Compiled and Edited by Mark_XON

Xon Gaming Parts List
(1983) 40 pages ISBN: 0-425-06949-4 (Not on product, on the
Players must investigate a Federation Deep Space research Station to discover the cause of
the disappearance of its entire staff and crew.
It started as just a friendly conversation - until suddenly there was no one left to talk
to! The crew of the Federation Deepspace Research Station 39 has disappeared, and the crew
of your Federation Starship must find out why - before they too are among The Vanished.
This booklet contains a complete adventure scenario for Star Trek: The Role
Playing Game, with all the necessary background material. Included are complete deck
plans for FDR 39 and a complete crew roster for use with this adventure and beyond in your
own scenarios'. This gamemaster package can be used with campaigns set aboard the USS
Enterprise or any other Federation vessel.
There are two different covers for this book. One done by O'Connell and one done by
The Deitrick cover is the later release. (shown above)
This is an early cover art, done by
(1983) 40 pages ISBN: 0-931787-12-2
A complete Adventure - Players return to the mining colony on the home planet of the Horta
for a new dose of excitement and adventure.
The crew of the Enterprise returns to Janus VI, scene of their adventure with the
Horta("The Devil in the Dark"), and finds tragedy. A young miner stands accused
of murder and genocide. Will he be convicted by the swift justice of the final frontier,
or can Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. McCoy find evidence of his guilt or innocence to
clear him? And if they do, where is the real killer, and will he strike again - bringing
disaster to the mining colony of Janus VI?
This adventure scenario for Star Trek: The Role Playing Game contains
everything a gamemaster needs to recreate the mystery and excitement of murder on Janus
VI. This booklet is designed for use in campaigns featuring the U.S.S. Enterprise crew,
and includes complete maps and floor plans for the Janus VI pergium processing facility,
which can also be used in later adventures.
(1983) 52 pages ISBN: 0-425-06954-6
These rules will take your Star Trek campaign away from the rigid and regimented world
of Starfleet and into the rough-and-tumble universe of interstellar commerce. Play a
merchant, a rogue, a pirate, or a combination of all three.
This rules supplement provides all the rules and charts needed for the creation of various traders,
privateers, merchants, con-men, and rogues. Introducing non-military personnel as player
characters for the first time. A complete system for trading commodities, playing the
stock market(mini-game), procuring a bank loan, and the economics of running a starship
are all presented in an easy to understand format. Also includes complete details of the Federation

Trader Captains and Merchant Princes |
Spacelanes Magazine |
(1987) ISBN: 0-931787-13-0
From trading Tribbles to outwitting Orions. Enter the world of high finance and low
dealing in the Star Trek universe, and enjoy the freewheeling life of the
independent trader.
This two-book supplement to FASA's Star Trek: The Role Playing Game (Second
edition) includes all the rules and charts needed to create traders, privateers,
merchants, con-men, and rogues. Enabling players to buy private ships, obtain cargoes, and
turn profits no man has turned before. In addition, players and gamemasters will learn the
ins and outs of the Federation economy - from pricing goods to trading commodities on the
UFP stock exchange, and playing the stock market, procuring a bank loan, and maintaining a
- Spacelanes Magazine (80 pages); (The players' book), a copy of the 23rd century
trade magazine Spacelanes, gives an inside look at the ways and means of
merchant life. Contains comments and essays on the ups and downs of the merchant's life,
written by those who live and work in the UFP.
- Trader Captains and Merchant Princes (128 pages); (The gamemaster's
book), provides
details on generation trader characters, and all the necessary information for running
trader adventures. Such as to play and run characters who need to know how to buy and sell
merchandise, rent, lease, buy or steal a starship, find a cargo for hire, buy and sell on
the black market, and many other possibilities.
Start playing the space lanes today in search of adventure and booty!
-Second Edition- NEW and EXPANDED
-EXPANDED Character creation process to permit the creation of
traders and rogues. Allows the gamemaster to insert trader characters
into his Star Fleet campaign, give his Star Fleet characters pay, and
let them buy things or speculate on the stock market. -NEW three
paths for the prospective trader to follow in building his character,
from the prestigious Merchant Academies to climbing the ladder the hard
way - one rung at a time! -EXPANDED Trade and shipping to include
trade companies, selling cargos at many different levels, and even
hauling passengers from one part of the galaxy to another. -NEW
System for aging ships and telling when they will break down, and a
method for fixing the price of anything that can be purchased on the
black market. |
(1983) 56 pages ISBN: 0-425-06952-4
Manufactured by: Patch Press I.n.c. for FASA.
Contains all the information and tables necessary to build
any Starship from the mighty Enterprise to an Orion Blockade Runner.
The ships can be constructed and the player reference panels drawn.
Basic data is included for the Federation, the Klingon, Romulans, Gorn,
and Tholians. Now players can design new Federation ship classes and
gamemaster's new adversaries.
These rules supplement tells you everything you need to know to design, build, and arm
your own starship, as well as information on how to rate them in combat. It contains full
explanations of ship design limitations and all construction costs, procedures, and
schedules. Includes:
Table of Contents:
- Intro
- How to Use this Book
- Travel Times
- Designing for Ship Combat
- Warp Engine Tables
- Turn Stress Charts
- Impulse Engine Tables
- Weapons and Shields
- Weapons Tables
- Firing Tables
- Shields
- Vessel Crew Allocation
- Superstructure Values
- Damage Chart Selection
- Designing Full Player Panels
- Designing in Detail
- Appendix
- Generic Full Player Combat Panels - Helm Display, Communications, Engineering (2pages),
Science, Navigator
Rules Update:
These NEW rules update #2001 Star Trek, the Role
Playing Game (First Edition) Starship Combat. NEW Generic Panels for use with ANY
ship. Also see product 2002 The Klingons Box Set
(First Edition) for NEW rules that update this SCM....
(1985) 80 pages ISBN: 0-931787-14-9
Begin your career as a starship engineer and designer.
Contains all of the information necessary to construct
starships for your Star Trek Role Playing Games. The recently declassified information in
this manual allows the design of state-of-the-art starships of Federation, Klingon,
Romulan, Gorn, or Orion origin. The easy-to-use format combined with the comprehensive
data also provides the information necessary to build any ship active during the last 60
years of Star Trek history/TOS and the classic films, up to Star Trek IV.
The rulebook includes the tables for the various engines, weapons, shields, and
computers that make up starships, essays on the design philosophy of the major races,
detailed information on the cost and availability of the equipment, and a starship combat
efficiency system for
rating your ships in combat. There's Diagrams and background info of warp and impulse drive
The Ship Construction Manual is required reading for all Star Fleet personnel and
potential ship designers from all of the major races.
