Compiled and Edited by Mark_XON

Xon Gaming Parts List

Details Where It Counts, FASA Star Trek Starship Miniatures.
Everything You Need
"To Go Where No Man Has Gone Before."
Enhance the excitement of your Star Trek campaign with these highly detailed
1/3900-scale starships from FASA. STAR TREK : The Role - Playing Game space battles come to life. Take command of a Federation Starship, a Klingon
Battle-Cruiser, a Romulan Bird of Prey, or any other ship models and do battle with your
enemies and give your games that added dimension of realism. All ship models are designed for use with the
Starship Combat Games and played on the Hex Grid. (blurb from a combination of a few back panel Starship packages
edited together)
In 1981 (through '85) Ab Mobasher was commissioned by FASA
(Forest brown contacted Ab) to
sculpt the first 22 solid Brass Master Miniatures at 1/3950 Scale
(The USS Enterprise & Klingon D-7 were the first 2 of the 22 to
be sculpted). Ab was paid $500 to $1000 for each Brass Master and
royalty's for each unit sold. FASA provided Ab, C-Sized blue prints of the USS Enterprise and a plastic model with
a 12” diameter
saucer dish for comparison (Ab said:
He traced the plastic dish model). The final brass master (approx. 3
1/2” long) was actually more
detailed than the much larger, injection molded plastic model. The original master (brass
pattern) was meticulously machined out of 12 brass pieces (4 pieces for final
casting). 2-Dimentional industrial
engraving machine (Kohlmann Gm II), magnifier and microscope were used to machine the 3-D
master. Machining started with larger cobalt & carbide end mills and cutters. Single
flute cobalt cutters with tip diameter of .002” (size of human hair) were used to add
final lines, geometrical patterns and created the microscopic details under
microscope and magnifiers. The brass
masterpieces were grouped in sub-assembly sections and were reproduced in 40/60 tin-lead
alloys in vulcanized rubber molds and by spin-casting process. (Ab's
smallest mold was only 3/4" long).
Ab said that: They where
"Licensed and manufactured
by FASA Corp. of
Chicago under licensing agreement with Paramount Picture and are famous for their extreme details and
micro-miniature machining that never before or after since matched." "These miniatures were so detailed that you need to use microscope and
magnifier to really appreciate the workmanship or even find my signature!."(Ab
is almost blind when he made these miniatures, just regaining some
sight during the making of these masters).
Ab had this to say
about the molds: "I understand that there is about 4% shrinkage after each casting. Wish I knew
that before making the miniatures because many of the thin sections had difficulty flowing
in the spin casting molds. In that process, they make a set of second generation originals
and from that, they make casting, therefore more shrinkage." Ab
also said that:
"They usually use an alloy in the ratio of 40%Tin / 60%Lead for best
flow rate and details. FASA says they are made of Lead and not for
children under 10 years old. Since they come unpainted, you
shouldn't handle them that much until your final coating dries. These models require assembly with a fast drying cement or
super-glue. Included is a painting guide with some of the
miniatures. Chris Lynch mastered 1 (Baker) and Randy Hoffa and Steve Apolloni mastered the last 11 of
the 34 FASA released starship miniatures. (Chris Lynch actually had
mastered his first two ships, The Ranger and Brenton classes,
unfortunately they where lost in the mail on the way to FASA by UPS
in the early 1980's).
1983 FASA released 22 miniature Starships ( 1/3900 Scale ). This consisted of
'real' Star Trek ships as seen on TV and in the Movies as well as FASA specific designed Starships as seen
as drawings in their early Manuals and Ship
Recognition Books. The miniatures where made in 1983 by FASA maker Ral Partha.
Due to the popularity of the miniatures, they continued to make them
through 1984-1985.
In 1986 they where produced by Citadel Miniatures (GW: Games Workshop) under license from
the FASA Corporation
(C) The FASA CORP. There where 14 ships (with 16 names) for the U.K. players and collectors using the same Master
Molds, however, Citadels miniatures contain more Tin than previously
made FASA ST Miniatures, which made them Shiner, Better Quality and
Stronger. they also had less parts to assemble, since some parts
where already attached. In 1988 RAFM (of Canada) produced them for the FASA
Corporation, this would be about the third production for FASA's
In 1988 Rawcliffe using the same molds bought from the FASA Corporation, made
the 'SS' (Star Ship) line of 13 solid Pewter miniatures out of them.
The bottom, with the now connected stand was stamped as FASA and
Paramount Pictures Company (PPC) they also had the FASA Line Stock #. Due
to them being all Pewter, they are not ideal for game play because
they bend real easy.
Then in 1991 Rawcliffe and Paramount
again produced only the 'seen on screen' 'RF' line of solid Pewter ships.
The FASA stamp was removed this time around. (In 1992 its thought
that Rawcliffe used the unused FASA [RAFM] molds for the TNG ships that
they where working on a year or so earlier). Sometime in the mid to late 1990's various manufactures made
un authorized Resin
versions of FASA ships. Its unclear if they used the actual FASA molds or
used the finished ships themselves to make new molds.
In 1984 (Origins 1985) FASA Corporation of Chicago received the
famed H. G. Wells Science Fiction Award for these
Star Trek Starship miniatures (Vehicle 1985).
In 1985 (Origins 1986) FASA Starship Miniatures won Best
Vehicular/Accessory Series which was Presented to Ab Mobasher. In 1987
(Origins 1988) FASA Star Trek Miniatures won Best Vehicular or
Accessory Series which was Presented to Randy Hoffa and Steve Apolloni.

The First 22 Starships.

