda (ex-Anton Class)
2287) | REVISED
(Circa 2287) | REVISED
This write-up is for FASA players and FASA Groups, to help with
there research by providing this information.
The entire idea of this write-up is to mesh FASA and Canon information
together to produce consistent information. Remarkably FASA's
then and Canon now seem to hold good standings together when the two
sources are combined, regarding historical data.
Further reading with uncover that this write-up uses new construction
components and some extended rules. These new rules are written up in a-way that should allow the standard FASA
rules to be fudged or cheated to represent this new information,
hence FASA-like.
This allows them to work with particular fasa fan groups using standard
FASA construction methods. Any FASA fan group using extended (homebrew fasa-like)
rules, will have no problems.
First seen in the late 23rd Century era, Star Trek II: The Wrath
Of Khan, then in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Star Trek Generations,
and in numerous variants on both Star Trek: The Next Generation and
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Later, a 3D model for the Reliant design
would be created and used by CGI companies like Digital Muse and Foundation
Imaging, for inclusion into the spectacular battle scenes during the
two major wars of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Many vessels were seen
during the Dominion War and at least one was seen at the Battle of Sector
001 in 2373.

Source: STII Display - Reliant Bridge; Shields.
(Notice how inaccurate the display schematic is).
The FASA references used:
- #2302 Ship Recognition Manual: Federation (First Edition) pg27
and back cover
- #2214 Star Trek III: Sourcebook Update pg22
- #2302 Federation Ship Recognition Manual (Second Edition)
- #2003A Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator pg60
The information and images shown on this page are all geared towards
the STII Ship - Standard Configuration (weapons rack). There is some
info on the after thought of the Soyuz Variant Class, and some very
vague information regarding the up rated TNG era Miranda or its Variants,
which 'canon' calls Sub-Classes. There may be a few inconsistencies
in this write-up but I hope to iron them out over time.
The Reliant Physical Model was designed by Mike Minor
and Joe Jennings, and built by ILM for Star Trek II.
It was redressed and used several other times before the CGI Models
where used in DS9 to replace the worn out studio model.
This assumption is based on the MKI Miranda Starship.

Source: FASA and ST Mechanics
The Weapon Systems on either side of the rack
are Phaser Pods. A pod contains two types of weapons, a cannon assembly
and a cluster of four custom single phaser emitters on the housing.
- The cannons are directly forward and aft firing only and are limited
to a maximum of 1f and 1a at any time. Two forward Cannons may fire
and hit at a 20,000km (2 Hexes) distance.
- The Phaser clusters fire port
and starboard in a modified arc, there are no direct aft firing phaser
emitters in this cluster.
- The torpedo pod fires forward from both bays as well as aft from the
two rear bays, however they are limited to 1f and 1a at any time.
- The saucer
has the standard phaser bank compliment, however they can not be powered
at the same time as the Phaser Pods.
- Limit the Cannons to forward fire only.
- Give the Torpedo Pod
the ability to fires forward from both bays as well as aft from the two rear bays.
- Give the Cannons firing ability forward and aft, with 30
degree turret movement for port and starboard firing.
- Remove the Phaser emitters on the Pods houseing.
- Give the torpedo pod the ability to fire forward from both
bays as well as aft from the two rear bays.

Source: STII - Reliant
The following are assumptions that adjust to the known.
FASA Refit from Anton To Miranda:
(FASA#2302 pg13)
Places the start of refit from an Anton Class to an MK I Reliant Class(Miranda
Class) on FASA Reference date 2/1410 converted to 2268(launch) and finished rollout in FASA
Reference date 2/1507 converted to 2271(single).
It also places the destruction of the Reliant in FASA Reference date
2/2206 converted to 2285(actual).
(Dates are converted from the Design Consortium Date Conversion List,
along side of the dates I indicate what column I used)
Canon Class Name:
Apparently the original designers
of the Reliant intended for this ship to be a "Miranda" Class at the
time of STII. In the TNG time period this class is known and revealed
as a "Miranda" Class. By the time of TNG most of the remaining ships
had been modified into other Variant Classes or up-rated Miranda MKIII+
About the "Reliant" class name;
The use of the "Reliant
Class" name by FASA was typical for any fan to grasp onto, fans tend
to use the name of a ship as the Class name as well when there's no
'official' word. Just because the Reliant was the first ship shown
doesn't mean that its the base class name.
About the "Avenger" class name;
For one I think
I recall this name from years ago but it would have been something I
would have disregarded, simply being that the ship class name seems
too much related to the events of STII and pre-release titles for the
movie, and then when the new info about the "Miranda" name came, it
threw the Avenger name right out the door, and all its made up variant
class names, and weird history.
Modular Design:
During the 2260's and early 2270's
Starfleet invoked a modular design into several of there new equipment,
such as shuttles and work-bees, this modular era effected the design
of the Miranda Class in that several components can be readily removed
and replaced with different parts for new configurations (This isn't
seen on screen until the TNG era) It appears the top of the Tactical / Engineering
Hull is buckled down. A Removable cover to the decks and machinery below. This would require the Rack to be removed as well to allow interchangeable
modules. The area I'm referring to is located on the topside of the
Saucer, Port and Starboard of the Bridge, Two Big Bolts / Levers that
appear to lock the saucer in place.

Source: STII Movie and Home Models
Is this also the navigational deflector?
Through out the Miranda's life span, this class and variants have been
used as Science Vessels, Cruisers, Supply Ships, Transports and Tactical
Subjects in Strategic Battles. <insert official-cannon uses here>...
Visual Inspection
Witnessed Armament:
In STII what we see used are
the Phaser Pods on the rack. Even though we can see that the saucer
section has banked phasers in place, they did not fire, ever.
The Pods appear to consists of a cannon and four single phaser emitters, 2 on top
of each pod and 2 on the side of each pod (possibly refer to them
as 2 split banks?) as they are not grouped like a bank.
The Phaser Pods are only seen firing forward, port and starboard. We
also see some of the torpedo bays used on the Photon Pod; The port
side fired forward while the starboard side fired aft. I would think
that perhaps the Reliant was carrying Probes in the other bays. (Torpedo note of 2285: The aft torpedo when fired 'seemed' to seek the
Enterprise Target as it appears to travel in an arc, rather than the
typical straight path.)

This is the
Enterprise Panel from STII
(This panel may been part of FASA's decision to continue to use
the TOS Tri-configuration Phaser Banks, see later)

This is the
Reliant Panel from STII
Reliant Bridge Fire Controls:
On the bridge of the
Reliant the weapons console indicated port, forward, starboard...and
aft for phasers. Also seen are the photorp triggers: Tube 1 and Tube
2 are the options. The Console is identical as the one on the Enterprise
that is because the same movie sets where used; there is no special Miranda
Fire Control Panel. One can only assume a separate switch is used to
transfer standard fire control over to the Rack Phasers, or a
separate panel is used. It should be
noted that the correct Phaser Trigger was pressed in the effects shot,
port phaser=port Phaser Rack. Behind The Scenes Note; The Reliant Bridge
was the same Bridge as on the Enterprise, it was reconfigured and redressed
for filming with different lighting, camera angles, and different seat

Source: DS9 2374 USS Majestic
USS Majestic NCC-31060 Destroyed in the mission to retake Deep
Space-9 from the Dominion in 2374.
"Sacrifice of Angels" - DS9.
In DS9's Final Battle a Miranda Class Ship
"identical" to the Reliant, the USS Majestic
a CGI Model is seen firing 2 torpedoes forward. The angle of the
camera blocked the launchers from sight, however the torpedoes where
fired rather quick together suggesting both forward bays/launchers
where used. There's no reason not to assume the Reliant was armed
just as well.
1982 Effects:
Are the effects
inaccurately done or is this how it is; The Phaser Beam emits from the
Phaser Cannons nozzle and at other times, from the outer housing of the pod
at the four raised
single phaser emitters.
(phasers are mounted in orange rectangles).

Source: STII 2285
You See here the phaser is coming from the side of the pod.

Source: STII 2285
The Pre-fire flash, as this is the 2nd "bolt"

Source: STII 2285
When the surface emitters fire there is always the pre-fire burst of
a white flash just prior and during the beams initial projection. (don't
let the running light just above the pod distract). In the third screen cap
above the phaser doesn't line up with the
emitter because the ship has moved forward.)
The cannons are only seen
in use during the nebula...read below...