The -Second Edition- NEW and IMPROVED Construction
-IMPROVED to support the 2003 STCS properly.
-IMPROVED with major redesign of the Tables.
-IMPROVED Restructured and Reformatted Data
-NEW information to make ship construction a logical extension of all the rules and
supplements that have already been printed.
-NEW comparable Combat Efficiency for all Starships.
-IMPROVED by re-sequencing of all information for each race; its all in one location and Tables are in
the same sequence as the Blank Starship Forms.
-NEW to allow creation of ships from 2230 to aprox 2286/87. |
There are three(3) printings of this book:
1st printing with ISBN: 0-931787-14-9 FASA1000
2nd printing with ISBN: 0-931787-14-9 FASA1000
3rd printing with ISBN: 0-931787-14-9 FASA1200
Unfortunately you won't find any indication as far as '1st printing' or '2nd printing'
indicated anywhere in the books. However you can identify the printings with
the following information....
How to Identify your printing:
The 1st printing has five Ship Construction Forms in the back of the
book, while
The 2nd and 3rd printings have one Ship Construction Form in the back of the
book. (at this time by comparison of the books, I believe 2nd and 3rd printings are identical except for
the price on the back cover, see below)....
How to Identify your printing another way:
If page 39 of your copy is the 'splash' page for the Ship Construction
Tables showing a B&W version of the front cover Chandley and the technician
working on a warp engine in the foreground, it's the original 1st printing. The
original printing has some glitches in some of the tables that were
corrected in the revised printing. However, if on page 39 yours has 'Crew Allocation'
& 'Understanding the Tables', you have the revised version/2nd printing.

The image above is from the 3rd printing. Notice how
FASA increased the cost of the product from $10 (FASA1000) to $12
Although the BAR Code (not shown here) remains unchanged.
You should also notice how the number 2 in the FASA Price is of a slightly
different font.
All information I have leads me to believe that the 2nd and 3rd printings
are identical inside the book.
(1983) 40 pages ISBN: 0-425-06953-2
A complete adventure - Players must decide whether to ignore the Prime Directive of non-interference in
order to save the inhabitants of the doomed planet, Alerin or allow them to be destroyed by an exploding star.
"He's stealing my soul!" While strolling down the street the party comes upon
a beggar who appears to have only one leg. You may wish to put some Kopas (local currency)
into his bowl at which the beggar will smile genially.
The medical officer decides to carefully scan this individual since he has not seen any
other Alerian who does not seem totally fit. As the Tricorder is turned on it begins
making its normal whining sound. The beggar hears the peculiar noise, sees the device and
begins shouting in mortal terror: "Ayak! Ish Bendanaada ju serada megeni kra kra
Jhopo!" which when translated will turn out to mean "Help! This off-world swine
is trying to steal my soul!"
The local merchants, who have become quite attached to this fellow as knows just about
the filthiest stories ever heard in Kembali, will come running to his aid and will insist
that the party leave him alone. They won't be violent about it since after all, he is only
a beggar and no one fights over a beggar. The Tricorder reading taken by the medical
officer indicates something peculiar about the beggar's missing leg.
The planet Aleriad, barred to Star Fleet and independent vessels, is a doomed world. Your
mission: take a rescue fleet and save as many of the natives as you can. Simple? Not
quite. The Alerians are religious fanatics and believe it is their destiny to remain on
their world. To complicate matters, the Orions have been reported operating in the area.
Aleriad's imminent collision with a cloud of debris doesn't allow you much time to perform
your task, then of course there is the Prime Directive.
(1984) 48 Pages ISBN: 0-931787-16-5 (on folder package)
take on the role of Klingons in this adventure set on the Klingon
frontier. Your mission is to terminate a frontier governor bent on
setting up his own regime.
Internal Security Dispatches: Do Not Open on Penalty Of Death
Termination Order 1456:
Issued by Internal Security, Imperial High Command
SUBJECT: Thought Admiral Krador zantai Rrilac
MISSION: End his command!
It is suspected that Admiral Krador, a brilliant veteran of the Romulan wars, has been
gathering forces to overthrow the Emperor. Under the direction of the Fourth Frontier
Security Area Command, you and your crew aboard the warpshuttle IKS Vacsin will go to
Muldor IV, penetrate Krador's stronghold, and take appropriate action against Krador and
his senior officers. The mission is a vital one, though very difficult, and it must be
accomplished, even at the expense of your lives.
This adventure for Klingon characters starts with an order to execute a rogue Klingon
admiral who is plotting to overthrow the emperor. Of course, the admiral is not without
resources himself. Issued by Internal Security, Imperial High Command. Subject
Thought Admiral Krador Zantai Rrilac. Mission: End His Command!.... It is suspected that
Admiral Krador, a brilliant veteran of the Romulan wars, has been gathering forces to
overthrow the Emperor. Under the direction of Fourth Frontier Security Area Command, you
and your crew aboard a warpshuttle IKS Vacsin will go to Muldor IV, penetrate Krador's
stronghold, and take appropriate action against Krador and his senior Officers. The
mission is a vital one, though very difficult, and it must be accomplished, even at the
expense of your lives!
Contents inside book:
- 6-page pull-out Playable Maps and Deck Plans(pages 21-26)
-4 Floor Plans for Two Buildings that are 2 stories high.
-2 Deck Plans for a WarpShuttle
(1984) 48 Pages ISBN: 0-425-06968-0
You must set out on a mission along the Federation Gorn border
to stop a band of renegade Gorns from upsetting the uneasy peace. The
only catch is that you have betrayed Gorn officers on board.
Although the Federation and the Gorn Alliance have concluded a treaty, a band of
renegade Gorn ships have been raiding Federation shipping. This threatens to jeopardize
the peace. The Gorn have told Star Fleet the location of the planet where the renegades
have their base. Your destroyer, the USS Hastings, has been dispatched to carry a
Gorn Ambassador to meet with the renegades.
It seems like a normal mission, but the Ambassador turns out to be none other than the
Gorn Captain who fought with Capt. James T. Kirk of the Enterprise. He brings
aboard with him a squad of 'bodyguards.' Your Security chief senses that something isn't
quite right ...