5 Additional Starships.
(Be sure to read my painting guide
page as well for help on the colors)
FASA Starship Miniatures ( 1/3900 Scale ) (To figure out how long a 1/3900 scale ship is in
Inches, take the
stated meter dimensions and move the decimal two places to the left. So a 685 meter long
ship equals 6.85 inches long as a miniature.)
- 2501 USS Enterprise (Refit, TMP)
- 2502 USS Reliant Cruiser (STII)
- 2503 Klingon D-7 Battlecruiser (TMP or TOS Version?)/ Romulan Stormbird
(2 inches)
- 2504 Romulan Bird of Prey Cruiser (TOS)
- 2505 USS Enterprise (TOS)
- 2506 Regula 1 Space Laboratory (STII) / Defense Outpost (3
- 2507 USS Larson Destroyer
- 2508 Klingon D-10 Cruiser ISBN 0-425-066
- 2509 Klingon D-18 Destroyer
- 2510 Klingon K-23 Escort
- 2511 Gorn MA-12 Cruiser
- 2512 Orion Lightning Blockade Runner
- 2513 Klingon L-9 Frigate ISBN 0-425-06642-7
- 2514 USS Loknar Frigate
- 2515 Romulan Winged Defender Cruiser (V-31) ISBN
- 2516 USS Chandley Frigate ISBN 0-425-06641-X
- 2517 USS Excelsior Battleship (STIII) 5 inchs long ISBN 0-425-06642-8
- 2518 Klingon L-42 Bird of Prey (STIII) ISBN
- 2519 USS Grissom (Research Vessel, STIII) ISBN
- 2520 Deep Space Freighter (STIII)
- 2521 Romulan Graceful Flyer ISBN 0-425-06646-0
- 2522 Orion Wanderer Blockade Runner ISBN 0-425-06647-9
- 2523 Kobayashi Maru Freighter
- 2524 Romulan Gallant Wing Cruiser
- 2525 Gorn BH-2 Battleship
- 2526 USS Baker Destroyer
- 2527 Romulan Z-1 Nova Battleship
- 2528 Romulan Bright One Destroyer
- 2529 Klingon L-24 Battleship
- 2530 Klingon D-2 Missile Destroyer
- 2531 Romulan Whitewind Cruiser
- 2532 USS Northampton
- 2533 USS Remora
- 2534 USS Andor
- 2599 Starship Stands (4) Blue (Federation)
- 2599 Starship Stands (4) Red (Klingon)
- 2599 Starship Stands (4) Purple (Romulan)
- 2599 Starship Stands (4) Green (Gorn)
- 2599 Starship Stands (4) Smoke (Orion)
Game Rule Notes: When using these mold
injected starships on the actual map hex field it makes it difficult
to actually allow the ships to position themselves in close
proximity to each other and automatically limits some of the rules
of play. The 1/3900 Scale starships are just too big physically to
fit into one hex and players tend to omit the option to maneuver
closer to a ship. A way around this is to use the cardboard counters
only when the option to "close in" is used.
The Enlarged Stand Holes:
On the USS Excelsior model (and several others) the mounting hole in
the ship is larger than the small post of the stand. FASA had to
enlarged the hole to correct an earlier problem of the small post on
the stand breaking off. To make your Excelsior fit better, you can
carefully snap off the upper small post of the stand by pressing it
against a hard surface until it breaks off or by cutting it with a
hobby knife. The hobby knife is the better method. Also it's
recommended that you super-glue the stand into the ship permanently.
This will prevent the opening in the ship from enlarging with use
and therefore making the fit to become loose over time.
Official Hull Colors:
The following is a list of the official hull colors
by race.
Federation: Off-white or a very light blue-gray
(Equine Gray)
Klingon: Silver-grey or light steel
Platinum or light gray-gold
Gorn: Light metallic green
Take your pick. Any colors will be correct.
Here's some pictures of various packaging FASA used for their Miniatures:
Note: That the early 1983 TOS and STII blister packages, normally came
with a color coded stand for use with the hex map sheets that come with
the Starship Combat Games, (or purchased separately). They latter
abandoned that idea and sold the color stands separately.
Note2: The
1984 releases had ISBN numbers assigned to them due to the printed
ships stats and description.
1983 | 1983

1985 | 1988
| 1988

Citadel FASA Starships

STAR TREK Miniatures where produced (1986) in the U.K. under license from the FASA Corporation
- ST01 New USS Enterprise (TMP)
- ST02 U.S.S. Reliant Cruiser (STII)
- ST03 Klingon D-7 (Battlecruiser) (TMP)
- ST04 Romulan K-22 (Bird of Prey) Scout
- ST04 Romulan Bird Of Prey x2 (TOS)
- ST05 Old Enterprise (TOS)
- ST09 Klingon D18 (Destroyer)
- ST15 Romulan Winged Defender (Cruiser)
- ST16 USS Chandley (Frigate)
- ST17 U.S.S. Excelsior (Battleship STIII)
- ST18 Klingon L42 Bird Of Prey (STIII)
- ST19 USS Grimsom (Research Vessel, STII)
- ST20 Space Freighter (STIII)
- ST21 Romulan Scout (2)
- ST21 Romulan Graceful Flyer x2
- ST22 Orion Smuggler x2
Here's some pictures of packaging Citadel used for there Miniatures:
Note: Citadel was more generous when releasing their ships; Some of these Citadel
Blisters include two Ships per package and Clear White plastic movement stands.
Its currently unclear to me if the printed names of the ships on the
packaging, some in white, some in yellow, have any significance.

Rawcliffe FASA Starships

Made of one solid piece of pewter, including hex stand. Not Ideal for game play, they bend
real easy.
Rawcliffe went on to produce many more miniatures without a hex
stand, I didn't cover those here as they are beyond the scope of
FASA products.
(1988 FASA) SS 2501 Enterprise (New Style) SS 2502 Reliant SS 2503 Klingon D-7 SS 2505 Enterprise
(Old Style) SS 2506 Regula I Space Lab (3") SS 2508 Klingon D-10
SS 2510 Klingon K-23 SS 2513 Klingon L-9 SS 2516 Chandley
SS 2517 Excelsior (STIII) SS 2518 Klingon L-42 SS 2519 Grissom
SS 2529 Klingon L-24
(1992 Paramount)
RF 794 Galaxy Class (by Mark Eliot Schwabe) (3 3/4")
RF 795 Romulan Warbird
(1993 Paramount)
RF 796 Ferengi Marauder (by Mark Eliot Schwabe) (3 3/4")

 All the
FASA Ships done by Rawcliffe (bronze
coating applied) 1988, 1991, 1992 and 1993

FASA 25mm Figures Single Figure Packs (1/4" Round Base
at approximately 1" tall)
Voyage to strange, new worlds. Venture to ancient alien civilizations. Boldly face the
challenges of the unknown. All this, and more, is now possible.
STAR TREK: The Role-Playing Game is game experience of the
future ... about the future. It is a sophisticated game of strategy and interaction, whose
only limits are those of your own imagination.
Assume the identity of James T. Kirk, Science Officer Spock, or other members of the
TREK saga, and lead your character through one adventure after another. Face
new challenges, unknown dangers, and life-and-death situations which will require every
ounce of your cunning and intellect.
(blurb from the back of a STII 25mm Miniature package)
The new (1983) STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Kahn
miniatures series is the first line of figures specially designed
for use with STAR TREK: The Role Playing Game. Each of these
accurately crafted, highly detailed figures will make a welcome
addition to any adventure.
All of your favorite movie characters have been faithfully reproduced for
your gaming pleasure. Collect the entire series.
Unlike the Starship Miniatures, FASA didn't produce more than one
run of these Figures. Nor did they license them out.
- 2601 STII Captian Kirk (w/phaser)
- 2602 STII Mr. Spock (w/tricorder)
- 2603 STII Dr. McCoy
- 2604 STII Lt. Saavik
- 2605 STII Scotty
- 2606 STII Uhura
- 2607 STII Sulu
- 2608 STII Chekov
- 2609 STII Khan (normal)
- 2610 STII David Marcus
- 2611 STII Joachim
- 2612 STII Dr. Carol Marcus
- 2613 STII Captain Terrell
- 2614 STII Khan (dessert gear) ISBN 0-425-06901-X
- 2615 Klingon Officer with Agonizer ISBN 0-425-06902-8
- 2616 Klingon with Disruptor Rifle
- 2617 Klingon with Disruptor Pistol
Here's some pictures of various packaging FASA used for their Miniatures