Source: STII 2285
At one point in the nebula the Reliant fires multiple shots from
both Phaser Pods forward, we can clearly see that the beams came directly
from the cannon nozzles. When the cannon nozzles fired the pre-fire
wasn't present, it was contained inside the unit (there is no large burst,
just a white barrel).
This is based
on my TV recorded STII Movie observation. The beams appear Red in color
as did the Enterprises. The effect for the phasers on both ships where
nearly identical. They appeared to stream the same type of beam in appearance.
Even when the cannons fired in the nebula, the beams appeared real similar. (note
I didn't look into this all that well, you may want to review these
effects on a DVD version of the movie to understand what I'm

Source: FASA#2212 Cover
FASA Weapon Stats: In FASA#2302 the weapon stats
are only provided for the Phaser Pods on the crossbar and for the Photon
Launchers. The separate cannon is 'worked' into the stats. FASA doesn't
refer in its text to the Phaser Pods to be anything else but standard
phasers(FH-10). Basically FASA just applied a Phaser Bank to each end
of the rack either to avoid complications (such as the ones where trying
to do) or based on their research. Note: A bank contains 2 weapons.
FASA Reliant Class (Model MKI)
Weapons and Firing Data
- (FH-10) - Rack Phaser Banks
- 4 in 2 banks (two weapons in each bank)
- 2f/p, 2f/s
- (FP-4) - Photon Launcher
- 2 bays
- 1f,1a (1f port side, 1a starboard side)
According to the converted FASA date (DC Component
Timeline v2) the (FH-10) is a Phaser Weapon introduced in 2264.
2264 just seems to early for the Phaser Cannon, but then again FASA
only considers the FH-10 as a standard phaser bank. No designation for
the Weapon Pods. So what I did in the stats was to use the FH-10's on
the pod housing and create a new Phaser Cannon weapon, and still stuck
with the FASA converted date. See later below....
FASA did not provide stats for the Saucer Phaser Banks either. In
FASA#2302 Ship Recognition Manual: Federation (First Edition) the text
basically says that the saucer weapons where removed in some of the
refit ships and left intact on others but unpowered. In FASA#2214 STIII Sourcebook Update pg22 the text provided vaguely suggests
that there are no more saucer weapons once the ship was refit from the
Anton Class (a FASA ship), this is incorrect as there are phaser banks
visually on the saucer. The result of the Reliant's performance in the
STII battle scene is clearly FASA's source for there weapon stats. They
used only the weapons that where seen used on screen. The saucer is
from the Enterprise Class shipyards. So what I did was simply reproduced
the Enterprise Phaser Stats. See later below....
(special note: FASAs 1st Edition Reliant Class Gamemaster
Panels from the Klingon Box Set indicates 4 phaser weapons and FASAs
1st Edition Federation Recognition Manual indicates 4 phasers (2 banks
of 2) that fire fwd and P/S)

Source: STII
Simply Adding The Saucer Phaser Stats.
Without adjusting the Phaser Pod stats we can add in the Saucer Stats,
something like 6 in 3 banks, 2f/p,2f,2f/s in addition to the
FASA 'Phaser Pod' stats, this of course is sticking with FASA's Standard
Enterprise Class saucer armament or equivalent of the TOS Constitution
Class Tri-Configuration. The Tri-Configuration consists of 6 phaser
weapons mounted in 3 banks of 2 - one bank forward under the main dish,
one to port atop the dish, and one to starboard atop the dish. (See;
FASA#2214 STIII Sourcebook pg22 )
These stats do not include FASA's optional "Paired" banks
rule. (See; FASA#2214 STIII Sourcebook pg22 )
FASA Reliant Class (Model MKI)
Saucer Weapons Update
Weapons and Firing Data
- (FH-10) - Rack Phaser Banks
- 4 in 2 banks (two weapons in each bank)
- 2f/p, 2f/s
- (FH-10) - Saucer Phaser Banks
- 6 in 3 banks (two weapons in each bank)
- 2f/p, 2f, 2f/s
- (FP-4) - Photon Launcher
- 2 bays
- 1f,1a (1f port side, 1a starboard side)

Source: STII
This is where I have the suggested or theorized
true weapon count and usage based on the above visual inspection of
the Reliant model and the researched combat data in the STII movie.
These stats/new rules include FASA's optional
"Paired" banks rule. (See; FASA#2214 STIII Sourcebook pg22)
- 12 weapons in 6 banks(3 pairs) saucer mounted phaser banks (3
banks on top of saucer and 3 banks on bottom of saucer)
- When the Phaser Pods are powered these standard saucer phasers
are unavailable.
- 4 photon torpedoes (2 fwd, 2 aft) 1f and 1a at a time.
- 2 Phaser Pods:
- When standard saucer phasers are powered the Phaser Pods are unavailable.
- Phaser Pod weapons are only effective at short distances, this
includes the cannon and housing emitters. (aprox 1hex?)-perhaps(1,
2, or 5 hexs?)
Cannons (2fwd 2aft)
-The Phaser Cannons can fire directly forward and aft.
-Phaser Cannons can be fired practically simultaneously at a
forward target. (?exceptional power cost?)
8 weapons in 4 Phaser Banks(2 pairs) (4 port, 4 starboard)
-The housing Phaser emitters can fire in a limited port or starboard
arc only.
-Technically these weapons are not Banked, but for simplicity
sake we will use the standard 2 weapon bank ruling.
- When the Phaser Pods are powered standard saucer phasers are

This Chart is in addition to the standard FASA FIRING ARC CHART, that's
normally used.
In the need for a close proximity weapon that can do mega damage during
dogfights, the Phaser Cannon was developed in 2264 around the same time
as the FH-10 phaser was designed.
Its a bulky energy expensive weapon that has a range of less than 10,000km (1hex).
It required a starship to be fitted with special power gain equipment
to generate and manage the requirements of the cannon. There where also
starship wide power stability issues in some cases. The brutal power
system generate high power peak plasma streams, although very inconsistent
with large leaps from low to middle range during use, "Gapping Starship
Haul holes may occur even if not intend" No known ships have continued
to use this worthy but experimental model, past 2267. Mass for this
weapon should be based on the mounting/housing along with the cannon
This model is the improved version more stable then the previous, mostly
due to the fact the it was designed not to be fitted to existing ships
but ships that where built to handle the full capability of the cannon.
The power system was still brutal, still producing high power peaks,
although it is still inconsistent with large leaps in the middle range
during use, "Slicing of Starship Hauls may occur even if not intend"
No known new ships where fitted with this canon, at least permanently.
Designs of the ships where changed to remove the proposed weapon/class
combination. Mass for this weapon should be based on the cannon itself.
SS Requirements remain low since the Class ship would be designed for
this weapon.
In the need to continue using the Phaser Cannon, and to out fit
an under armed starship with more fire power, we have a combination
cannon, phaser cluster and energy jumpers, in a single Pod (P-1).
The pod consist of The FC-2 cannon and the FH-10's. There is one
cannon forward and one aft per pod, and four phaser emitters per
pod, two energy jumpers included to work with all four phaser
One class, the Miranda MKI took advantage of the cannon and built a special Phaser Pod Housing to contain the Phaser Cannon in 2269 (FC-2). The housing
allowed the cannon to be fitted to the ships power gain capabilities,
allowing the standard FC-2 Phaser Cannon to fire at full capacity. Each
Phaser Pod is consider one weapon, each firing forward with a converged
fire distance of 20,000km or aft with a converged fire distance of 20,000km.
Firing is either forward or aft at a time, the fired cannon must recharge
and the ship must switch to the opposite emitter, on the opposite
As an added extra, the engineers built in a new 'fire cluster weapon
system' on the housing of the pod, This new form of fire allowed the
use of 'standard saucer emitters' along the energy jumpers on the housing while using the
power gain/capacity capabilities to enhance the effect of the emitters. An old
tech style power arching system was used to provide the emitters with
more punch. It really was a hack job by re-routing and converting
power to the cannons rifle casing with two jumpers made of the same
material extending upward near the emitters. This allowed the standard phaser emitters (FH-10) beam to be blended with the cannon produced power
stream. When fired the extra power stream would arc from one of the
two jumpers located between the phaser emitters, merging the non
focused power into a controlled phaser plasma beam making them almost
as powerful as a cannon fire punch. You'll see a bright pre-fire flash
when this enhanced cluster weapon system if engaged. (This 'technology'
is provided to stay consistent with FASA's current stats and to explain
why a standard phaser emitter would produce such a big flash as seen
in STII) Overall This is a brutal weapons system, the arcing power and
plasma stream produce high power peaks, sometimes unexpectedly "Slicing
of Starship Hauls may occur even if not intend." The beams are normally
inconsistent but the low range is short. Caution: firing this weapon
at minimal distance near friendly ships could cause the beam to 'leak'
and inflict damage on the unintended friendly, less than 2,0000km.
(In game terms; this
'leak' wouldn't be part of the STCS game, perhaps for RPG use
Firing through the rack side emitters is just like firing from the
saucer emitters, weapon stats-wise, but at the higher power output and
a limited firing arc (see WEAPON ARC diagram above.)
The new 'fire cluster weapon system' was designed as if each single
emitter was unbanked and therefore allowed more control of the weapon
system among other things. Several FASA fanatics suggest that this system could
have been a prelude to the phaser array systems found on later starships,
such as in the TNG era.