Contents inside book:
- 20 page pull-out; (pages 15-34)
-1 Partially filled out Master Control Panel
-1 Partially filled out Damage Control Display(on the reverse side of the Master Control
-1 Partially filled out Weapons Tracks System Panel/"Weapon Type and Bearing"
-1 Partial Filled out Deflect Shields
-1 Partially Filled out Helm Panel
-1 Sensors Panel
-1 Damage Control Panel
-1 Engineering Panel (2 pages)
-1 Partially Filled out Weapon Systems Panel
-7 pages of Playable floor and Deck plans
-1 page Outpost Map
-1 page Starship Data
-1 page Starship Data and Prefilled World Log.
Note: The Starship panels are for use with 2003 Star
Trek II Starship Combat Simulator.
(1984) 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-18-1 (on folder
Players assume the roles of either Star Fleet undercover
agents or Trader Captains working for an Orion Ring. The object is to
discover who has been intercepting dilithium shipments from Daros IV.
This adventure sends the characters to open trade talks with Orions. Unfortunately,
others in Star Fleet have different ideas, and want to use the ship for espionage. Then
there's the missing merchant ship...
The Captain of TransSolar's Eridani Star was not a happy man. By all rights,
he ought to have been satisfied, confident, and even smug. He'd just received permission
to open trade talks with the Orion-settled world of Daros IV, the commercial center for an
entire sector.
'Unfortunately,' thought the Captain, 'there is a fly in the ointment - several flies,
in fact, and they all wear Star Fleet uniforms. A Federation merchant ship had disappeared
near the Daros system, and someone in Intelligence was convinced that the merchant ship Eridani
Star would make an excellent spy ship for cover for an intelligence mission in Orion
Designed: To be used with 2203 Trader Captains and
Merchant Princes (First Edition) but you can adopt it for use with a small group of
Starfleet Officers that investigate matters.
(1984) 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-19-X Not on
product, perhaps on packaging.
adventure group assumes the roles of Trader Captains working for Tri
Mark, a trading company recently allowed to trade with new colony
worlds. There is one small problem to be taken care of and that means
finding out who has been raiding shipping in the area before the
Federation closes the trade traffic to all.
Trouble abounds for the merchant crew when dilithium shipments are being hijacked. Can
the players take matters in their own hands, or will they lose their freighter? Hauling
dilithium can be a lucrative occupation, but when there are pirates in the area, you can
lose a lot more than just your margin of profit.
"I knew things were too good to be true! "Our sweetheart stock deal with TriMark
won't be worth lizard lips if we can't stop whoever has been hijacking the dilithium
shipments. If the TriMark shipment next week is hit, our margin of profit will drop to
nothing and we'll lose the Two Brothers. We'll have to take matters in our own
hands if we want to keep the ship! "Hmmm... I wonder if that Orion 'trader' named
Akalzed knows something about this..."
Contents inside book:
- 8-page pull-out of Maps and Starship Combat Panels (Pages 21-28);
-3 pages for playable Deck Plans for a small Transport
-1 page for a small city block map
-2 Partially filled out Master Control Panels (for use with 2003
Star Trek II Starship Combat Simulator )
-2 Partially filled out Damage Control Displays(on reverse of Master Control Panels) (for
use with 2003 Star Trek II Starship Combat Simulator )
Designed: To be used with 2203 Trader Captains and
Merchant Princes (First Edition) but you can adopt it for use with a small group of
Starfleet Officers."
(1985) 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-20-3
The Outcast is a Module/Adventure where the players attempt to recruit an outcast
Romulan as a Federation Intelligence Agent. Covert operations without Star Fleet sanction
lead players into a web of crime and possible interstellar war.
Greetings, old comrade! I trust that this message finds you well and that your career
is going smoothly. It has been a long time since we were in contact, and so it is
difficult for me to presume by asking for a favor. What I ask I cannot explain, but much
depends on this. You will be contacted by a Vulcan named Salak, who is on a mission of
utmost secrecy dealing with a renegade Romulan. I urge you and a few of your best fellow
officers to aid him with his mission, though you will have no official Star Fleet
sanction. Do not attempt to contact me. I cannot respond, and would be forced to deny all.
For whatever it is worth, I wish you all the luck that humans seem to put so much faith
in. Sonam
Contents inside book:
- 8-page pull-out Maps and Vessels (pgs21-28);
-3 pages of Deck plans
-4 pages of a Building
-1 page of stats for a Small Commercial Transport
(1985) 40 pages ISBN: 0-931787-21-1
As the new Commander of the Klingon Battlecruiser Malevolent, you must perform a
security inspection of an intelligence-gathering base on the Klingon/Romulan border. The
Romulans show up to complicate matters.
As newly promoted Commander of the refitted IKV Malevolent patrolling near the infamous
Triangle Zone, opportunities for quick advancement and promotion would arrive as a matter
of course. Although the crew has different opinions about the current power struggle in
the politics and policies of the Klingon Empire, they all work well together. Then came
the order from the Fleet Command to perform a security inspection on the secret
intelligence base on Valtor III located in the Klingon/Romulan Disputed Area. Captain
Discretion allowed. Captain's Discretion: the chance to live or die by one's actions. No
one said that success in the Klingon Empire was easy. An adventure for STRPG.
The following supplements are suggested to be used with this adventure; Klingon
Battlecruiser Deck Plans and Star Trek III Combat Game.
(1986) 64 pages ISBN: 0-931787-22-4
Playing era: 2280's
The USS Fife is on standard patrol when the ship suddenly encounters a
"Doomsday Machine" like the one destroyed years before by Captain Kirk of the USS
It was a dull patrol, and the officers and crew of the frigate USS Fife were
tired of the routine, tired of watching an empty frontier. Then, a call for help put the Fife
face-to-face with the most implacable foe ever faced by Star Fleet - one of the
robot-brained "Doomsday Machines," like the one destroyed years before by the
USS Enterprise. As if that weren't enough, the Fife had to contend with panicky
civilians, selfish VIPs, interfering Romulans, and a colorful rogue whose surprising cargo
might hold the only hope of stopping the planet-crushing juggernaut. It would be a day
they would all remember... but it certainly wouldn't be A Doomsday Like Any Other.
(1986) 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-23-8
Smuggling, piracy, and now ship disappearances near Orion space. Who knows what will
happen next?
We were on the verge of cracking an Orion smuggling and pirate ring when Star Fleet
called in our ship, and assigned us to another case. Just when things were falling into
place, the blunderheads in command come in and screw things up. Now we have to go and
investigate ship disappearances in the Selka system. Does the Orion smuggling ring have
anything to do with it? Who knows where this will lead?
(1984) 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-24-6
ISBN: 0-425-06979-6 Pocket Folder printing.
The STAR TREK Adventure continues...