Painting Guides:
Some figure miniatures eventually did come with a painting guide,
placed on the back panel of the packaging.
are 25mm scale (Made of High Quality White Metal Alloy) by Scott
The Ships are by Ab Mobasher.
(Some of the "Crew" in each set where different sculptures than
those sold separately, as listed above).
The Official STAR TREK COLLECTION miniatures have also been
designed for use with STAR TREK: The Role Playing Game -- the game
of strategy, interaction, and decision making in the final frontier.
- 3001 The USS Enterprise and Crew (1983) ISBN: 0-425-06944-3
- 3002 The USS Reliant and Khan's Crew (1983) ISBN:
- 3003 Space Laboratory Regula One and Staff (1983) ISBN:
- 3004 Klingon Battle Cruiser D-7 and Crew (1983) ISBN: 0-425-06947-8
The idea of these particular lists is to help sort out the relevance of
TRPG revision info of the
books. since FASA indicated the latter printings and material are the
correct information when certain areas of the RPG are redone, such
as history, world information and corrected rules etc...
Any help with this list would be much appreciated - Its
difficult to align these correctly.
LIST 1: This list is by Year, then
by Printing/Release Order. This list
currently has some inaccuracy's, although it provides the overall order it does not
provide order for some releases within each year. This type of list is good
for narrowing down revisions and reprints.
0-425-06671-1 Jan/Feb 1983 ::
Star Trek The Role Playing Game (First Edition) 0-425066-73-8 Mar 7 1983 ::
2101 U.S.S. Enterprise Deck
Plans 0-931787-40-8 Mar 7 1983 :: 2102 Klingon D-7 Class Battle
Cruiser Deck Plans 0-425-06954-6 Mar 14 :: 2203 Trader Captains and Merchant
Princes (First Edition) 0-425-06954-0 Jul :: 2002
The Klingons Box Set (First
Edition) 0-425-06953-2 Jul :: 2205 Denial of Destiny 0-425-06671-1
July 1983 :: 2001
Star Trek The Role Playing Game (First Edition w/back of box is
colored) 0-931787-12-2 Sept ::
2202 Witness for the Defense 0-425-06949-4
:: 2201 The Vanished 0-425-06952-4
:: 2204 Ship Construction Manual (First
Edition) XXXXXXXXXXXX :: 2003 Star Trek II Starship Combat
Simulator 0-425-06955-9 :: 2302 Ship Recognition Manual:
The Federation (First Edition) 0-425-06955-9 ::
2301 Ship Recognition Manual: The
Klingon Empire (First Edition) 0-425-06959-1 ::
2801 Starship Combat Hex Grid 0-425-06974-3 ::
2802 Game Master's Screen
'84 0-931787-04-1 Jan 1984(Jun 1985)(nov/dec84)
:: 2004 Star Trek, The Role Playing
Game: Basic Game (Second Edition) 0-425-06672-X Jun :: Star Trek:
RPG Basic Rule Book (First Edition) 0-425-06978-8 Jun
:: 2006 Star Trek III Starship
Combat Game 0-931787-19-X Jan :: 2209
Margin of Profit 0-931787-16-5 :: 2206
Termination: 1456 0-425-06968-0 2207 Demand of Honor
0-425-06954-0 2002 The Klingons 0-931787-19-X 2209 Margin of Profit
0-931787-18-1 2208 The Orion Ruse 0-931787-05-X 2205 The Romulans
0-425-06979-6 :: 2214 Star Trek III Sourcebook
Update (older w/o red stripe) 0-931787-24-6 :: 2214
Star Trek III: Sourcebook
Update (w/red stripe) 0-931787-18-1 :: 2208 Orion Ruse
0-931787-05-X :: 2005 The Romulans
(In a Folder) 0-425-06968-0
:: 2207 Demand of Honor
0-931787-83-1 :: 2803
Sensors Interactive Display
'85 0-931787-25-4 Jan :: 2215
The Triangle Campaign 0-931787-41-6 Jun
:: 2301 Klingon Ship Recognition
Manual (Second Edition) 0-931787-01-7 Aug :: 2001D Star Trek, The Role Playing Game: Deluxe Edition
(Limited?) 0-425-06978-8 Aug ::
2006 Star Trek III Starship
Combat Role Playing Game 0-931787-42-4 Oct :: 2302
Federation Ship Recognition
Manual (Second Edition) 0-931787-21-1 Nov :: 2211
A Matter of Priorities 0-931787-14-9 Nov :: 2204
Ship Construction Manual
(Second Edition) 0-931787-03-3 Dec(Mar15)(Feb86) :: 2216
Graduation Exercise 0-931787-43-2
:: 2303 Romulan Ship Recognition
Manual 0-931787-20-3 :: 2210 The Outcasts 0-931787-76-9
:: 2217 Where Has All the Glory
Gone? 0-931787-07-6 :: 2007 The Triangle
'86 0-931787-22-4 Mar :: 2212 A Doomsday Like Any Other
0-931787-29-7 Apr(Jan30) :: 2219
Decision at Midnight
0-931787-23-8 Feb :: 2213 The Mines of Selka
0-931787-79-3 Feb 2218 Return to Axanar 0-931787-80-7 Feb 2218A The Four Years War 1-55560-002-6 Jun ::
2224 Star Trek IV: The Voyage
Home Sourcebook Update 0-931787-05-X Sept :: 2005 The Romulans (re-release) 0-931787-48-3 Sept ::
2222 Conflict of Interest -
Klingon Intelligence Briefing (2222A) 0-931787-30-0 Sept ::
2011 The Federation 0-931787-01-7
:: 2001 Star Trek, The Role Playing
Game: Deluxe Game (Second Edition)
1-55560-009-3 Sept(Oct85) :: 2003 Star Trek Starship Tactical
Combat Simulator 0-931787-47-5 :: 2221
Old Soldiers Never Die - The
Romulan War (2221A) 0-931787-46-7 :: 2220
An Imbalance of Power 0-931787-78-5
:: 2218 Return to Axanar - The Four
Years War (2218A) 1-55560-001-8 :: 2223
The Dixie Gambit 0-931787-22-4 /
:: 2212 A Doomsday Like Any Other
0-931787-08-4 spring96 :: 2008
The Orions
'87 0-931787-13-0 Jan/Feb :: 2203 Trader Captains and
Merchant Princes (Second Edition) 0-931787-02-5 Jun
:: 2002 The Klingons (Second
Edition) 0-931787-39-4 Jun :: 2014 Star Fleet Intelligence
Manual 0-931787-43-2 Jun :: 2303 Romulan Ship Recognition
Manual (re-release) 1-55560-003-4 Jan :: 2226
The Strider Incident - Regula 1
Deckplans (2226A) 1-55560-002-6 :: 2226
The Strider Incident - Regula 1
Deckplans (2226A) (same ISBN as ST4 Sourcebook)
:: 2008 The Orions
'88 1-55560-066-2
Mar/Apr :: 2225 The White Flame Starship Combat Scenario Pak
1-55560-079-4 Sept :: 2012 Star Trek: The Next
Generation Officer's Manual
'89 0-931787-38-6 Mar ::
2227 Star Trek: The Next
Generation First Year Sourcebook
Other ISBN's / Known or Unknown
0-934787-42-4 ??
0-931787-06-08 ::
2006 Star Trek Starship Combat
Role Playing Game (same ISBN? as 1ED Starship Combat Game)
0-930787-07-5 xxx :: 2007 The Triangle??
How to help align the product release order:
Books are typically printed in the previous quarter from when they
are released. Say
if they where printed in the 4th quarter of the year, they are normally copyrighted with
the following year date. So if a book is released in the 1st quarter the book may have
been printed in the previous years 4th quarter. But this isn't always the case.
Publication Date: This date would only show when the book was released. But it doesn't
necessarily mean the book was printed before another book that may have been released
latter, but in most cases this is true.
ISBN: These numbers usually can show the overall printing order of the products, but due
to delays the ISBN number may have been obtained prior to the book being complete. Most
ISBN searches don't have all the books listed and tend to show either a false release date
or the last release date. So there not so reliable.
FASA Price: The last segment of the ISBN has the price of the
book such as FASA1000 for $10. If you examine the initial release
price and compare it with a later printing you may find the FASA
price has risen indicating a new printing of the book.
In Book Text: Some of the books have text indicating a following product will be
released after another. This is helpful information.
Catalogs/Order Forms: These are of importance to tracking printing order as well. But
become less important the further the years progress and don't always show when a book was
Reprinting: Some of the books where reprinted and re-released, sometimes with some
errors corrected or text added, in a few cases this has happened such as with the Starship
Combat Games like the STCS which seen at least two different versions without any indication
or warning on the books that they have been revised. At least one known section of the STCS
had text removed in latter prints, presumably by mistake.
Mag Reviews: Usually there the same month as when the book was published, perhaps a