Top View of the right Phaser Pod on a Miranda MKI
Source: Avenger Plans / Modified Image
<insert info for weapon updates here>... This is where I
would include text about the Pod version 2 update, provided in later
years for Miranda MK updates.
The mass of the Miranda Phaser Pod system is part of the superstructure,
only the cannon components are required for mass calculations as per
FASA's standard construction rules. Super Structure Requirement is also
low due to the Mirandas unique design. (note: does this work out
as a good guideline? will this work out right??)
In the need to provide torpedoes to starships without modifying the
This unit is built with the (FP-4) launcher bays to be fitted inside
a pod. This automated torpedo system is an improved larger unit
of the old systems that where originally fitted inside the lower saucer
decks of a TOS Constitution Class. The Pods automated launch mechanism
is unlike what they are on the larger more standard Full Photon Decks
(2265-2277) on Cruisers. There more friendly bridge controlled and manageable
but due to the smaller size of the pods capacity to carry torpedoes
and the loading systems machinery, the load out is minimal when compared
to a heavy cruisers standard Photon Deck.
The pods weapons consists of four bays, 2 forward, 2 aft. The automated
loading system on a (TP-1) always loads the first bay (forward port)
and then the second bay (aft starboard), then Launcher 3 (forward starboard)
and Launcher 4 (aft port.) This criss-crossed set of bays only allows
the weapons pod to firing only 1f and 1a at a time. (this backs up STII
visual results and allows the standard FASA stats to remain intact while
absorbing the evidence) The two sets of loading bays each run on the
same systems; EX: If the pod was 'dual loaded' with two different types
of torpedoes (or probes) the bays would have to be loaded with
the same type of missile, in pairs and criss-crossed from one another.
If they require a special launch bay (other than FP-4's, the bays would
have to be replaced in pairs. This particular unit the FP/TP-1 uses
FP-4 launchers in all bays. This new pod unit also houses
most of the new fire control systems including targeting sensors and
aggressive power management system.
About Load outs in the same Launcher Type; For
some reason Star Trek (or is it FASA, or is it the fans?) seem to feel
that the entire launch bay must be replaced depending on the type of
missile used. I think this would be correct to some extent, any variation
of a probe or torps designed to fit a particular launch bay can be used
without having to replace the entire components of the launcher (atleast
post-TOS). Except for the obvious where the torp wouldn't fit in the
bay or required a special bay to launch them, like what happened later
with the Miranda in the TNG era.
Anyhow Its safe to assume that during the time of STII the Reliant
was configured for one set of torpedoes and one set of scientific probes
in its bays, using the (FP-4/TP-1) Weapons pod. This would be the Standard
Fleet load out anyhow for a Miranda, on a scientific tour or mission.
Special Note: Remember that I have now restricted the Torpedo Pods firing
arcs 2f, 2a "1f and 1a at anytime"
or is it? 2f, 2a "1f and 1a at a time"
to comply with part of FASA's findings of this weapon back in the early
1980's and to help not upset the Starship Combat Games and Construction
Rules. However, come the TNG stats the ships newer torpedo pod will
be able to have a 2f, 2a at any time firing ability.

Source: Avenger Plans / Modified Image
The following tables are still being determined,
so its not finished: suggestions?
I'm basically trying to base the weapon components on existing FASA
weapons. Such as giving the Weapon Type names the appropriate designations
that would show that the new components actually are using a modified
design of previous weapons. With the Phaser Pod weapons I want to
show that the pod weapons are actually just made up of the standard FASA rules and mechanics behind there existing weapons.
Type |
(mt) |
Power |
+3 |
+2 |
+1 |
(hex) |
Chart |
Factor |
(single/bank) |
Avail |
(MCr) |
(FH-??/FC-1) |
500 |
8 |
(1) |
(-) |
(-) |
1 |
10 |
3.0/6.0 |
(FH-10/FC-2) |
410 |
7 |
(1) |
(-) |
(-) |
1 |
9.7 |
2.0/3.0 |
design note: the FC-2 component stats should be based on the FASA
FH-10 phasers.
Type |
(mt) |
Power |
+3 |
+2 |
+1 |
(hex) |
Chart |
Factor |
(single/bank) |
Avail |
(MCr) |
(FC-2/FH-10/P-1) |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
2/ |
/ |
/ |
(FC-2/FH-??/P-2) |
design note: the FH-10/P-1 component stats should be based on the FASA FH-10 phasers.
Type |
(mt) |
Power |
+3 |
+2 |
+1 |
(hex) |
Chart |
Factor |
(single/bank) |
Avail |
(MCr) |
(FP-4/TP-1) |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
2/ |
/ |
/ |
design note: the TP-1 component stats should be based on the FASA
FP-4 torp launchers, if not the majority of the stats should be the
same. Do we even need a new component for the photon pod?
The Final worked out, stats.
These stats include FASA's optional "Paired" banks rule (See; FASA#2214 STIII Sourcebook pg22).
Miranda Class (Model MKI)
Weapons and Firing Data
- (FC-2P) - Phaser Cannons; Pod configuration
- 2 in 2 pods (one weapon in each pod)
- 1f/a,1f/a single row of hexs, 1f and 1a at
any time
- (FH-10P) - Pod Phasers; Pod Cluster configuration
- 8 in 4 banks(2 pairs) (two weapons in each
- 4p,4s weapon fires a limited port or starboard
arc only
- (FH-10) - Saucer Phaser Banks
- 12 weapons in 6 banks(3 pairs) - (3 banks
on top of saucer and 3 banks on bottom of saucer)
- 2f/p,2f,2f/s at any time
- (FP-4TP) - Photon Launcher; Torpedo Pod configuration
- 2 bays
- 2f,2a 1f and 1a at a time