Bring your Star Trek role-playing universe up to date with the official Star
Fleet Sourcebook Update. It gives all the information necessary to play your
games at the time of the movies; TMP / STII / STIII
This supplement contains a complete time line from the beginning of Earth's space
history to the time of Star Trek III. Also included are detailed sections on the
changes made since the time of the TOS TV series in the governments of the Klingons,
Romulans, Gorn, Orions, and Tholians. Sections on the UFP and Star Fleet Command, complete
with photographs and illustrations, give the latest information on uniforms, insignia,
equipment, sidearms, and shipboard systems. A starship recognition file gives pictures and
data for the Enterprise, the Bird Of Prey and other starships. The
personnel file gives the updated statistics on your favorite characters from the movies.
Also a general overview of the movie with Starfleet communiqué's.
In addition to all this, a complete adventure - Lost And Presumed Dead - is
included so you can use all the new information.(A sequel to "Operation:
- An updated Starship Combat Rule for handling Starships Fitted with the new
12-phaser mountings; Reference Stardate 2/2200. Updates primarily the RPG aspects
to the STII
and STIII Starship Combat Games, It may be used in Starship Tactical.
- A revised character generation short form (Revised over the 2nd Edition Officers
Manual) is also provided in the back of the book. REVISED Skill List, REVISED Post Academy
Experience section, The Tour assignments typos have been corrected and a modifiers table is
listed. The typo in the Officer Efficiency Report table is still present. It reads 10 or
less, followed by 1 to 25, it should read 11 to 25. This revised form replaces that of the
second edition rules.

This is the standard -Pocket Folder- first/early printing release.
Notice the Words "Star Trek" in the lower left is positioned slightly
higher in this release and there is no red stripe on the cover like the
newer print. Also the later print has an the cover in a saturated
blueish color.
STAR TREK: Movie Update and Sourcebook.
This beautifully illustrated book allows players to bring their game up
to the time period of the movies. Included is all the information
necessary for adding the new ships and personnel to your games.
(1985) 60 pages ISBN: 0-931787-25-4
complete plots that could reshape the galaxy. A hotbed of deceit,
destruction, and death await. Over the next year State secrets will be
bought and sold, Wars waged, Revolutions launched, Planetary
governments will topple, Millions will die, And billions of credits
profit will be made...
The Triangle Campaign contains four background plots of enormous proportions that could
reshape the "Star Trek" galaxy, particularly designed for Star Fleet
Intelligence operatives. Details for all the four major plots unfold over a one-year
- "Merchant of Death" deals with the unhealthy actions of a
Romulan weapons dealer. Have your players interact with Luxury Apparel, an arms dealership
run by a beautiful Romulan spy.
- In "A Dose of Revenge," Thought Admiral Krador not only plots
the overthrow of the Klingon throne, but the conquest of known space. Track down the
elusive Krador and his potent mind-control drug before the Klingons, Romulans, or Orions
can grab him. (a sequel to Termination: 1456)
- "A Family Affair" involves an Orion pirate with visions of
grandeur and the cunning to realize them. He's determined to take over all his family's
- "The Corporate Grasp" Planets and populations are only pluses
and minuses on the ledger sheet of a rogue BioResearch. A mega-corporation that loots
whole worlds.
Overall, it's just another typical year in The Triangle.
The Triangle Campaign gives all the information to run a campaign in the Triangle, Time
lines, plot descriptions, detailed character sheets, library computer data, News fax
bulletins, rumors, briefings from Star Fleet Intelligence... and more will make the
Triangle come alive. The Four adventures included cover a year's worth of wheeling,
dealing and political intrigue in the area.
To add further background and depth the following supplements could also be used but
are not essential:
"The Triangle" #2007 (strongly recommended)
"Star Fleet Intelligence Manual" #2014
"The Romulans" #2005 (for "Merchant of Death")
"The Klingons" #2002 (for "A Dose of Revenge")
"The Orions" #2008 (for "A Family Affair")
"Trader Captains & Merchant Princes" #2203 (for "The Corporate
The Golden Triangle, as it is frequently called by merchants who infest the area, is the
space located on the common borders of the 3 major powers: The United Federation Of
Planets, The Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. Less than 200 years ago, this area
served only as a constant source of conflict between the powers. Colonies were first
established by the Klingons and the Romulans. Their expansion was designed to provide each
a foot-hold in the disputed territory, but with every thrust, the opponent would counter
thrust. The results were numerous isolated colonies, scattered and easily forgotten by
their sponsors.
The greatest value these solar systems had to offer, when viewed in retrospect, was the
isolation and attendant secrecy for all who sought to live within them. Early colonial
life was very difficult. Many colonies were established by settlers attempting to break
away from the control and persecution of their home governments. Their dreams often were
fulfilled within a year of initial planetfall.
But the separation was very dangerous, for the bordering powers took advantage of this
isolation. The Klingons sent campaigns to eradicate the Romulan colonies, hoping to gain
the disputed territory once and for all. The Romulans countered with raids and slaughter
reaching the into the millions. The survivors became disenchanted with the governments who
had failed so thoroughly to protect them. It is interesting the settlers wanted absolute
freedom from government intervention, but they were angry when their governments gave them
what they wanted.
The survivors were the men and women who became the first of the area’s smugglers.
They understood the value of survival, and also understood life was short and it is best
to enjoy it while you can. With their rag-tag ships, they organized the neighboring
colonies and joined into trading cartels, trading with anyone willing to do business. That
is not to say the Klingon and Romulan Empires didn’t attempt to use the tough,
ruthless men of the Triangle to stop the smugglers , only to learn that the coin of
influence was now of solid gold rather than the plated coin of ‘loyalty’ or
The smuggling operation grew with the promise of high profit netted from running arms and
goods within the void. As is the way with greed, the temptation for even higher profits
overshadowed the higher risks associated with running goods between the Klingon and
Romulan borders. Even as this early fruit was ripening, Federation Ships and outposts
began appearing, and disappearing on the edges of the Triangle. The demand for goods from
foreign borders never disappeared and smugglers developed trade with these interlopers as
they had with the older governments.
As the colonies and the smugglers burgeoned, the merchants established great
tolerance for their varied clients. As with any good businessmen, the smuggles developed a
fine sense of discretion toward their customers as well. One of the sayings taught to the
youth within the triangle was “ A man lost in the triangle is lost to all who seek
him, but he is found by anyone who needs him.” A number of criminals and men came to
the triangle escaping from all types of real and imagined problems, such as execution or
marriage. During this period, it was estimated that the number of new settlers exceeded
the average immigration of any single known system.