month after.
FASA Printing Schedule: The Best source, but this probably isn't available.
LIST 2: This list is by Year, then by
FAS#. This list partially provides the overall order, it does not
provide order within each year at all. This type of list is good for a quick
run down, it won't show you reprints.
'83 2001 Star Trek The Role
Playing Game 1e (Box Set) [released the first month]
2004 Basic Game Box Set 2e (3 Book,
Box Set) [released somewhere after 6 to 11 months into the year]
2101 U.S.S. Enterprise Deck Plans
Klingon D7 Deck Plans
2002 The Klingons 1e
2201 The
2202 Witness for the Defense
2203 Trader
Captains and Merchant Princes 1e
2204 Ship Construction
Manual 1e
2205 Denial of Destiny
2301 Klingon Ship
Recognition Manual 1e
2302 Federation Ship Recognition Manual
'84 2005 The Romulans
2006 Star Trek III Starship Combat Game
2206 Termination: 1456
2207 Demand of Honor
Orion Ruse
2209 Margin of Profit
2214 Star Trek III
Sourcebook Update
'85 2007 The Triangle
2204 Ship Construction Manual 2e
2210 The Outcasts
2211 A Matter of Priorities
2215 The Triangle Campaign
2216 Graduation Exercise
2217 Where Has All the Glory
2301 Klingon Ship Recognition Manual (Second Edition)
2302 Federation Ship Recognition Manual (Second Edition)
2303 Romulan Ship Recognition Manual
'86 2003 Starship Tactical
Combat Simulator
2011 The Federation
2212 A Doomsday
Like Any Other
2213 The Mines of Selka
2218 Return to
Axanar 2218A The Four Years War
2219 Decision at Midnight
2220 An Imbalance of Power
2221 Old Soldiers Never Die
2221A The Romulan War
2222 Conflict of Interests 2222A
Klingon Intelligence Briefing
2223 The Dixie Gambit
2224 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Sourcebook Update
2002 The Klingons (Second Edition)
2008 The Orions
2014 Star Fleet Intelligence Manual
2203 Trader Captains and
Merchant Princes 2e
2226 The Strider Incident 2226A Regula
I Deck Plans
'88 2012 Star Trek: The Next
Generation Officer's Manual
2225 The White Flame (STCS
'89 2227 Star Trek: The Next
Generation First Year Sourcebook
Here's a list of material mentioned by FASA (or other), either in a Mail Order Form, A
Catalog, Advertisement or in one of the rulebooks. Some of this material was scrapped,
abandoned or wasn't approved by Paramount. This list now also includes 'articles'
that where made but never seen print or public publication due to
one reason or the other.
(If I'm missing anything, please let me know.)
2003 Star Trek Starship Combat Game
- This was listed with the old STIIISCRPG game description, but
pictured as above. Remember that FASA didn't use the new FASA logo
until sometime in the last quarter of 1985. Listed on a FASA April 1985 order form with an ISBN# = to
the current STSTCS. This looks like a fluke in their order form
because fasa was still selling there STIIISCRPG game, and its not
listed again until several order forms/catalogs later. Listed in the FASA Fall 1986
catalog with cover art and title on cover with an ISBN#
0-931787-06-8. This ISBN is just recycled from FASA product 2006
STIIISCG and STIIISCRPG and was later changed once FASA changed the
title of the game too STSTCS.
2003 and 2003A Star Trek Starship Combat Game and
Combat Rulebook - FASA uses the same generic title for the STCS on
all these forms, So this is the STCS game and its Rulebook sold
separately since the time of the catalogs and forms where of 1987/1988/1989.
Listed as Star Trek Combat Game on FASA order form March 1987.
Listed as
separate releases on FASA order form 8802 with prices effective January 1 1988.
Also Listed as separate releases on FASA order form 8901 with prices effective January 1 1989.
Just FAS2003 Star Trek Starship
Combat Game was also listed on order form 8910. Again just FAS2003 Star Trek Starship
Combat Game was also listed on the order form for 89-90 with an ISBN# = to
the current STSTCS. Again this is the STCS.
Star Fleet Ground Forces Manual
- A rules supplement providing all the background information needed to generate
ground-based military personnel and shipboard marines. A system for creating these
character types is included for all major races, along with descriptions of their military
organization and listings of the major pieces of equipment used. Players will also be able
to add to the background of the STAR TREK universe using the complete and concise history
of the ground forces of the UFP also provided in the manual. This book is a must for the
well-rounded STAR TREK enthusiast. Listed on a FASA April 1985 order
form with availability for Jun 1985. Listed in the FASA spring 1986 catalog and spring
1987 catalog, cover art was provided. Listed in order forms and flyers circa 1987 or 1988
simply titled as 'Ground Forces Manual.' as "upcoming" (with no FASA#).
Mentioned in the G.M. V1N9 magazine May 1989 as 'Star Fleet Ground Forces Manual' Listed
as "Watch out for...look out for..." Listed in Space Gamer /
Fantasy Gamer #84 Dec 1988 as "scheduled to be released soon" with a
title of 'Star Trek Ground Forces Manual.' Listed on the FASA 1989-90 order form as
'Star Fleet Ground Forces Manual' ISBN: 0-931787-09-2 Copyright:
Operation Armageddon 1: The Klingon
Theater - (Wargame Simulator) Operation Armageddon is the name of Star Fleet
Command's Staff College wargame exercise, which all officers must take prior to
graduation. This game has finally been declassified. This is more than just a game, it was
several games in one. The first operation is titled The Klingons Cross The Line, and deals
with an invasion of Federation space by the Klingon Empire. The second operation, titled
Road to the Stars, deals with a Romulan incursion into Federation space. The third
operation, titled The Enemies Entangled, deals with an outbreak of war between the
Romulans and Klingons. In all three games, players assume command of one of the major
powers and attempt to fill the victory conditions for each scenario. Of course, for those
who wish to tackle the big one, there is Operation Armageddon, in which all the powers go
to war with each other at once. Too be included in the game was an easy-to-read rulebook,
over 2,000 playing pieces, dice, and maps of the entire Star Trek universe, measuring
78" x 66". That's over 35 square feet of playing area-- truly a monster game.
'Supposedly designed by Bob Marinan.' Listed on a FASA March 1985 order
form as "2008 Operation Armageddon: Federation and Klingons" with
availability for 1st quarter of 1985. Listed on a FASA April 1985 order
form with availability for Aug 1985. May have been listed in the circa
Fall 1986 catalog. Listed as "Operation Armageddon" in
the spring 1987 catalog with cover art and title on cover. Was due out summer of '87 ISBN:
Struggle For The Throne - The
Klingon Emperor is dying and the Struggle For The Throne has already begun between the
powerful Thought-Admirals. Each Admiral uses bribery, assassination, spies, threats, space
battles, and even deals to gain power while the Emperor still lives. Klingon diplomacy is
intense, for when the Emperor is no longer around, it will be open war among the Admirals
vying for the throne. In this easy-to-play game from FASA, each player assumes the head of one of the Klingon
Empire's powerful families trying to take the throne. To win, players must interact with
other players, making deals, bribing other players, and attempting to influence the
Emperor. The game includes the rulebook, playing cards, playing pieces, a colorful map,
and dice. For 2 to 6 devious players. Listed in the FASA spring 1987 catalog. Was due
out summer of '87 This title ultimately was used on Fasa's micro-game of the same
title.(unrelated to the RPG) ISBN: 0-931787-45-9
Star Fleet Marines -