(Note: the above images, including the official ones where touched up,
since I did not have a better source to post)
Summary of how the Starship Game and Construction
Rules are effected by this Write-up
Some gamers reading may find that the NEW 'rules' or guidelines
set by this Miranda write-up should allow for better design of TNG ships
and components. Ironic how a ship from the TMP era helps the TNG fan
rule designs. :)
"Since the original
construction rules never covered the situation of the vessels with the
torpedo pod or the cannons, it's up to the group to create them, trying
to make them as realistic as possible, but not letting it get too out
of hand. Your additions (in this write up) are right in the spirit. "
"At this point, (with this write-up) it seems like it'll only take a little tweaking to fit
them in. It would also allow the construction of a lot of the Jackill's
vessels and other similar vessels online that would have been difficult
or impossible to do before." - Vctrsgma
Terms used to represent various parts of this ship type:
- Weapon
Commonly referred to by FASA as a single phaser
emitter of a Bank (a bank normally contains 2 weapons).
- Phaser Cluster
'fire cluster weapon system' A grouping
of single phaser emitters (normally 2-4), not necessarily part of
a bank or linked in fire control (at this point this write-up is using
the standard bank rule for simplicity, even though I prefer unbanked
single emitters).
- Phaser Cannons
The forward or aft firing enhanced phaser.
These are not PULSE accelerated. (Part of a Phaser Pod).
- Phaser Pods
Official Construction Term ; overall refers
to all the rack phasers, cannon and cluster. Includes housing and components.
- Rack Phasers
generic term ; shipboard term. Crew, especially
engineering and weapons ops refer to them as this.
- Rack
The structure that supports the various pod weapons.
Official Construction Term.
(FASA's 'roll bar' term just wasn't doing it for me. Nor was 'crossbar'.)
- Arch
The structure that supports the various pod weapons;
a poor choice for one to use. The character wouldn't be familiar
with this Ship Type.
- Photon Pod
Official Construction Term.
- Torpedo Pod
generic term ; alternate term.
Terms (Rules) used for the various type of ARC Diagrams
FASA's firing arcs have always varied in some of the Starship Combat
games and they always seem to be difficult to understand or except unless
you reverse engineer the mechanics behind it. Once you stomach all the
info, one tends to settle for FASA's Standard FIRING ARCs. Although
the STCS Manual doesn't explain too much about why arcs are the way
they are, or how the Starship Stats would look like in a diagram when
dealing with a particular weapon. I chose to devise a "WEAPON ARC" for
the Miranda's unique weapon system. The choice for naming such a diagram
came directly from FASA's constant referral of single emitters as 'Weapons',
they also represent the weapon stats in the same terms. Anyhow the new
diagram adds a FASA-like alteration to the rules without totally rewriting
the firing arc rules.
- FIRING ARC DIAGRAM - This is the standard game FIRING
ARC, be it FASA's or a custom design.
- WEAPONS ARC DIAGRAM - This is a diagram that temporarily modifies
the standard FASA FIRING ARC DIAGRAM when a special weapon is used.
- STARSHIP DATA DIAGRAM - This is a NEW diagram that is based
on FASA's starship stats firing arc call designations such as f/p.
(not used in this write-up)
FASAs Original Extended Weapon Rules and the Miranda's Write-UP Extended
In the weapon stats you may run into some unfamiliar 'rulings' regarding
when a weapon can be used/fired and if the standard firing arc is a
modified one. Some of these rules are the result of FASA's other publications
that may have included extended weapon stat rules, these are rules that
don't require any modification to the starship construction rules. I
have also used these rules in this write-up to remain consistent with
FASA. My additions include slight variations of FASA's new extended
starship data weapon stat rules (the "at any time" ruling), and are totally
- "weapon fires directly forward only" - This is a Fire
Arc Restriction, temporarily modifies FASA's standard Firing Arc
to a single row of hexs.
- "weapon fires directly aft only" - This is a Fire Arc
Restriction, temporarily modifies FASA's standard Firing Arc to
a single row of hexs.
- "weapon fires port or starboard in a limited arc only"
- This is a Fire Arc Restriction, temporarily modifies FASA's standard
Firing Arc; narrows the arc, most usualy only by one row of hexes.
- "at any time" - This is FASA's rule from the STIII Sourcebook
when dealing with the "Paired Bank Rules"
- "at a time" - This is a Rate of Fire restriction. In
some cases it also acts as a temporary weapon direction restriction. (based
on the configuration of the weapon)
A New Rule
Note: is this really new or has it been printed in a fasa
- "When one weapon system is powered the other weapon system is
unavailable" - This is a NEW rule that basically doesn't allow
for all weapons systems to be available at the same time. This is
usually done with large weapon systems of unique design, or in
a situation when much more fire power is available than resources
and power. This rule also helps balance a starship in the game so
it can't be unreasonable when compared to fully adequate and standard
vessels with the proper resources.
Regarding Combat Efficiency Ratings
I tried to make this write-up with the least amount of alteration
to a standard starship combat game, but I'm aware that some of these
FASA rules and variation FASA-Like rules may wreck havoc in small portions
on the construction methods. I'd like to smooth that out if possible.
Regarding Miranda MKI construction
and launch time
I appear to have a discrepancy with some dates
when compared to other sections of this write-up. The problem is the
year of construction and when they where launched. I'm getting close,
the dates I'm speaking about are 2268 , 2271 , 2272. The date of 2272
is FASA's MKI converted launch date. I'll be adding to this write-up
that the Anton fleet wide refit was in motion before the Constitution
plans, and once the Constitution plans where in motion, the new Anton
Class fleet wide refit to MKIV was abandoned for more current technology.
(Circa: 2287)

Source: ?-A home Reliant Model Shot
The Miranda class cruiser is the refit
version of the Anton class light/research cruiser.
These vessels are used in areas where hostels or unknowns may be encountered
but the research being performed does not warrant the use of larger
vessels. This class is equipped with larger research facilities than
the ENTERPRISE Class, however, and has large quarters for civilian research
personnel. The large dual landing bays have enough room for various
types of craft. During the 2260's and early 2270's Starfleet invoked
a modular design into several of there new equipment, such as shuttles
and work-bees, this modular era effected the design of the Miranda
Class in that several components can be readily removed and replaced
with different parts for new configurations.
Though the original armament of the Anton class was
hull mounted(3 banks of 2), the vessels proved too vulnerable. Starfleet
felt that they needed a medium sized starship for defense and scientific
missions with less upkeep then normal larger starships. Starfleet decided
to use existing parts from the fleet. This widely used economy starship
was built using components from the Enterprise Class refit project
and other current/experimental projects, the saucer and warp nacelles
are derived from the Constitution refit project. This modular
match was a leap forward in practical but powerful starships.
The original USS Anton was destroyed,
and with a year delay after designs where completed, On FASA Reference
date 2/1410 2268(launch) the first
ship brought into the shipyards to be prototype refitted was the
USS Miranda NCC-1801 MKII Anton Class, though original plans
where to refit her to a MKIV Anton class, as the ship was being dismantled
for engine refit, Star Fleet Command decided to mount FWF-1 and FIE-2
instead of the FWC-2 and FIC-3 systems normally used on the MK IV Anton
Class. This change in both warp and impulse systems created several
exterior design changes including that of the Tactical/Engineering Hull
that prompted Star Fleet to christen this a new class(Miranda
Class), this would be one of the first Starship Classes to be refitted
with the new linear style Warp engines. The USS Miranda NCC-1801
was commissioned in ?2277 at Earth McKinley Station?.
The first production starship, the USS Reliant NCC-1864
MK<?no data> Anton Class refit to Miranda Class MKI followed
sometime later in the year of
2268(launch) after the USS Miranda was
completed. The USS Reliant was since destroyed
in FASA Reference date 2/2206 2285(actual)
during the infamous "Wrath of Kahn" engagement against the USS
Enterprise. It was never refitted to MK II or MK III before its demise.
The Anton Class had suffered from lack of intense
firepower during the Four Years War, in which 16 Antons were destroyed
due to their inability to deliver massive blows to their targets. After
the war, when public feeling was to disarm instead of rearming, no consideration
was given to rearm research ships, but after the Klingon attempt to
take Organia, public opinion changed and the problem of the under
Anton Class resurfaced.
During this time, In considering the refit and upgrade
to more firepower, the USS Miranda was further fitted
with the 'roll bar' weapon pods, special weapon pods mounted on a crossbar
above the hull. This mounting/modular method has proved more efficient
for some designs, and gives the Miranda class a much
better field of fire and allowed the addition of photon torpedoes while
preserving the massive onboard research facilities. This rack contains
the phaser banks and the phaser cannon mounted on the outer edges, and
the fore and aft torpedoes mounted centrally. The major components of
the fire control system are also located in the central pod, thus giving
additional room for personnel and work stations.
This relatively new ship class
is a cruiser, which- like the Constitution class- has strong
attack and defensive capability combined with extensive scientific equipment.
Since the 2270s, ships of the Miranda class, named after Prospero’s
daughter from the Shakespeare piece The Tempest, have served
satisfactorily again and again in missions of most different kind. Impressed
by their efficiency, Starfleet has produced variants of this type, among
others the Soyuz class; however because of arising tuning difficulties
with the control computer, the Soyuz vessels were taken from
service after only eight years.
The new design overran the hull number series set
aside for the Anton class assigned for light cruiser
duty. The USS Miranda, USS Reliant as
have all converted models retained there original hull numbers, but
newly constructed ships have been given a new and different series of
numbers because the Miranda class proved to be
quite useful as research support ships.
Since they officially entered service FASA Reference
Stardate 2/1507 2271(single), Miranda Class
vessels have undergone four changes, the first two fairly quickly. The
first, upgrading to the MK II FASA Reference
Stardate 2/1802 2274(single), saw an improved
impulse drive system and the changing of the saucer phaser banks to
the FH-11. The second change, refitting to the MK III FASA Reference
Stardate 2/2204 2278(single), includes
a more powerful set of warp drive engines, which are actually
lighter than several of the older styles still in use. All production
of MK I and II models will be halted with the completion of the ships
that are already in production, and new Mirandas will be of the MK III
type. 2285(actual)
The Miranda Class MKII-MKIII cruisers are produced
at the Morena, Sol IV, and Salazaar shipyards. The rate of production
is currently 10 per year. FASA reference date 2/2209.