These tainted men who joined the void fit in easily with the founding fathers. Each had
reason to lay down the loyalty from the worlds from which they came for the easier mantle
of profit. Each had a reason to distrust the government and the clients who became their
customers. Each was consumed by the overwhelming desire for profit.
With the final signature on the treaties establishing the Triangle as truly neutral, the
colonies were free to create working governments to attend to their needs. These
governments served them with the same efficiency their tiny brittle ships had served
before. The governments were a vehicle for the single purpose of making a profit.
Certainly, the governments did institute laws and projects to improve the populated
planets, but only just enough to maintain the necessary forms of government. Commerce was
encourage, and neutrality with the major powers proved a strong incitement for growth in
the region. Several of the heavily-populated planets soon became known as trading meccas,
and with this growth, the smugglers relaxed into the role of merchants, counting the easy
profits made from the bazaars. The need to risk life and limb was now
balanced against a profit and loss statement from the exchanges. The majority of the
colonist adopted the easy life, but the lessons of the Triangle were never lost on the
people. Ruthlessness in business, distrust of governments, discretion in dealings and
secrecy of location and activities were never forgotten by the citizens.
Prior to the unification of the United Federation of Planets, each of the races within the
current Federation maintained their own military organization. As the development of the
Federation evolved, the Orion family groups near its sphere refused to endorse unification
with the UFP. The systems bordering the Orions were outspokenly pro-Federation, and the
Orions were engulfed.
The Orions are not capable of concerted action. They may present a united front for a
while, but, if left alone, they will forget the reason for their unification and fall to
fighting among themselves Each family maintains a code of ethics all its own, and primary
loyalty resides with the house and its patriarch. The houses while fiercely loyal within
the family, are equally distrustful of those Orion or not, from outside. It is for this
reasons Orions make such good pirates. They have a deep sense of loyalty and a deep sense
of apprehension. They will fight to the death for their own, but they will pass another
Orion being dismembered by an angry mob without even turning a hair. To weld this group
into a force capable of unified action would take a miracle.
The Orions entered the Triangle before their homeworlds near Rigel were engulfed
completely by the UFP to coreward and the Klingon Empire spinward. Since that time, they
have developed into tightly controlled family empires with organized armies or raiders and
smugglers operating within the region. Seizing the opportunity to enter the high profit
world of contraband, The Orions established themselves as ruthless and daring by crossing
the boundaries of all 3 of the adjacent powers. In each area, they concentrated on the
most expensive and most demanding products. The Orions next refined their contacts into
several point-to-point routes, with each leg being a drop off for the goods collected from
the previous port. So well-established are these routes, still in effect, that they can be
compared with the Triangle Trade of ancient Terran history. Each leg of the route insured
a profit for the carriers and also wormed the Orions into favor or at least tolerance of
the major powers; continued operation was guaranteed. Not only did the raiders run a
closed circuit, but they also freelanced, and, more than once, they made a easy victim of
an unsuspecting ship encountered in the vastness of space.
These Orion Raiders and smugglers plunder for the good of the Orion families they
represent, turning a percentage of the take to support the construction of newer and
better ships. The houses in turn, provide logistical and financial support with bribes to
officials within the Triangle. This collusion means that the Orions will be officially
unnoticed in their travels, and have even been allowed to establish construction and
repair facilities in the far and largely-untraveled sections of the Triangle. The Orions
have even established emergency repair facilities on the primary trading planets.
The most recent groups involved with the Triangle are the major powers: the
Federation, the Klingons and the Romulans. Each empire fits into the Triangle uniquely, as
they do nowhere else in the universe. Each strives to know the plans of the others and to
turn those plans to its own advantage. These plans often are at cross-purposes, and, in
the Triangle, with its tentative neutrality, they take on a special flavor of their own.
To understand the involvement of the 3 major powers, each must be reviewed against the
others. The Klingons have been the enemy of the Romulan Star Empire since the time of
space travel; with each group being aggressive and warlike, this was only natural. The
introduction of a new spacefaring race tipped the balance. It allowed, or forced, the
Klingon and Romulan governments to develop ties for the common purpose of destroying the
Federation . Each race fought a costly and inconclusive war with the Federation, and now
they were forced to act in concert for their own survival. The exchange of treaties added
to the coffers of the Klingon Empire and forced the Federation to deal with two
possible enemies.
The Romulans viewed this alliance as temporary, in force only until the Romulan forces
could be outfitted with ships and arms. Unfortunately the Romulan system is an intractable
one, and the wealth of the planets is difficult and expensive to extract. So, following
the Federation-Romulan war, the Romulan Empire had need to replace ships and arms lost in
the conflict. They came to the Klingons looking to renew the trade agreements for the
purchase of arms.
This time, the real price for Klingon support was felt. The Klingons were more than happy
to provide the arms the Romulans requested, as long as the Romulans were willing to allow
the Klingons all future expansions. If the Romulans were not willing to allow to except
this, the cost of the weapons would be high, very high. The Romulans refused to bend to
this blackmail. Instead, the agreed to purchase the new weapons at the higher, inflated,
price. To finance this order for new ships, they needed more money than the post-war
economy could provide. To produce the necessary capital, they turned to the Triangle.
The product for export was Romulan mining equipment. This equipment was
considered to be the best available because, if it mine in the Romulan system, it can mine
anywhere. The sale of Romulan ale provided a sideline, and a reasonable profit, but the
ale was outlawed officially by both the Federation and Klingons and was not a product open
for sale.
The Romulans organized a fleet of merchant ships to operate in the Triangle, with a
portion of the profits made by these ships being returned to the Romulan military
procurement fund. The Klingons began fulfilling their arms sales despite renewed threats
of price increases.
Chief buyers of the Romulan mining equipment were Federation merchants. The Federation had
been blessed with planets rich in minerals and ready for easy pickings. The Romulan
planets were hostile, the minerals found were few, and it was difficult to extract them.
This lead to the development of sophisticated and sturdy mining engines.
It is widely believed that Star Fleet Intelligence was aware of the arms deal between the
Klingons and Romulans, and that they were covertly encouraging the military effort of the
Romulans. The motivation for this unusual support, to an enemy with whom a major war had
been recently fought, was self-protection. If the Klingons were successful in gaining the
allegiance of the Romulans in their expansion, the Federation would be the only force
standing in the way. Keeping the Romulans wealthy enough to salvage their own pride did
not ensure friendship, but it did ensure that here would be no love lost between the
mighty empires on the borders of the Federation. Peace was expensive, but it was less
expensive than war.