"The Star Trek Boardgame Of Ground Combat" This is a boardgame of tactical ground
combat set in the Star Trek universe. Players simulate battles between the Marines of Star
Fleet and the Klingon Imperial Marines. Each game contains basic and optional rules,
full-color mapsheets, and playing pieces representing the various units of the opposing
forces, including tanks and armored personnel carriers. This platoon/company level
tactical game is a must for the burgeoning generals of Star Fleet or the Klingon Empire.
Listed in the FASA Fall 1986 catalog with cover art and title on
cover. Listed
in the FASA Spring 1987 catalog. ISBN: 1-55560-010-7
2103 USS Reliant 7.5mm Deck Plans - These deck plans show every
interior detail of the USS Reliant, the ship featured in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
All plans are drawn at a scale of 1 inch = 6 meters. Full space station plan descriptions
and explanations are also included. Listed in FASA's Catalog 2 - 1983. With a
availability date of September 1983.
2103 ST:TNG USS Enterprise Blueprints - Official blueprints of
the Starship Enterprise from the hit television show STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. These
blueprints show every deck (The plans show the layout of all _forty-two_
decks) of the Enterprise from stem to stern. Including: The Bridge,
The Captains Quarters, The Holodeck, The Transporter Rooms, Engineering, The Shuttlecraft
Bay, The Conference Room, Sickbay. FASA sent them off to the Paramount
legal department for their O.K. on everything; they could be out
within two months. These plans where actually completed by
Whitefire back in approximately 1989 ("it took 2 1/2years before they
where ready to be inked") but FASA never got around to printing
them before they lost there licenses. Listed on FASA Mail Order Form
(8910) with prices effective October 1, 1989 and in the FASA 1989-1990 catalog. Listed in Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer #88
March/April 1990 as "soon to be released" titled: Star Trek: The
Next Generation - Galaxy Class Blueprints.
information I found on the web about canceled books indicates a title of: USS
ENTERPRISE BLUEPRINTS with an ISBN: 1-555601-14-6
Original Plans Are Available:
For those of you who would like to obtain printed copies of his
full size sheets, Ed agreed to sell custom drawing tubes
which will feature a free full size copy of his plans. These plans
consist of 13 sheets B&W, 22x34 inches in size. There is a purchase price
Ed's drawing tubes (2010: $35 including shipping and handling) and
may be ordered by contacting Ed Whitefire on the web via e-mail (Check the
Links page to find him!). (Ed "disappeared" for a little while
pre-2010 but as of December 17,
2010 Ed said he's back online and selling these prints again.) In
2018 Ed has updated his plans, in design and added color and is
selling those as well.
2104 "Space Lab Regula One 7.5mm Deckplans" - The plans of the Star Trek II space station. These where
actually made and released but they are provided as the second book of FASA product #2226 Listed in ? possibly for 1983.
2211 Military Forces Manual - Most likely this title was
dropped for the Star Fleet Ground Forces title show above.
Listed on a FASA July 1984 order form with prices effective for July
1 1984.
2224 Scavenger's Run - Listed on a FASA
April 1985 order form with availability for Jul 1985. ISBN:
1-55560-002-06 See 2227 Below.
2225 Parish by the Sword/Galaxy Exploration Command - 2 book set.
(adventure/sourcebook combo) Listed in the FASA spring 1987 catalog with a release
date of February. ISBN:1-55560-007-7
2227 Scavenger's Run / Existence Zone - 2 book
set. (adventure/sourcebook combo) Listed in the FASA spring 1987 catalog with a release
date of March. ISBN:1-55560-004-2
2228 Hostile Bivouac / Civilians - 2 book set. (adventure/sourcebook
combo) Listed in the FASA spring 1987 catalog with a release date of April.
2228 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - It was the mission of the USS
Enterprise to go where no man had gone before. Star Trek: The Final Frontier takes the
reader there too! It is filled with information from all five motion pictures. This is a
complete sourcebook for all enthusiasts, fans, and players of the popular role playing
game. Listed on a 1990 Mail Order Form and Listed in the FASA spring 1991 catalog. Listed in Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer #88
March/April 1990 as "soon to be released" titled: Star Trek Final
Frontier - Sourcebook.
Also information I found on the web about canceled books indicates a title of: STAR
TREK: THE FINAL FRONTIER with an ISBN: 1-555600-23-9 Its rumored that
this book was one of the final 3 products finished and sent to
2229 Operation Buchman/Adventure - 2 book set. Listed in the FASA
spring 1987 catalog. ISBN:1-55560-005-0
2229 Star Trek: The Next Generation - 2nd and 3rd Year Sourcebook - no
description given. Listed in ? Also information I found on the web about canceled
books indicates a title of: STAR TREK: 2ND 3RD YEAR SOURCEBOOK with an ISBN:
1-555600-25-5 Its rumored that this book was one of the final 3
products finished and sent to Paramount. Listed as general terms
in Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer #84 Dec 1988 as "be on the lookout
for more The Next Generation products"
2304 Ship Recognition Manual - The Romulan Confederation (First Edition)
- This 32-page, full-color supplement contains the game stats, combat charts, and scale
drawings for fourteen different Romulan ships. It features a wide variety of ship designs,
each fully described and beautifully illustrated. Listed in FASA's Catalog
2 - 1983. This manual was released in a 2nd Edition format just as "The
Romulans", FASA product #2303
2304 Ship Recognition Manual - The Gorn and Minor Races - Now
all the major Gorn ships are presented to the public. This edition contains all currently
available information on the Gorn Navy and includes ships from the Orion Colonies,
independent manufactures in the Triangle, and other minor races on the fringes of the
Federation. Listed in a FASA March 1985 Orderform with availability 1st
quarter of '85. Listed in the FASA 1985 catalog and spring 1985 catalog. ISBN#
0-931787-44-0 Also information I found on the web about canceled books indicates a
title of: GORN:SHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL with an ISBN: 0-809200-43-3
------- Ship Recognition Manuals: Listed as
"planned," 'Four New Ship Recognition Manuals' in Space Gamer #73
March/April 1985
2304 Ship Recognition Manual: Gorn - Listed as "upcoming" in
FASA order forms and flyers circa 1987 or 1988; Listed on FASA Mail Order Form (8802)
with prices effective January 1, 1988. Availability was June/July
2305 Ship Recognition Manual: Orion - Listed as "upcoming" in
FASA order forms and flyers circa 1987 or 1988. Listed on FASA Mail Order Form (8802)
with prices effective January 1, 1988. Availability was 3rd quarter.
2306 Ship Recognition Manual: Yachts - Listed as "upcoming" in
FASA order forms and flyers circa 1987 or 1988. Listed on FASA Mail Order Form (8802)
with prices effective January 1, 1988. Availability was Mar/Apr Also information I found
on the web about canceled books indicates a title of: YACHTS: SHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL
with an ISBN: 0-809200-64-6
------- A Chance For Peace - A complete adventure - At long last, the
Gorn have agreed (reluctantly) to sit down at the conference tables with Federation
diplomats to discuss a lasting peace. The Klingon Empire, uneasy with the possibility of
Gorn/Federation cooperation, will attempt to sabotage the negotiations at any cost.
as "New Adventures coming this year" in FASA's Catalog 1 - 1983; Listed as