Source: Cinefantastic Promotional Shot
Note: This model is the Small Battle Damaged Reliant. There where two
shooting models one larger than the other. The Battle Damaged version
was about a quarter the size of the larger version.
(Circa: 2374)
The Miranda Class starships continued service into
the 24th century. The later more recent changes where MKIV and MKV.
The MKIV was intentionally a complete review of the
ships current state. Any enhancements that could be done to improve
the quality of the ship was done. The only thing that was hardly touched
upon was the reliable power handler of the ship and rack union. Primarily
more safety systems where added in the case of unexpected problems.
The Phaser Cannon/Pod weapon system was also tweaked slightly with some
improved components.
The MKV was a standard refit, updating equipment and
ship structure/hull altogether. One change to the weapon systems was
the Phaser Pod, it was overhauled, removing the single phaser emitters
on the housing and reducing the cannons casing. The Cannon was then
modified with a more directional Phaser heavy emitter. This used some
of the saved power when the housing emitters where removed, the rest
of the saved power was incorporated into the ships other systems. It
turns out to be a more polished and contemporary weapon than the old
brutal arcing power and plasma stream system. Although the old Cannons
still have higher power peaks than the contemporary weapon, they are
very inconsistent when compared to the lasted Pod Weapon.
The Miranda Class MKIV-MKV cruisers are produced at
the ----, ----, and ---- shipyards. The rate of production is currently
-- per year. FASA reference date
The following list of Miranda Class cruisers. It shows their
hull numbers, name, model designation, date entering service,
and disposition. The disposition is represented by the letter
codes given below and is followed by the date of occurrence. |
All makes use the original standard configuration;
Weapons Rack. |
D Destroyed by hostile action or natural disaster
Sc Scrapped
S Disarmed and sold to civil sector
L Lost, whereabouts unknown
R1 Refit from Anton Class to MKI Miranda Class
R2 Refit to MKII
R3 Refit to MKIII
R4 Refit to MKIV (24th century)
R5 Refit to MKV (24th century)
Nb New Build
V1 Variant Refit to Soyuz Class
M Mothballed / Intermediate Service
AS Active Service; still in operational status at time of Date.
T Training-Command vessel |
NCC-1801 |
U.S.S. Miranda |
R1 2271 R3 2/2204 R4 23?? |
STII Model with minor changes.
? |
NCC-1837 |
U.S.S. Lantree (variant) |
R1 # , R3 # , R4 # D 2365 |
TNG - "Unnatural Selection"
See the Miranda Variant I Below... |
NCC-1840 |
U.S.S. Soyuz (variant class) |
R1 #? , V1 2272?, |
See Soyuz Variant Class Below... |
NCC-1860 |
WuWe ship |
NCC-1861 |
WuWe ship |
NCC-1862 |
WuWe ship |
NCC-1863 |
WuWe ship |
NCC-1864 |
U.S.S. Reliant |
R1 2271, D 2285 |
STII Model.
ST2 "The Wrath of Khan" |
NCC-1865 |
U.S.S. Da Vinci |
R1 22??, M 23??, R4 ????(2/88) |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-1867 |
U.S.S. Saratoga |
R1 22??, M 23??, R5 23?? |
STII Model.
ST4 "The Voyage Home" |
NCC-1868 |
WuWe ship |
NCC-1869 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-1870 |
U.S.S Renown |
R1 2270 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-1871 |
U.S.S Invincible |
R2 2273 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-1872 |
U.S.S Daring |
R1 2271, T 2275 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-1873 |
U.S.S Devastator |
R1 2270, R2 2273 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-1874 |
U.S.S Courage |
R2 2272 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-1875 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-1876 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-1878 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-1879 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-21166 |
U.S.S. Brattain |
Nb I R4 23??, R5 23?? |
STII Model with minor changes.
commissioned on stardate 22519.5.
TNG - "Night Terrors" |
NCC-21382 |
U.S.S. Tian An Men |
Nb I R4 236?, R5 23??, L 2373, D2374 |
not seen?
TNG - "Redemption, II" |
NCC-26225 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-26226 |
U.S.S. Formidable |
Nb I 2269 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26227 |
U.S.S. Defender |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26228 |
U.S.S. Triumph |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26229 |
U.S.S. Vengeance |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26230 |
U.S.S. Venerable |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26231 |
U.S.S. Ardent |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26232 |
U.S.S. Encounter |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26233 |
U.S.S. Champion |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26234 |
U.S.S. Furious |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26235 |
U.S.S. Ramilles |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26236 |
U.S.S. Conqueror |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26237 |
U.S.S. Glorious |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26238 |
U.S.S. Terror |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26239 |
U.S.S. Valorous |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26240 |
U.S.S. Terminator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26241 |
U.S.S. Courageous |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26242 |
U.S.S. Vindicator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26243 |
U.S.S. Redoubt |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26244 |
U.S.S. Guardian |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26245 |
U.S.S. Regulator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26246 |
U.S.S. Invicta |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26247 |
U.S.S. Kings Destroyer |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26248 |
U.S.S. Audacious |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26249 |
U.S.S. Daredevil |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26250 |
U.S.S. Striker |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26251 |
U.S.S. Enforcer |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26252 |
U.S.S. Rigorous |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26253 |
U.S.S. Blade of Tellar |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26254 |
U.S.S. Immortal |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26255 |
U.S.S. Commencement |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26256 |
U.S.S. Accommodator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26257 |
U.S.S. Dominator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26258 |
U.S.S. Lifeforce |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26259 |
U.S.S. Eradicator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26260 |
U.S.S. Warrior |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26261 |
U.S.S. Pugilist |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26262 |
U.S.S. Archer |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26263 |
U.S.S. Grenadier |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26264 |
U.S.S. Fusilier |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26265 |
U.S.S. Reforger |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26266 |
U.S.S. Brave Shield |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26267 |
U.S.S. Legionaire |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26268 |
U.S.S. Administrator |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26269 |
U.S.S. Valhalla |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26270 |
U.S.S. Forceful |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26271 |
U.S.S. Redan |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26272 |
U.S.S. Perseus |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26273 |
U.S.S. Thetis |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26274 |
U.S.S. Crommalen |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26275 |
U.S.S. Amador |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26276 |
U.S.S. Circe |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26277 |
U.S.S. Achilles |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26278 |
U.S.S. Odysseus |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26279 |
U.S.S. Ra |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26280 |
U.S.S. Odessa |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26281 |
U.S.S. Thurgon |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26282 |
U.S.S. Athena |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26283 |
U.S.S. Hypnos |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26284 |
U.S.S. Vesta |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26285 |
U.S.S. Hermes |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26286 |
U.S.S. Artemis |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26287 |
U.S.S. Minerva |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26288 |
U.S.S. Bacchus |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26289 |
U.S.S. Dionysus |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26290 |
U.S.S. Ceres |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26291 |
U.S.S. Ares |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26292 |
U.S.S. Hestia |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26293 |
U.S.S. Asclepius |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26294 |
U.S.S. Hephaestus |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26295 |
U.S.S. Demeter |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26296 |
U.S.S. Poseidon |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26297 |
U.S.S. Hera |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26298 |
U.S.S. Chronos |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26299 |
U.S.S. Hathor |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26300 |
U.S.S. Isis |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26301 |
U.S.S. Osiris |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26302 |
U.S.S. Thoth |
Nb II 2275 |
FASA Ship |
NCC-26303 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-26304 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-26305 |
WuWe Ship |
NCC-31060 |
U.S.S. Majestic |
Nb III , R4 23??, R5 23??, D 2374 |
DS9-6 "Sacrifice of Angels" |
NCC-31905 |
U.S.S. ShirKahr |
Nb III , R4 23?? , R5 23??, D 2374 |
NCC-31910 |
U.S.S. Nautilus |
Nb III , R4 23??, R5 23??, AS 2374 |
NCC-31911 |
U.S.S. Saratoga (variant) |
Nb III, R4 236? D 2367 |
See the Miranda Variant II Below... |
Unknown |
Unknown |
AS |
(visually identified in widescreen format)
ST4 "The Voyage Home" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
M? |
STII Model.
2 seen
TNG "Best of Both Worlds" 2368 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
M? |
STII Model.
2 seen
TNG-5 "Unification" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
AS 2371 |
STII Model
ST7 "Generations" |
Unknown |
U.S.S. Trial |
Nb #, R4 #, R5 # AS 2374 |
DS9-4 "The Way of the Warrior, Part II" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
not seen?
ST8 "First Contact" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
3+ seen
DS9-5 "Call to Arms" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9-6 "A Time to Stand" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
DS9-6 "Sons and Daughters" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
5 seen
DS9-6 "Behind the Lines" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
7+ seen
DS9-6 "Favor the Bold" |
NCC-33921 |
U.S.S. Sitak |
Nb IV, R5 # D 2374 |
DS9-6 "Sacrifice of Angels" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
11+CGI seen
DS9-6 "Sacrifice of Angels" |
Unknown |
Unknown (variant) |
See the Miranda Variant III Below... |
Unknown |
Unknown |
3 seen
DS9-6 "You Are Cordially Invited" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
6 seen
DS9-6 "The Magnificent Ferengi" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9 "The Reckoning" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
4+ seen
DS9 "Tears of the Prophets" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9-7 "Afterimage" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9-7 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9-7 "Strange Bedfellows" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9-7 "The Changing Face of Evil" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
3 seen
DS9-7 "Tacking into the Wind" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
7+ seen
DS9-7 "What You Leave Behind" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 seen
DS9-7 "What You Leave Behind" |
Unknown |
Unknown |
VOY-7 "Endgame" |
FASA Continuity note;
The New Builds MK/Type where determined by FASA's NCC guidelines used
for the Miranda Class, these guidelines appear to hold true for 'canon'
1### digit where Anton original refits,
2#### digit are new builds of MKI or MKII
3#### digit represents the FASA mentioned MKIII (Make/Mark III is only
mentioned, the FASA ship list had no MKIII's. FASA Reference date 2/2306
2287(actual). This is the Star Fleet Intelligence Command publishing
date of the Federation Ship Recognition Manual 2ED. Although on the
FASA's "Time Line Of Active Service Duty" in the same book; the
first MKIII was commissioned on FASA Reference date 2/2205 2285(actual).
3#### digit also represents MKIV and MKV Types.
Type MKIV would consist of refits of active ships after the TMP movies
and before TNG.
Type MKV are refits that where made during DS9. These where the
CGI Models.
The assumption here is that there where no New builds, only refits in
the 24 century.
*Even though FASA has provided incremental refits in the form of
MK's The information I'm providing is limited to cataloging major leap
refits only. There for my MK's may actually be of a different
value. This is do to lack of research and lack of detailed information
on the other non-fasa updates and refits of the Miranda Class, and would
be fairly redundant.
*Some Miranda Classes from the TMP era where Mothballed MKIII's and
refitted directly to MKV upon returning to active service in the DS9
*All Unknown NCC and Ships names are/will be FASA assigned material.
The best available. I suggest any 'fasa reliant class' ship that is
used in any of the FASA adventures or have some existing history be
used first since I doubt I'll be doing that myself.
- U.S.S. Miranda; Class prototype, Severely damaged; presumed destroyed(part
of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine) DS9 "Sacrifice of
- U.S.S. Reliant; Destroyed by Khan in 2285 (Star Trek II: "The Wrath
of Khan")
Captain Clark Terrel * Commandeered by Khan Noonian Singh and destroyed
in the detonation of the Genesis device.
- U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-1867; Neutralized by alien probe (Star Trek
IV: "The Voyage Home")