The Klingons , True to form, were now recovered from the Klingon-Federation war, and ready
to strike out once more in their manifest destiny role of conquerors. It was still too
early to engage the Federation directly, but the worlds in the Triangle offered a tempting
prize. Luckily for the Triangle the Klingons had attempted their military might against
the Federation first. If they had gone for the Triangle and then the Federation, history
could have been very different. The ruthless governments and inhabitants of the Triangle
had established their own destiny, and any move against them results in an immediate
appeal form the other 2 sides. The Triangle’s governments have been careful to
cultivate the value of neutrality.
The Klingons adopted a new technique in their expansionist role. They offered to become
builders and developers of the unexplored and unsettled planets of the Triangle. In return
for this generous offer, all the Klingons wanted was the right to export a portion of the
wealth discovered on the planet as well as immigration rights to the new colonies. With
this move the Klingons sought to gain the good will of the Triangle, for future
consideration, while at the same time establishing covert listening posts and advanced
(1985) 40 pages ISBN: 0-931787-03-3
all completed four years of arduous training to become part of Star
Fleet; As graduates of the Klingon equivalent of Star Fleet Academy,
you and your comrades must pass one final test of retrieving a Klingon
intelligence agent in the Triangle. A Simple task, until the Romulans
show up wanting the same thing!
This is it-- the last test before Academy graduation and commissioning as an officer
assigned to a fighting ship. If only the Master of Cadets did not have a grin on his face
that was even more wicked than usual. But this time you are ready, and even have a few
things hidden with your kit to make sure that one way or another you will pass this test
and become an officer in the Imperial Klingon Navy.
Four long years you've drilled and studied and trained. More than once you almost gave
up, but somehow, you kept on trying. You've taken all the punishment and all the pain the
Empire's best could throw at you, and somehow survived it all. You're the one in a
hundred. You're one of the survivors. Now at the age of sixteen, only one thing stands
between you and your final goal. Only the last assignment to be completed, and then, at
long last, you and your comrades will receive your commissions as officers in the Imperial
Klingon Navy. After what you've been through, your task seems incredibly simple. Just hop
over to a small backwater planet in the Triangle, and bring back an agent Imperial
Security needs to question. Simple... except the Romulans might have other ideas about the
(1985) 56 pages ISBN: 0-931787-76-9
A distress signal from within the Neutral Zone and the USS Niwen must rush to the scene
at emergency speed. But nothing is ever simple in the Neutral Zone and the situation gets
far more complicated.
It started as a routine patrol for the crew of the Chandley Class USS Niwen.
For weeks, the vessel had been picking up only normal subspace radio traffic along the
patrol route near the Romulan Neutral zone. Then came the distress signal from within the
zone. Help was needed because the senders said they had less than 24 hours remaining in
their life-support system. If the Niwen pushed its limits of warp speed, they
might make it in time - maybe.
Return to Axanar |
The Four Years War |
(1986) 65 pages and 46 pages ISBN: 0-931787-78-5
The inside cover of the first book indicates a ISBN of 0-931787-79-3
The inside of the second book indicates a ISBN of 0-931787-80-7
The crew of the USS Cooper were long overdue for some R&R at Star Base 23.
Even the ship needed some work after the long patrol. Then, new orders came in. Now the Cooper
had to transport some scientists to Axanar, site of the first battle between the
Federation and the Klingons in the Four Years War. What is so important that the
scientists need a destroyer? The trip would take months in travel time alone. No
scientific theory could possibly be important enough to tie up a destroyer for so long. Or
could it?
This adventure module also includes a separate book that details The Four Years
War. Contains essays done by Federation experts on Axanar. Valuable background
data on the war (2250's) between the Klingons and the Federation, including a detailed timeline,
tactics, ships of the war, the major battles, and the political, social, and economic
factors are included.
Contents of The Four Years War
Summary of contents
Editor's note
The Planet Axanar
The History
The War
Related Issues
The Consequences
Timeline Chronology
Starship Tactics
(1986) 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-29-7
Your captain's behavior is becoming more and more erratic. After a border incident, he
suddenly decides to blockade a key system. A showdown is brewing, but is it to be against
the captain, or Klingons?
The warble of phaser fire filled the empty corridors. Through the heavy smoke figures
moved, closer now, almost within range. Lieutenant O'Shanter crouched lower behind a
blasted bulkhead.
"Funny... I don't feel like a mutineer." The gauge on his phaser showed the
charge was almost gone. Maybe there was still time... if only he could talk to them,
reason with them... From behind came a low throaty growl -- a sound no Human voice could
ever make. Turning slowly, Tam found himself face to face with the yellow eyes of
Commander Brr'ynn. The Caitian's weapon never wavered as she licked her lips of
anticipation. "You tried to kill my Captain..." For Tam, time had just run out.
Captain Barbara Vellacora was one of the youngest women ever to be promoted to the command
of a Star Fleet military starship. No one realized that her obsession with the exploits of
Garth of Izar and the current political tensions along the Klingon border could combine
into an incident that might lead to mutiny or even war.
An adventure for a group of recently graduated personal from the academy.
(1986) 67 pages ISBN: 0-931787-46-7
Your scout vessel has discovered a planet with large durallium deposits. The Empire
will reward you and your Klingon cohorts well if you find an efficient way to exploit the
Your advance scout vessel has just discovered an inhabited planet with large amounts of
durallium, a rare and valuable mineral. The Empire will reward you and your Klingon
cohorts if you can find an efficient way to exploit the natives and take the minerals for
the Empire.
The usual course of action is to put one faction of the native population into absolute
power. Thus the Empire does not have to waste time with any internal problems. However,
there is the small matter of a civil war to resolve first.
The crew of the Dun Da Spu discovers a star system containing a planet that is
not only Class M, but contains some of the largest known deposits of durallium, an
extremely rare element used in the manufacture of anti-radiation shielding for starship
warp engines. The crew's task is to exploit the natural resources of the planet to the
best advantage of the Empire and, of course, themselves.
Also includes an accompanying simple board game, The Final Battle, which
includes playing board, playing pieces and complete rules.
Contents inside book.
- The Final Battle Rulebook (6-page cut-out)
- Player's Information Book (4 page cut-out)
- 22" x 17" full-color map
- 228 color counters
Old Soldiers Never Die |
The Romulan War |
(1986) 56 pages and 48 pages ISBN: 0-931787-47-5
A burglary at Memory Alpha sends the players on a hunt for the last remaining Romulan
Juggernaut from the war. Of course, the thieves have plans for their new toy.