"Coming Attractions" in FASA's Catalog 2 - 1983 The title may have been changed
to the released adventure; Demand Of Honor.
------- Forward Into The Past - A complete adventure - A culture that
is an analog model of Earth's own Medieval period is discovered, and unique landing party
is dispatched to mingle with the native culture and study it for a report to the
Federation. The survey team is composed of medievalists enthusiasts from the
starship's crew, who have made a hobby of studying and recreating Earth's medieval
culture. But how will they handle real dragons, and what appears to be real magic, as they
travel through this epic Quest. Listed as "New Adventures coming this year"
in FASA's Catalog 1 - 1983; Listed as "Coming Attractions" in FASA's
Catalog 2 - 1983
------- Spores Of Hatred - A complete adventure - The society of Ekos
is being reshaped into a humane, productive civilization by the new government (once the
underground), but there still a hard-core Nazi underground with a hidden nuclear device
that only the Federation can find. Listed as "New Adventures coming this
year" in FASA's Catalog 1 - 1983; Listed as "Coming Attractions" in FASA's
Catalog 2 - 1983
------- Enemy Contact: Bridge Alert - (never made) This may have
been the "Command and Control" Rules intended to be made as a
separate product,
or perhaps as a slightly different spin on said rules. Here's the lengthy description: This role-play supplement was designed to accompany these rules, giving a full system for
role-playing starship combat. It takes a completely different approach to starship combat
than the Starship Combat Game(STIII) described above. Like other role-playing situations,
this system does not use counters, mapboard, or panels; instead, it helps the gamemaster
describe the starship combat, concentrating on the characters' skills and telling a story. In this system, the player characters behave as they did in the TV show. They
maneuver the ship, arm and fire the weapons, raise and lower the shields, use sensors and
communications, and react just as they would do on the bridge of the Enterprise. They
choose the maneuvers that will allow the to close with the enemy or hold him at bay, evade
his fire, or even flank him. They decide how to power the ship, and they choose the
weapons to arm and fire, the shields to power, and the sensors information they want to
get from the enemy. To help them, the players have simulated computer displays giving
starship data, and graphic representations of the sensors displays that show the relative
positions of each ship. The game system helps the gamemaster judge the effects of the players' maneuver
choices, and it gives a detailed system for determining weapon hits, damage location, and
damage effects. The gamemaster then presents these effects to the players as though they
were sensors data. Full information is provided on how the various bridge officers use
their skills, with the effects of each Skill Roll detailed. This supplement allows starship combat to be played like the other parts of a
role-play session - with words. The action takes place in the players' imaginations. Its'
main advantages are that it is very quick to learn, and it does not take long to play.
Like all role-play combat, the action can be fast and furious, the excitement great.
in the Second Edition Rule Book - Game Operations Manual pg41, (1984 or
1985) Fasa product #2001
---- Starship Combat Book - (never made) One can only assume it was to
be some sort of supplement to the STCS since the time of the article was around May of
1989. This was listed in the magazine; G.M. V1N9 May 1989 issue labeled as "Watch
out for...look out for..."
2535 USS Enterprise (Galaxy Class) - A
miniature. RAFM actually made [they had the original mold] the Enterprise-D which separated! and
it was sent to Paramount, But never made it to full production.
Later, perhaps the same mold was used for the one Rawcliffe did in
the early 1990's.
2536 Ferengi Cruiser - A miniature. RAFM
actually made [the had the original mold] the Ferengi Marauder and it was sent to
Paramount. But never made it to full production. Later, perhaps the same mold
was used for the one Rawcliffe did in the early 1990's.
3005 Enterprise and Crew Final Voyage - Box Set;
This was listed on a July 1 1984 order form and on a March 1985 mail
order form.
3006 Klingon Bird Of Prey and Crew - Box Set; This
was listed on a July 1 1984 order form and on a March 1985 mail
order form.
About more Miniature Figures and Ships
- On the various Catalogs and Mail Order Forms there are a bunch of
miniatures that where never made, listed. There was going to be 15mm
figures made, but never where. The very last ship FASA/RAFM wanted, the
Romulan Warbird, they where working out scaling issues. It were
released as completed a few years later by another company after FASA
lost its Star Trek licenses.
The Captain's Log - A monthly Star Trek Gaming Magazine. This
was mentioned in FASA's Catalog 2 - 1983 as a coming attraction. By
1984 the magazine title was changed to Stardate before the first issue
was released.
The Aurelians article - (TAS Alien) will be the 7th official Star Fleet race. This
was mentioned in Stardate magazine #3/4 as coming next issue, authored
by Guy W. McLimore. Unfortunately a different publisher took over
before we got to see this Alien race statted out. Guy was asked about
if he still has the manuscript...but no word from him (as of Jan 2023).
"The Wanderers" (unpublished Stardate
Manuscript) - A FASA ST
adventure called "The Wanderers", that was intended for
publishing in Stardate Magazine #12 - not a bon-a-fide FASA corp adventure.
But written and signed by a FASA
author; Dale L. Kemper. (The author has made this manuscript available in
the summer of 2005, he
sold it on ebay.) It is now downloadable (finally in the year 2022), made available in PDF from the
purchaser, Lee W. The Wanderers & Beta Antarae Sector -
The manuscript Lee received
was a photocopy, so that does explain some of the flaws, like smudge
text on some parts of the photocopy. This was intended for Stardate
#12 according to the notes on the front page, but Stardate ceased
publication and became Stardrive magazine. The Beta Antarae section
was eventually published in Challenge Magazine #38 without the
Wanderers adventure. The printed section was not compared to the
unpublished copy for changes.
Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer #89 - Mentioned in Space Gamer
#88 March/April 1990 that "Star Trek RPG" is coming next issue. I
don't think this next issue (#89) was ever printed.
Project notes that never saw print - On an old web site of Guy W.
McLimore he announced that ".... in the future will appear some of our notes for
projects that never saw print, including the Star Trek adventures produced by Guy and Greg
as RPGA tournaments." - Guy W. McLimore. The author apperantly was looking for
these articles (stated back in before 2010). However in 2022, I have
not yet seen them release them or if they where even found.
Thorns of a Silicon Rose - by Michael Todd. It was made for the FASA
Star Trek game and was to be included in the Challenge #78 magazine, but that issue(#78)
was never published. The author is now looking for this article (2010). He can only assume its
packed away in storage. If he runs across the actual manuscript he'll let us know. Here's
his description: It used the TNG continuity and featured the Enterprise with a few crew members such as
Worf and Riker being mentioned by name. The Enterprise picked up a scientist from one of
the deep space stations, DS7 if memory serves, to deliver her from the planet she had been