- U.S.S. Brattain; Starship found trapped in Tyken's Rift in 2367. All
but one of the crew killed by REM sleep deprivation. (TNG: "Night Terrors")
The Star Trek Encyclopedia says the ship's name on the model was spelled
'Brittain' mistakenly.
- U.S.S. Tian An Men; Part of Picard's Romulan Blockade 2367-2368 (TNG
"Redemption, Part II") , 2368 (DS9 "In the Cards") 2374 (DS9 "Tears
of the Prophets")
- U.S.S. Majestic; Destroyed during Dominion War in 2374 (DS9-6
"Sacrifice of Angels")

- U.S.S. ShirKahr; Destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform Stipes,
in 2374. DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"

- U.S.S. Nautilus; in late 2374 DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
- U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-31911; See [ VARIANT II ] section below.
- Unknown; Seen (visually identified in widescreen format) ST4 "The
Voyage Home" (STIV "The Voyage Home")
- 2 Seen TNG "Best of Both Worlds" at Wolf359
Source: TNG 2368 Federation Surplus Depot. For continuity sake, these
are most likely MKIII's.
- 2 Seen TNG "Unification" at Qualor II surplus depot.(stock
footage re-used from TNG: "Best of Both Worlds") For continuity sake,
these are most likely MKIII's.

- Unknown; Seen at the end of STVII Generations during the TNG era;
2371 (STVII "Generations")
(one note: The effects peoples didn't apply any visual effects to the
two TMP era ships, warp engines and the sub-light to warp effect was
a TNG era type, the linear warp engine color effect from TMP etc wasn't

- U.S.S. Trial; Seen at Deep Space Nine during the Klingon invasion of
Cardassia. 2372 (DS9-4 "The Way of the Warrior, Part II")
- U.S.S. Sitak; Severely damaged; presumed destroyed (DS9-6 "Sacrifice
of Angels") Part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine.

- Seen 7+ ships part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine;
outnumbered 2:1 (DS9-6 "Favor the Bold")
- Seen 11+ ships part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine.
(DS9-6 "Sacrifice of Angels") (some of these are dual impulse decks?)

- Seen 3 ships part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine.
(DS9-6 "You Are Cordially Invited")

- Seen 2 ships severely damaged; presumed destroyed. (DS9-7 "What
You Leave Behind")
- Seen part of a 27 ship fleet. (VOY-7 "Endgame")
----End of Appearance Brief----
FASA's Reliant class registries
The Reliant class cruiser, existed in three distinct versions.
The first nine vessels were refitted from the earlier Anton class cruiser.
The remaining 77 vessels were newly built.
1863 Repulse
1864 Reliant
1866 Condor
1869 Gallant
1870 Reknown
1871 Invincible
1872 Daring
1873 Devastator
1874 Courage
(Circa: 2287)
The USS Triumph was listed as missing when it failed
to make scheduled reports to Galaxy Exploration Command. The official
date that the ship was listed as missing was FASA Reference Stardate
2/1706 2271(actual), even though its last
report was on 2/1705 2271(actual). The
USS Regulator was dispatched to search for the missing vessel on Stardate
2/1707 2271(actual). The Regulator failed
to make its scheduled report on FASA Reference Stardate 2/1712
2271(actual) and was also listed as missing. Both vessels were
under the direction of Galaxy Exploration Command and were operating
in rimward frontier areas. Subsequent searches have produced no evidence
of the whereabouts of those two vessels, and all search activities were
called of by FASA Reference Stardate 2/1805 2277(actual).
On FASA Reference Stardate 2/2301
2287(actual), the USS Accommadator returned from 3-year mission
into the spinward frontier. Most crewmembers were given leave while
the ship was to undergo scheduled maintenance. During the maintenance
checks, the Accommadator was found to need parts that were not readily
available and was therefore removed from its moorings inside the drydock
and placed in an exterior mooring. On FASA Reference Stardate 2/2302
2287(actual), the USS John B. Goodings, a Liberty Class freighter,
lost its directional maneuvering control system and rammed the Accommadator,
causing excessive external damage and internal fires that could not
be controlled for several days. The collision completely destroyed the
damage control system of the Accommadator, and all surviving crewmembers
were evacuated. The burning hulk was then towed away from the repair
facility and allowed to burn itself out. When the ship was finally boarded
by a damage control team, it was found to be totally unserviceable.
The vessel was scrapped.
(Circa: 2288)
Other Miranda ships however again and again proved
with partial research missions for many years its tenacity and longevity.
For example in 2/88, the USS Da Vinci (NCC-1865) traveled nearly
six months at only impulse power back to the Federation after she had
been almost destroyed in a battle. This high success ratio serves the
Miranda ships well, as does the removable structure above the
hull, which can be exchanged depending upon mission requirement. Thus
this ship has become not only the most flexible that Starfleet has,
but also one of the most successful.