While on a routine survey mission, the crew of the USS Sparon receive an urgent message
from the Star Fleet Museum at Memory Alpha. As the closest available ship, the Sparon is
ordered to investigate an attempted break-in of one of the museum's storerooms. The
investigation leads to the planet Daran V and a group of dissatisfied Star Fleet veterans
who voice the opinion that much stronger measures should be taken against the Federation's
Decisive action is needed when the museum reports the successful theft of a mothballed
battleship, the USS Juggernaut, a relic of the Romulan War. If this ship were
fitted with modern warp engines and other equipment, it would be a very potent vessel. The
adventurers must find those responsible for the theft before the Juggernaut can
be used against Star Fleet.
This adventure module also includes a separate book describing the Romulan War, fought
between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. Included are essays
by Federation experts on the causes of the war, the major battles, and the political,
social, and economic factors involved.
Conflict of Interest |
Klingon Intelligence Briefing |
(September 1986) 72 pages and 24 pages ISBN: 0-931787-48-3
Sheridan's World is the site of an Organian experiment to create a colony populated by
both Klingons and Humans. Now they must decide between the Federation and the Klingon
Empire. Diplomatic teams must be very convincing, both publicly and privately. Also
included is the Star Fleet Officers Briefing on the Klingon Empire.
This adventure pits two groups of players against one another as diplomatic teams from the
Federation and the Klingon Empire. The objective is to convince the population of
Sheridan's World to join either the Federation or the Empire. The only problem is that
this planet was settled by the Organians right after the Organian Incident by 100
colonists from the UFP and 100 colonists from the Klingon Empire. Having kept the planet
in isolation for 15 years, the Organians have decided that now is the time for the
colonists to decide whether they will become Klingon, Federation, or independent. Each
diplomatic team must do its best both publicly and privately to convince the colonists to
join their side.
The second book, is a Star Fleet Officer's Intelligence Briefing
on the Klingon Empire. The briefing includes information on prominent family lines,
Klingon Society, and new information on the little-known, non-military side of Klingon
life. This information further rounds out that included in FASA's 2002
The Klingons Box Set (First Edition) supplement.
(1986) 67 pages ISBN: 1-55560-001-8
Operation Dixie was an ambitious intelligence missions that, inexplicably, failed.
suddenly one of the ships involved reappears and your mission is to determine the fate of
the agents and information involved!
Operation Dixie...
These files describe the Federation's most ambitious Intelligence mission as
"Lost-Presumed Destroyed." Three vessels, betrayed to the Klingons one by one,
have been swallowed up behind the Imperial frontier, never to return.
Now the last of Dixie's ships has been spotted, owned by a shipping company in the
Triangle, far from the place where it had presumably been destroyed. A crew of
Intelligence Operatives has been given the crucial mission of discovering the fate of
Operation Dixie and recovering the important data lost when the expedition failed.
But in the Triangle, things aren't always what they seem, and this is only the first
move in a dangerous game of thrust and counterthrust... a move that leads to The Dixie
Contents inside book.
- Operation Dixie Handout (6-page pull-out)
- Players' Background Information (4 page pull-out)

Content Example
(June 1, 1986) 80 pages ISBN: 1-55560-002-6 (note this ISBN is
shared with FASA #2226)
All is not well on Terra...
Admiral Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise are en route to Terra to face
court-martial proceedings for their actions in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
The Klingons are demanding custody of Kirk for his part in Genesis while the Genesis
controversy rages unabated. And an even more catastrophic danger has materialized to
threaten the very existence of Terra.
The Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update contains all the information needed
to bring your Star Trek: The Role Playing Game
campaign up to date to include new material from STIII to STIV. Play
the new adventure. Learn more about the Klingon and Federation war. It
discusses the opinions of the Klingons, Romulans, and different
factions within the Federation regarding Genesis and contains essays
about Operation Armageddon, a Star Fleet computer simulation detailing
war between the Federation and the Klingon and Romulan Empires.
Sections describe what can be done to prevent the unauthorized use of
starships and what sort of military justice the Enterprise crew will
face when they return to Terra.
The races of the Federation...
Also included is a 16-page color section illustrating some of the new aliens seen in Star
Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Along with each illustration is a description of the
creatures as well as notes on their civilization and history. The Deltans from STIII
are now included (They where missing in the STIII Sourcebook). Species stats for the
aliens in the council chambers and for the navigator of the Saratoga are covered aswell.
- Xelatians - aquatic race with 2 tentacles and one eye. Curious and charming.
(Sitting in the back of the council chamber, wearing rectangle-shaped masks.)
- Arkenites - tall aquatic race with a hairless, bulbous head and fin-like ears.
Efficient, and loyal to group (such as Starship crewmembers), suspicious of others. (One
wore a Starfleet uniform.)
- Tellarites - argumentative, honor truth, obsessive to scientific pursuits.( (Seen
in the Council chamber with a bald head, a thick white beard and wearing furs).
- Zaranites - militaristic and ritual-observing people. Outside their planet,
always wear protective suits that filter air and keep symbiotic Breega insects alive.
(Council chamber. Wore breathing masks and thick, padded clothing.)
- Ariolo - sentient mammals resembling centaurs, no noses but acute sense of smell
via their tongues. Slow metabolism (they seem lazy and apathetic), eat a lot, hedonistic
society. No concept of time. (Back of Council Chamber. Reptillian features. Dark-colored
headdress and no nose.)
- Andorians - cool and logical thinkers, but get testy when it's hot (temperature).
Stoic and unsentimental, but respect and revere family ties.
- Efrosians - come from an ice planet. Fatty faces, males are fair-haired, females
are raven-haired. Warrior-priests, highly developed sense of direction, secrecy about
religion. (Two individuals seen. One resembling the ST:VI President wearing a SF uniform,
the other clean-shaven with what looks like paint on his face and wearing a suit of native
- Caitians - tall feline race, noted for their loyalty. Deep appreciation of beauty
and nature, fierce when enraged, no psionics.(Council rep had dark fur and a scowl on his
face. Wore a Starfleet uniform.)
- Arcadians - race of omnivorous, pacifistic, sea-going mammals, akin to dolphins.
Can walk upright, can use photosynthesis for nourishment. Lack concept of individual or
family, affiliation to group (or school). (Female rep has a huge round head with two rows
of hair on her head, the middle being bald.)
- Edoans - vaguely E.T.-looking race but with a third arm (sticking out from the
chest) and leg. Fantastic artisans, prefer privacy over exploration.(Illustration of an
Arex-like being, but no mention of whether he was actually in the movie.)
- Vulcans
- Bzzit Khaht - amphibious reptiles with exceptional hearing and smell. Three
segments in society: gatherers, routers (managers), providers (leaders and
progenitors).(Fish-faced Council member.)