doing research on to a starfleet science vessel. This scientist had discovered on this
outer rim planet a silicon-based lifeform, simplistic, unintelligent, it could communicate
in rudimentary terms via emitted light with other members of its species that it existed
in a colony-like relationship with. Well, the sample of this lifeform escapes its
container and finds it way into the Enterprise's computer system where it begins to
replicate. The organism while not intelligent by itself, when working in series with
millions of others like itself it formed a group consciousness that was sentient. The
problem was this scientist couldn't see the bigger picture, since this colony organism
covered most of the surface of this planet, she could only see only small part of it. While the organism spreads through the system various malfunctions occur. I think I had a
list (or maybe a table) or possible malfunctions. I do remember something involving the
holodeck going haywire and a roboting maintenance arm going crazy in the hydroponic
gardens. So eventually the cause of the problem is found and it is discovered that this
lifeform is sentient and first contact has to be made then and there in order to coax the
organism out of the enterprise's systems so it could be returned to its homeworld. Meanwhile, in keeping with TNG's typical dual plotline structure, the scientist would be
renewing a romantic relationship with one of the pcs while all this is going on. I can't
remember what the backstory was on this, if there was much of one. The rather silly title
of the adventure refers to this romance and the fact that the silicon lifeform vaguely
resembled a crystalline flower.
Far & Away Magazine #3 (unpublished) - unknown FASA
Star Trek article(s). Number Three was finished & with
(printed) Pacific Rim but it never came out. I
still have a copy of it (the magazine), though..." -Dale Kemper
Rumored Completed Manuals: There was rumor back in
1990-91 that FASA actually finished 3 or 4 products and sent them to
Paramount for approval before they lost the Star Trek license. 2103 ST:TNG USS Enterprise Blueprints,
2228 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, 2229
Star Trek: The Next Generation - 2nd and 3rd Year Sourcebook,
and the fourth manual is unknown, there may have been only
the three. Today, in the year 2022, only the TNG Blueprints where proven
Final FASA Starship Miniatures: FASA had more miniatures for RAFM to do.
Paramount had gotten the Enterprise-D -- which separated! -- and the Ferengi
Marauder, and they were working out the (scaling issues) of the Romulan Warbird when
the license got pulled. Some years before, today, 2020, its been proven that Ent-D
and Ferengi ships had a mold but just where never produced by FASA,
but Rawcliffe. They also put out the Romulan ship too.
About FASA Trek and Manuscript Materials:
Apparently the mechanics of the FASA star trek game where sold to an
individual (2001) that was apparently going to re-release star trek as
a different game theme, its been at least a decade (2011) since this
was first brought to light, with no new game. Apparently he poses the
unfinished works of the FASA star trek team, but the extent of what the
FASA Star Trek team had completed is unknown. Here's some info from and
about Eric Smith:
- -Eric Smith, Marketing Director for FASA Corporation 4-11-2001
"I have obtained from FASA Corp. the license to the Game Mechanics for the old
ST: Tactical game and the entire line of products associated with ST including the RPG.
While I cannot use the Star Trek name as that and the information contained in are the
property of Paramount. The Game Mechanics are the property of FASA Corp. I plan to
re-launch the system in a space based universe and look forward to doing so in the next
year or so."
- -FASA Marketing Director Joins Lone Wolf Development
March 27, 2001 - Lone Wolf Development announces today that Eric J.
Smith joins the company as Director of Sales and Marketing. Eric has
served as Marketing Director for FASA Corporation over the past year
and previously ran Ariston Productions, a marketing, convention, and
consulting service to the gaming industry for more than a decade.
President Rob Bowes said, "Eric brings a wealth of industry and
business experience that will be pivotal to the continued success of
Army Builder and our introduction of new products in the months to
come." Eric is currently managing the closing of operations at FASA
Corporation and will be working in a part-time capacity for Lone
Wolf Development while that effort completes. Eric will take over
day-to-day duties as Director of Sales and Marketing in April.
- -Eric J. Smith no longer at Lone Wolf Development
Lone Wolf says: We've not been in communication with
Eric Smith for multiple years.
(If you can add details to any of the above
information, please let me know.)
FASA used several methods of packaging their products...
(Many of FASA softcover Manuals are somewhat thin, staple-bound booklets
rather than actual books)
- Box - This consisted of a standard box that would hold multiple playing
pieces, books and pamphlets.
- Envelope Cover (1983)- This was a thin cardboard covering
that wrapped the book. It folded and closed in the back. Protected the
book inside. Usually there was a description of the product on the back
of the packaging that on occasion differed from the info on the back of
the actual rulebook. These where used throughout 1983. The top of the
envelope extended above the book about an inch, used for indexing in the
stores. To identify an envelope from the front cover, there will be a
thick boarder across the top and a very thin border down the right side,
bottom and left side.
Witness For Defense,
Starship Construction Manual 1st Edition,
Trader Captains and Merchant Princes (1stED),
The Vanished (2nd cover),
Denial of Destiny
- Pocket Folder (1983/84?)- This was like the standard folder that opened up to
reveal two pockets on the bottom to hold the book. It didn't protect the book as
effectively as the envelope cover does, but the pocket folder was more practical for
everyday use. On the facing of the pockets there where ads for FASA's Star Trek products.
These where used throughout 1984. The top of the folder extended above the book about an inch, used for indexing in the
stores. To identify a folder from the front cover, there will be a thick boarder across
the top, right side and bottom.
The Klingons (1stED),
The Outcasts,
The Romulans,
Termination: 1456,
Star Trek III Sourcebook,
Vanished (2nd cover),
Demand of Honor,
Denial of Destiny,
Witness For Defense,
Margin Of Profit,
Orion Ruse,
Tricorder/Sensor Display
- Hanger Card Insert (1985?)- This consisted of a thin card that opened up into
two halves with star trek artwork on each half advertising one of the RPG's book and the
RPG in general. The back two halves where white and blank. The artwork is great for
decorating your gaming room or using as a gamemasters screen. The top of the cardboard
extended out and above the book about an inch, used for indexing in the stores. This was
then shrink wrapped. To identify a card insert from the front cover, there will be a thick
light blue boarder across the top showing between the book.
- Plain Cardboard Insert - This was just a thick blank piece of cardboard
laid between a two book set. Then shrinked wrapped.
Includes: The
Romulans (the set with three covers)
Here's what is Missing; Articles, Advertisements, Reviews and Catalogs we are
looking for.
If you can provide us any of these in 300dpi scanned images, I thank
you in advanced!
>>> Missing FASA Star Trek known Articles, Reviews and Advertisements
- Pandora #2 June 1985 (V1N2)
Publisher: Kim Books (Australia printed)