Source: FASA#2212 Cover
(this being the most accurate drawing fasa had.)
(they probably got this profile from Paramount back then, which now
appears in ST Mechanics)
Miranda Class VARIANTS
(no rack)

(insert description here)...
The following list of Miranda Class cruisers. It shows their
hull numbers, name, model designation, date entering service,
and disposition. The disposition is represented by the letter
codes given below and is followed by the date of occurrence. |
All makes use the modified Miranda standard
configuration; Weapon Rack removed. |
D Destroyed by hostile action or natural
Sc Scrapped
S Disarmed and sold to civil sector
L Lost, whereabouts unknown
R1 Refit from Anton Class to MKI Miranda Class
R2 Refit to MKII
R3 Refit to MKIII
R4 Refit to MKIV (24th century)
R5 Refit to MKV (24th century)
Nb New Build
M Mothballed / Intermediate Service
AS Active Service; still in operational status at time of
T Training-Command vessel |
NCC-1837 |
U.S.S. Lantree |
R1 # , R3 # , R4 #, D 2365 |
TNG - "Unnatural Selection" |
- U.S.S. Lantree; [ Refit I ] Class 6 Supply; Contaminated
with bio-virus, destroyed in 2365 (TNG "Unnatural Selection")
Captain L. Isao Telaka * Destroyed by USS Enterprise to prevent
spread of DNA virus
(no rack, new pods, new "planetary sensor" weapon)
<Saratoga image>
(insert description here)...
The phasers on the Saratoga are emitted basically anywhere on or
below the planetary sensor when seen. One can conclude that the
effects people where completely unaware that day where the phasers
shoot from. The effects provide proof that there where defiantly
at least two banks and a maximum of four emitters seen firing from
this area (insert more),
To rationalize this we can either say this ship is using 2 banks,
or a Phaser Cluster / 'fire cluster weapon system' located on or
just above the planetary sensor or even yet we can say the phasers
where shooting from the saucers underside forward phaser banks.
( but without dismissing all of the effects and snds, one can see
that there are at least 4 emitters and are equivalent to a TNG style
starship weapon, rate of fire was also comparable (to array phasers),
the evidence places the phasers as TNG tech level.
All the other standard saucer phaser banks are also present, but
not seen fired.
The captain of this ship orders "Load all torpedo bays, ready phasers"
but we never actually see them fire photons or where from since
the ship was destroyed before it could. This was also a problem
with the TOS Enterprise, there was no actual photon deck or ports,
to solve that I took the Miranda's automated photon pod and extended
its history back to the history I made for the constitutions small
automated photon deck. So I'm going with the Constitution Class
type automated photon deck, and placing it approximately in the
same location as on a Constitutions lower saucer decks, just above
the planetary sensor. I'm assuming there where a maxium of two small
bays; The photons will approximately be the same size as what was
used in the TOS series, but more powerful based on the TNG era tech
About 'Automated Photon Decks'
The information above will yet show another improvement in the 'automated
photon deck' that I "placed" as what could have been on a TOS Constitution
to explain why the deck would be so small. So the history
of this weapon system goes from the Constitution, to the Miranda
Weapon Pod and then back to the Saratoga with an 'automated photon
The following is a list of Miranda Class configuration variants.
It shows their hull numbers, name, model designation, date
entering service, and disposition. The disposition is represented
by the letter codes given below and is followed by the date
of occurrence. |
All makes use the modified Miranda standard
configuration; Weapon Rack removed and Additional Pods added. |
D Destroyed by hostile action or natural
Sc Scrapped
S Disarmed and sold to civil sector
L Lost, whereabouts unknown
R1 Refit from Anton Class to MKI Miranda Class
R2 Refit to MKII
R3 Refit to MKIII
R4 Refit to MKIV (24th century)
R5 Refit to MKV (24th century)
Nb New Build
M Mothballed / Intermediate Service
AS Active Service; still in operational status at time of
T Training-Command vessel |
NCC-31911 |
U.S.S. Saratoga |
D 2367 |
STII Model. (no rack, new pods, new "planetary
sensor" weapon)
ST:DS9 - "Emissary" |

- U.S.S. Saratoga; [ Refit II ] Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359
in 2367 ("The Best of Both Worlds II", DS9 "Emissary")
The Saratoga was a reuse of the Reliant model built for Star
Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, relabeled with new registry. This time
around, however, the model was filmed without its upper rollbar
modification, and two large outboard modules (referred to by production
sources as 'sensor pods' based on there appearance). The ship fired
phasers from an area usually identified as the lower sensor dome,
rather than from any of the phaser emplacements built into the model.
(second impulse deck, no torpedo pod)
(insert description here)... The second impulse is for better sub light acceleration.
The following is a list of Miranda Class configuration variants.
It shows their hull numbers, name, model designation, date
entering service, and disposition. The disposition is represented
by the letter codes given below and is followed by the date
of occurrence. |
All makes use the modified Miranda standard
configuration; Weapon Rack removed and Additional Pods added. |
D Destroyed by hostile action or natural
Sc Scrapped
S Disarmed and sold to civil sector
L Lost, whereabouts unknown
R1 Refit from Anton Class to MKI Miranda Class
R2 Refit to MKII
R3 Refit to MKIII
R4 Refit to MKIV (24th century)
R5 Refit to MKV (24th century)
Nb New Build
M Mothballed / Intermediate Service
AS Active Service; still in operational status at time of
T Training-Command vessel |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Computer Model (from?)
DS9-6 "Sacrifice of Angels"
Soyuz (class variant)
(more info coming)
The Soyuz class variant was an after thought of the TNG series
designers to represent a ship that was constructed back in the TMP
era for using in the TNG series. For gamers and enthuses this gives
us something more to play on and explore.
If you asked me the Soyuz Class Variant starship looks to be
using non-trek-like model parts. Done by the same people that did
the non-trek model component bashing for the Constellation Starship.
I was surprised to find that these Miranda class variants (Soyuz
Class) where actually 'built' before the time of the Constellation
and before STII. Behind Scenes; The script called for a new starship
type; Soyuz class but the model makers didn't have enough time to
come up with a new model and so just stuck some 'sensor pods' onto
the existing Miranda.
However these ships do back up the entire "modular design era"
I seemed to observed in the early ST Movies and in canon pre-TMP
text. But they didn't go about it how I would have thought,
and this is mostly due to the fact it wasn't done by the original
Reliant Model Makers. Even so these ships do exist, but the preliminary
cannon suggestions for what components on the ship do are terribly
flawed and totally not thought through so well.
The ship 'appears' to be heaver than a standard Miranda, and
perhaps more power is required to operate ship, possibly slightly
lower top ends and acceleration. I would guess the shields maybe
beefed up a tad. -more- a science or scout ship featured enhanced
weapons and shielding and lacked the science applications of the
Miranda. Externally, the ship had enlarged aft cargo and shuttle
bay sections as well as outboard weapon, deflector and sensor pods.
These ships served primarily as border cutters for perimeter action
and enforcement.
As of 2278, there were only five Soyuz-class ships in service,
including the Bozeman and, presumably, the Soyuz. The last Soyuz-class
ship was taken out of service in 2288, although the lost Bozeman
was recovered, given a 24 century refit and was placed on active
patrols from 2368 until 2373.

Source: TNG ( 2278 ?new and last built? )
(These images came from ?a magazine? There identical views just
scanned from different equipment)
(insert description here)... An advanced variant of the Miranda-class. Featured a third enlarged
aft cargo and shuttle bay section. Equipped with several large outboard
sensor pods.

Source: TNG, USS Bozeman
The following is a list of Miranda Class variants. It shows
their hull numbers, name, model designation, date entering
service, and disposition. The disposition is represented
by the letter codes given below and is followed by the date
of occurrence. |
All makes use the Soyuz standard configuration;
Extended Engineering Hull and Weapon Cannons and Turrets. |
D Destroyed by hostile action or natural
Sc Scrapped
S Disarmed and sold to civil sector
L Lost, whereabouts unknown
R1 Refit from Anton Class to MKI Miranda Class
Nb New Build of the Soyuz Class
RV1 Refit from Miranda Class to MK I Soyuz Variant Class
RV2 Refit of Class
RV3 Refit of Class (24th century)
M Mothballed / Intermediate Service
AS Active Service; still in operational status at time of
T Training-Command vessel |
NCC-1840 |
U.S.S. Soyuz(variant) |
RV1 2272? , RV2 #?, M 2288,
RV3?, AS # |
Class prototype |
NCC-1941 |
U.S.S. Bozeman |
Nb II 2278 , L 2278, RV3 2368,
AS 2371 D 2273 or 2274 |
STII Model with major changes.
Presumed Destroyed 2278
Recovered 2368
- USS Soyuz; not seen.
- USS Bozeman; TNG: "Cause and Effect", Disappeared near the Typhon
Expanse in 2278 where it remained until 2368, trapped for 90 years
in a temporal causality loop; commanded by Captain Bateson (who said
he just left spacedock 3 weeks ago). The TNG era Refit Bozeman was in the armada to intercept the Borg incursion
to Sector 001 in 2372 Mentioned in TNG: All Good Things...";
ST: First Contact. (Involved in task forces in "Star Trek: Generations"
and "Star Trek: First Contact", Mentioned).