- Kasheeta - resemble Gorn but not as warlike. Aloof and arrogantly indifferent to
outsiders. Matriarchical society. (Sat in back of Sarek, dinosauroid features.)
- Deltans - humanoid, highly psionic, sensualists. Always travel in groups of two
or more, remain emotionally separated from humans.(Two male Council members, both bald,
one with elaborate head jewelery.)
- Alpha Centaurans - humans transported from Earth by the Preservers. Everybody is
equal, conservative and disciplined. Strive to be morally superior compared with other
Book Chapters:
- -Introduction The Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update expands upon new information
presented in the movie STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME and reports on controversial issues
being hotly debated behind closed doors by the Federation Council in the movie. During
this special conference, delegates from all over the Federation are meeting to discuss the
now infamous Genesis Incident and the fate of Admiral James T. Kirk and his Enterprise
- -The State of the Federation narrates the history of the United Federation of
Planets, and includes a discussion of both the Klingons and the Organian Peace Treak. As
the Organians have become less and less willing to enforce the Organian Peace Treaty, both
the Klingons and the UFP have recently begun violating each other's borders along the
Neutral Zone.
- -The Politics of Genesis presents the range of opinions concerning Genesis, the
device and the incident. This includes the views of the UFPs enemies (i.e. the Klingons,
Romulans, and Orions), as well as of Federation scientists, politicians, corporations, and
- -Planetary Rights The consequences of Sarek's granting asylum to the crew of the
Enterprise are discussed. The chapter also includes current Federation definitions of
diplomatic immunity, extradition, and planetary sovereignty.
- -Operation Armageddon discusses several aspects of the massive computer game /
training operation of the same name. Included are various official documents on the
operations, a description of the operation's purposes, a brief history, and the pros and
cons of using Operation Armageddon in a possible first strike against the Klingon Empire.
- -Security Procedures Three reports describe how security (or its lack) permitted
Admiral Kirk and his party to spacejack a starship from Spacedock. Star Fleet Security
Command analyzes how security measures failed to prevent the abduction of Doctor McCoy,
the sabotage of the Excelsior, and the theft of the Enterprise. Also included are Admiral
Morrow's sworn testimonial concerning Admiral Kirk's actions and a transcript from a
Security Council meeting regarding the Genesis leak.
- -Star Fleet Military Justice
- -Timeline a chronology of all major events from FASA adventures and most
supplements up through Star Trek IV.
- -Portraits of Alien Races
- -Alien Races the final section, introduces some of the newer and more important
members of the Federation. Included are 16 full-color plates depicting individual aliens
from each race, plus descriptions of their history, physiology, and talent.
(1988) 55 pages ISBN: 1-55560-066-2
Engage and Destroy! Our ships closed upon the helpless Federation ships like an animal
on wounded prey. Their destruction would allow the glorious plunder of undefended
Federation space... The White Flame is a scenario pack for any of the Star Trek Starship
Combat Games which details the exploits of the Emperor's own 123rd Assault Flotilla. This
Klingon battle group patrols the uneasy border of Klingon, Federation, and Romulan space.
Included are unit history, organization, personalities, and combat readiness, as well as
15 scenarios, pitting the White Flame against Orion, Romulan, and Federation opponents in
a series of deadly encounters.
- Introduction
- The White Flame
- Officers of the White Flame
- Scenarios
Note: This book can indirectly show how a GameMaster can outline a Starship Scenario. (Since
the The STCS
only uses a rough outline to present scenarios.) The White Flame book is a good
expaned template
based on and defined by the words and terms used in the STCS Rulebook. The
White Flame Scenarios even provide a small space for additional
mandatory rules overall.
The Strider Incident |
Regula-1 Deckplans |
(1987) 56 page and 48 page ISBN: 1-55560-002-6 (note this
ISBN is shared with FASA #2224)
The first book; The Strider Incident Players must investigate a starship attack
on the Klingon Empire. Did Captain Kristine Reardon act on her own? Who sent the orders to
attack? Is the Federation at war with the Klingons?
Is the Federation at war with the Klingon Empire? ... or did Captain Reardon violate
Klingon space to avenge her brother's death?
While stuck aboard an R-1 type defense outpost, the player characters are drawn into
the investigation of the USS Strider's attack on the Klingon Empire. If the group
fails to discover who sent the war orders to Captain Reardon, the Klingons will use the
incident to gain control of a strategic system in the Neutral Zone. In addition, they will
take Reardon prisoner... and Klingons do not treat Federation prisoners gently. Also
included are complete deck plans for the Regula I space station.
The second book, Regula-I Orbital Station Deckplans contains extensive
blueprints and room descriptions of its eight variations, and their support vehicles. Also
it lists all of the R-I type stations in operation. When the GM is using the Strider
Incident module he can use this book to keep track of the player's actions aboard defense
outpost 1121. Included is a 16 page pull-out of the Regula-1 Invictus Type Orbital
Defense Outpost as seen in Star Trek II. Scale of the pull outs is 1 square = 3 meters.
The STIII Movie Update Sourcebook, FAS2214: Page26 has
drawings of the Investigator Orbital Research Station. With stats for both
the weaponized Invictus Orbital Boarder Outpost and the weaponless
Investigator. (This is older information than what is in 2226A)
(1989) 64 pages ISBN: 0-931787-38-6
This is the first year sourcebook for Star Trek: The Next Generation.
The pages are in full color. This has personal
history and game statistics for all the major characters. It also contains information on
the holodeck, new tricorders, phasers and LaForge's visor.
These updates allow you to integrate the characters, new civilizations, and equipment
used in the first year of the tv series into your game campaign.
Contains These Updates:
- New Ship Positions - Learn the jobs of new personnel on the Enterprise
- Personal history and game statistics for all major characters, including:
-Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander of the ENTERPRISE
-Lieutenant Commander DATA, the android Helmsman
-Lieutenant Worf, the Klingon Security Officer
- New Equipment like the Holodeck, new tricorders, new phasers, and Lieutenant LaForge's
- New races with stats and planets that have been encountered.
- A section of tables and skills for generating characters for The Next Generation.
About Contents: This Sourcebook has plenty of statistics and
rules modifications. The problem comes from the feeling that this Sourcebook was a
sub work of FASA's TNG Officer's Manual; Lots of information is lifted
straight from that Manual, with inaccuracies being only corrected in some
places and not in others. Rules changes are poorly explained. However it
does have all the main character stats. In the early prints the weapon
stats are missing, however a later print manual includes a Weapons
Chart/Table on PG64. Early prints come with two photos on that page, a
Transporter Pad and Ferengi.
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