*Review: Star Trek TRPG. by M. Kahni Burrows (pg28)
*Review: Star Trek - The Romulans.
by Brandt Dainow (pg34,35)
- Games News #1 March 1985 (Premiere Issue)
Associates International

*Review: A look at Star Trek
TRPG. by ? (pg 16?)
- Games News #5 July 1985
Associates International

*Review: Margin Of Profit Module. by ? (pg 48?)
- Games News #12 February 1986
Associates International

*Review: The Romulans Supplement. by William A Barton (pg 51,52,55)
- Games Review Volume 2, Issue 4 Jan 1990 (16th issue)
Publisher: Sladen Publications

*Article: 3-D Ship-to-Ship Combat in Star Trek - For Star Trek Tactical Combat Simulator.
by ? (pg ?)
- STARLOG (1982 to aprox 1990)
"Old Starlog Magazines have some ADs for FASA
TREK stuff"
"I've found some ADs already and have scanned them in, the more the better
- STARLOG TNG (up to 1990)
"Old Starlog ST:TNG magazines have some ADs for FASA
TREK stuff"
>>> Missing FASA Catalogs:
If you have a catalog that you wish to share, please scan them in.
- STII SCS Tri-Folded Brochure (a good clean internal scan)
- Catalog 1 - 1984 (cat 1 from '84)
- Catalog - Fall 1985
- Catalog - Fall 1986
- Catalog '87-'88
- Catalog 1990
- Catalog 1991
- Catalog 1992
- Order Forms (anything I don't have)
>>> STAR TREK - Das Rollenspiel WunderWelten Articles:
We need these translated from German to English
If you feel inclined to do so please contact me.
(The article updates where done by author, Alex Berdich. Via e-mail, he said he did not have English versions of this
text, I've since lost contact with him.)
- From the Core Hardcover Book -
The adventure "Distress Call of Kant Alan VII". (A
single page map included)
(July/August 1997) WunderWelten #38
- Article: The Power of the Mind, PSI-Races, Part 1: Betazoids & Vulcans
(pg74-79) by Alex Berdich
(September/October 1997) WunderWelten #39
- The Power of the Mind, PSI-Races, Part 2: Deltans & Bolians (pg 82-86)
by Alex Berdich
(November/December 1997) WunderWelten #40
- Adventure: Cold War, A Star Trek-Adventure playing at stardate 47945.8
(pg 60-65) by Alex Berdich
(July/August 1998) WunderWelten #44
- (The Triangle, Part 1) The Triangle Campaign in the TNG era. (pg 85-87)
by Alex Berdich
(September/October 1998) WunderWelten #45
- (The Triangle, Part 2) The Triangle Campaign in the TNG era. (pg 83-86 )
by Alexander Berdich
Here's a partial list of the poor quality existing scans of various
manuals and magazine articles for FASA Trek. We need volunteers that have the
equipment and time to do re-scans of the products listed below.
Allot of the existing PDF's are usually un-cropped and the details
are fuzzy or broken up. I've seen them with too much compression
as well. The whole Idea is to have the best un-bloated PDF you can
while retaining optimized quality of scans of the original books or
Want to add too this re-scan list? Then send us the name of the
Poor-Quality Manual, Part or Article title.
- currently the list is empty (at 4-29-2024)
Instructions intended to be Optimized for the FASA
Trek books, Pieces and Magazine Articles.
- Scan in pages at 300 dpi (The 1980's
real paper presses printed these books at the same resolution), do them B/W for text and drawings / (Grey-scale if
there are live photos or shading).
- Before saving from the Scanner, You may need to size it as a
standard piece of paper, just supply the size in inches for
Letter Size. (This isn't always necessary as most printer software allows you to print according
to the size of paper used and once your to the PDF maker
software, they usually allow to import the
images and set to 'fit them to page size').
- Set B/W or Grey Scale upon scanning interior pages.
- If you haven't yet, Save as PNG or BMP, (rather than jpeg/jpg
for better quality), (Note: jpegs don't allow B/W).
- If you insist on saving as jpeg, the compression usually defaults to 90%
quality in software, and normally supplies a decent file size. (You only
want to compress a jpeg file once). Set jpeg compression to full
(if there's a drawing on the page set compression to 75% or
around there so the drawing will remain clear.)
Whether you use your scanner software or image software to do fine
adjustments to it. These are some ideas best to deal with the pages.
- Do adjustments to the image with the scanner software first
if possible, like cropping, contrast/brightness and sharpening
primarily. (This will give better quality). If your scanner software
doesn't have such features, dump the scans out as pngs or bmps and use
an image/photo software to touch them up in the same manner.
- You can choose to do a good Crop of the Image, right up
close to the edge of drawings or text if you don't want white
borders, this makes the text display larger, and file size
smaller in the end, best for magazine articles).
- Use contrast increase (lighter) to clean up the page bleed
through which is common with FASA Star Trek pages and especially
magazine articles. (The lighter contrast adjustment removes
background markings/the reverse side of the page showing through
and cleaning that up will reduces file size.)
- In the Image Software; Rotate each page to square up the lines
if needed, this is if the flatbed scanner was not lined up with
the page squarely upon scanning.
- Reduce the amount of colors if possible, text pages usual
only need 2 colors, 8bit Black and White, some may require 8bit
gray scale. (Reducing the colors (or gray scale colors) also
reduces file size. )
- Cover art can be 8-bit color.
- Save/Export each page , filename; numbered.
- Take each page combine them into a PDF file, If your PDF
printer/make has any
features to improve quality and optimize size, try them out.
- View the saved file and zoom in, the letters should be
perfectly formed. If there is small lettering or a drawing, the
lines within them should be visibly separated.
- Use other PDF tools post PDF creation if needed; such as a
compressor or other helpful software.
- If you are intending to improve the quality of a PDF by
exporting the pages as images, try png or bmp and export with at
least 300dpi, even if the pdf pages are of unknown dpi.
- Work with the images in your software to touch up the pages
before importing into a PDF again.
Scanning Hints for
The FASA Trek Hex Sheets:
-The Starfield Hex Grid (1985
version) should be scanned in at one pass, that would require using
a scanner large enough to accommodate the entire numbered hex map
un-folded. Remember this mat is specifically numbered for the game,
for movement and object placement instructions. -The
Starship Combat Hex Grid (1983 version) is preferred
scanned in at one pass as well. This mat is slightly smaller in size
without duplicating the white border.
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