Source: TNG, USS Bozeman
Some Sites on the Reliant and the Miranda Class, Including Source
Material for this write-up;
- Avenger / Miranda Class Starship General Plans
- FASA material
http://www.sub-odeon.com/stsstcsmua/federation/anton.html -
FASA material
- FASA material
- Canon Miranda Ship List included. May 14 2004
- Different Bridges
- STII Trivia
"Miranda class starship" at Wikipedia
- "Miranda class" at Memory Alpha
"Miranda class" at LCARScom.Net
"Starship Gallery - Miranda" at Ex Astris Scientia
"Miranda class" at Neutral Zone Starship Database
"Miranda class" by Stephen Pugh
Miranda Class Cruiser and Variants TNG
These are
previously made fan stats.
I'm not sure if I'm going
to base the XON stats on these or not. Its still up in the air.
It looks like all variants of the XON write-up will end up being
MK types rather than separate classes altogether.
Anyhow the following is here for your consumption until I decide
what to do with them.
- kyphur:(4-21-2004) Used standard fasa rules.
A Concept to explain the Soyuz Class and Saratoga Variants of
Old Miranda Class
(original file is an OCR PDF)
- Dan Stack: (Jun 1998) Used standard fasa
rules. (based on Federation Ship Recognition Manual, FASA Corporation,
(original file is text and html)
The Construction Data Table below is not
the standard FASA version but an extended version to make room for
outrages amounts of extra stats that normally would not be required
for FASA's Tactical Starship Combat. The extra stats are more useful
for FASA's Role Playing Starship Combat or just to have them in
general :) Use this table if you wish for your starships, I put
a lot of thought and comparison into it to make sure its universal
with existing Fan DATA Sheets and that its FASA compliant.
Construction Data
(Class) |
Miranda Class Variants (Soyuz and Saratoga) |
Published (Trek
Year) |
Kyphur |
Kyphur |
WuWe |
Kyphur |
Dan Stack |
Kyphur |
Ship Class
(Class Size) |
XI |
XI |
XI |
XV |
Model Numbers (Type)
Miranda MK-III
Soyuz MK-I
Soyuz MK-II
Miranda MK-V |
Miranda MK-VIII
Date Entering Service (Commission
2269 |
2325 |
Number Constructed
5 |
200+ |
Hull Data
Superstructure Points
22-24 |
28 |
Damage Chart
C |
233 Meters |
233 Meters |
233 |
233 Meters |
233 m |
278 Meters |
140 Meters |
140 Meters |
140 |
140 Meters |
140 m |
175 Meters |
64 Meters |
80 Meters |
64 |
80 Meters |
64 m |
66 Meters |
Weight (Displacement)
161643 mt |
169865 mt |
165800 |
209890 mt |
165163 mt |
320055 mt |
Cargo Specs
Cargo Units (Total SCU)
401 SCU |
128 SCU |
100 SCU |
400 SCU |
509 SCU |
Cargo Capacity
20050 mt |
6420 mt |
4980 mt |
20,000 mt |
25470 mt |
Equipment Data
Control Computer Type
M-4 |
M-6 |
M-7A |
M-7 |
M-8 |
standard 6-person
3 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
combat 12-person |
combat 20-person |
emergency 18-person |
emergency 22-person
4 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
cargo large (standard)
14 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
17 |
cargo small |
Complement |
353 |
117 |
336 |
113 |
200 |
381 |
Officers |
71 |
23 |
23 |
76 |
Enlisted |
282 |
93 |
91 |
305 |
Troops |
75 |
225 |
100 |
Light Shuttle |
Standard Shuttle |
4 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
Heavy Shuttle |
Cargo Shuttle |
Medical Shuttle |
Survey Shuttle |
Cloaking Device |
Power to Engage (energize) |
Data |
Laboratories |
13 |
10 |
Brigs |
13 |
14 |
17 |
26 |
Replicators |
9 |
3 |
2 |
11 |
Capability |
Engines and Power Data
Total Power Units Available
56 |
64 |
108 |
68 |
128 |
Warp Engine Type
FWG-2 |
FWG-2 |
FWG-3 |
FAWG-1 |
FWJ-2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Power Units Available
22 |
22 |
38 |
26 |
42 |
Port Engine |
Starboard Engine |
Stress Charts
H/K |
H/K |
D/F |
D/F |
F/H |
Impulse Engine Type
FIF-1 |
FIF-3 |
FIG-2 |
FIF-2 |
FIH-3 |
Power Units Available
12 |
20 |
32 |
16 |
44 |
Movement and Speeds
Movement Point Ratio
4/1 |
4/1 |
5/1 |
4/1 |
8/1 |
Optimum Cruise Speed |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
Maximum Safe Cruising Speed
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
Emergency Speed
9.68 |
9.21 |
9.20 |
9 |
10.06 |
Flank Speed ("fly her apart then!") |
10.42 |
9.91 |
9.91 |
10.83 |
Weapons and Firing Data
Beam Weapon Type
FH-11 |
FH-11 |
FH-11 |
FH-11 |
FH-11 |
6 in 3 banks |
4 in 2 banks |
Firing Arcs
2fp, 2fs |
2a |
1fp, 1fs, 1a |
2 f/p, 2 f/s |
1fp, 1fs, 2a |
Firing Chart
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Maximum Power
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
Damage Modifiers
(1-14) |
(1-14) |
(1-14) |
(1-10) |
(1-14) |
(15-19) |
(15-19) |
(15-19) |
(11-17) |
(15-19) |
(20-24) |
(20-24) |
(20-24) |
(18-24) |
(20-24) |
Beam Weapon Type #2
FMH-3 |
FMH-8 |
FH-3 |
FMH-9 |
2 |
12 in 6 banks of 2 |
Firing Arcs
2f, 1fp, 1fs |
7f in 3banks |
4f/p,4f,4f/s |
6f in 2banks |
Firing Chart
O |
T |
Y |
T |
Maximum Power
14 |
20 |
5 |
25 |
Damage Modifiers
(1-6) |
(1-8) |
(1-10) |
(1-5) |
(7-10) |
(9-14) |
(11-17) |
(6-12) |
(11-14) |
(15-18) |
(18-20) |
(13-18) |
Missile Weapon Type
FP-4 |
FP-4 |
FP-4 |
FP-4 |
FP-9 |
2 |
2 |
Firing Arcs
1f, 1a |
1f, 1a |
1f,1a always |
2f, 2a |
2f/p/s (a)
must declare f/p/s or aft once armed |
2f, 2a |
Firing Chart
S |
S |
S |
S |
R |
Power To Arm
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
28 |
Stock (Count) |
Deflector Shield Type
Shield Point Ratio
1/3 |
1/4 |
1/4 |
1/4 |
1/3 |
Maximum Shield Power
14 |
16 |
20 |
16 |
38 |
Combat Efficiency Ratings
116.5 |
153.5 |
221.2 |
160.04 |
257.8 |
67.8 |
81.2 |
183.6 |
137.4 |
216.4 |
79.0 |
124.6 |
406.1 |
558.0 |
kyphur - History
Miranda Class, Variants
Soyuz and Saratoga, Miranda Class Variants
Soyuz Class Border Cutters
are operated by the Starfleet Border Service which traces its roots
back to the United States Coast Guard. The historic tag "Cutter"
is picked up from the early days of British Revenue Service, which
actually employed cutter-rigged sailing ships. Retaining the Cutter
designation keeps the present day service tied to their long tradition
of coastal security, which is a point of pride for every crewman
who has ever served in the Border Service.
The Soyuz Class has been described as very compact
with lots of power and no frills. With extra shielding and the addition
of Mega-Phaser Cannons, they are not meant for science applications
like the Miranda Class. Basically they are just knotted fists and
they pack a punch.
The elimination of all of the Science & Research
equipment in the primary hull allows for the removal of the "roll
bar" since the weapons can now be mounted directly to the primary
hull. Additional superstructure used to re-enforce the hull left
just enough room for two decks and a cramped bridge.
The Miranda MK-VIII represents the re-unification
of the Miranda and Soyuz Classes as well as the end of a long serving
reliable design. Due to advances in technology and the ability to
build larger ships, Science & Research facilities were added while
retaining the weapons mounts on the primary hull. Additional armor
supplemented the increased shield capacity allowing the MK-VIII
to survive against even larger opponents. The FP-9 Torpedoes and
FMH-9 Mega-Phasers made sure she could stand her ground in a fight.
By the time USS Saratoga and her sister ships were
being deployed, newer designs were covering the duties of the Soyuz
Class, so while combat capable they were relegated primarily to
exploration duties and interior patrol.
The Dominion War marked the end of active duty for
the few surviving Miranda Class vessels. All remaining ships were
re-assigned to Starfleet Academy as Trainers.

Soyuz Class
Source: unknown, I doubt the accuracy.

Miranda Class MK-VIII
Saratoga Variant
Source: unknown, I doubt the accuracy.