Compiled and Edited by Mark_XON Some content help by Joe (UFC)

Xon Gaming Parts List
Do You Have All The Pieces?
Games and Rule Supplements / Deck Plans ||
Adventures and Rule Supplements
Ship Recognition Manuals / Playing Aids ||
Magazine Articles
Miniatures and Miscellaneous Info
FASA Star Trek Insider (Index) About TRPG, highlights of game
mechanics and system rules, designers answer questions, answers to common
questions, fan construction formulas.
This list is comprised of descriptive information from the actual FASA
products themselves. Descriptions in this list are based on the
products text on the back of the books, boxes, catalogs, mail order
forms, advertisement text www, and guru first hand information with
visual scrutinizing. I used the actual names of the products in this
list, despite the various title errors in product names you find in
catalogs, mail order forms, box descriptions or various other
publications. Additional content came from various FASA ST Listings and Forum
Posts written by others, too much to include here.
This list was to be made years ago (back in 2000), but I
finally did get around to doing it in 2005. It took perhaps a few months of
steady work to compile the majority of the information presented here
and to make sure its accurate, it took a few more years to bring it to
what it is now.
All minor writing and editor errors (or other issues) regarding a product can be
found in my 'The FASA Star Trek Insider' pages. However in this Parts
Listing you can find notable Rule Updates in the books that where
published after the main rules where written, and/or previous manuals.
I update whenever I receive new information.
Product Types:
The adventure begins with everything you need to role-playing in the STAR TREK
universe is given in these easy-to-learn and fun-to-play games. These
are the main basic rule books.
Fight off other starships and aliens during battles in deep space. Take
command of a single ship or an entire fleet. The starship combat system
and games where either produced separately or included with the main
These additions give rules not provided in THE BASIC GAME.
Become a private merchant captain, a Klingon, Romulan or other alien
races in the major supplements. You can even build your own starships.
Enjoy the wide variety of adventures in the STAR TREK
universe! Solve mysteries and puzzles or perhaps save Alien races.
These provide complete descriptions of the starships used in the Star
Trek universe. Loaded with drawings and information, each book contains
many different types of vessels.
The scale plans of the interiors of vessels are drawn to 15mm scale.
Because they show all rooms and facilities, they are excellent maps for
use in boarding actions.
Additional items to help you role-play in the STAR TREK
universe, better and faster.
These beautifully crafted starships and figures add a new dimension to
your games. The starships are designed to be used with the Starship
Combat Games, and the figures portray your favorite characters.
Goto Page 1
- 2001 Star
Trek The Role Playing Game (First Edition) [Basic Game]
- 2001D
Star Trek The Role Playing Game: Deluxe Game (Second Edition) [Main
- 2002 The
Klingons (First Edition) [Major Supplement]
- 2002 The
Klingons (Second Edition) [Major Supplement]
- 2003
Star Trek II Starship Combat Simulator [Starship Combat Game]
- 2003
Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator [Starship Combat Game]
- 2004 Star
Trek The Role Playing Game: Basic Game (Second Edition) [Main Game]
- 2005 The
Romulans [Major Supplement]
- 2006
Star Trek III Starship Combat Game (First Edition) [Starship Combat
- 2006A
Star Trek III Starship Update [Data Sheet]
- 2006
Star Trek III Starship Combat Role Playing Game (Second Edition)
[Starship Combat Game]
- 2007 The
Triangle [Major Supplement]
- 2008 The
Orions [Major Supplement]
- 2011 The
Federation [Major Supplement]
- 2012 Star
Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual [Major Supplement]
- 2014 Star
Fleet Intelligence Manual [Major Supplement]
- 2101 USS
Enterprise Deck Plans [Deck Plans]
- 2102
Klingon D-7 Deck Plans [Deck Plans]
Goto Page 2
- 2201 The
Vanished [Adventure]
- 2202
Witness For The Defense [Adventure]
- 2203
Trader Captains and Merchant Princes (First Edition) [Rule
- 2203
Trader Captains and Merchant Princes (Second Edition) [Rule Supplement]
/ Spacelanes [Supplement]
- 2204 Ship
Construction Manual (First Edition) [Rule Supplement]
- 2204 Ship
Construction Manual (Second Edition) [Rule Supplement]
- 2205 Denial
of Destiny [Adventure]
- 2206
Termination 1456 [Adventure]
- 2207 Demand
of Honor [Adventure]
- 2208 Orion
Ruse [Adventure]
- 2209 Margin
of Profit [Adventure]
- 2210 The
Outcasts [Adventure]
- 2211 A
Matter of Priorities [Adventure]
- 2212 A
Doomsday Like Any Other [Adventure]
- 2213 The
Mines of Selka [Adventure]
- 2214 Star
Trek III: Sourcebook Update [Rule Supplement]
- 2215 The
Triangle Campaign [Adventure]
- 2216
Graduation Exercise [Adventure]
- 2217 Where
Has All the Glory Gone? [Adventure]
- 2218 Return
to Axanar [Adventure] / The Four Years War [Supplement]
- 2219
Decision at Midnight [Adventure]
- 2220 An
Imbalance of Power [Adventure]
- 2221 Old
Soldiers Never Die [Adventure] / The Romulan War [Supplement]
- 2222 A
Conflict of Interests [Adventure] / Klingon Intelligence Briefing
- 2223 The
Dixie Gambit [Adventure]
- 2224 Star
Trek IV: The Voyage Home Sourcebook Update [Rule Supplement]
- 2225 The
White Flame Starship Combat Scenario Pak [Starship Combat]
- 2226 The
Strider Incident [Adventure] / Regula 1 Deckplans [Supplement]
- 2227 Star
Trek: The Next Generation First Year Sourcebook [Rule Supplement]
Goto Page 3
- 2301 Ship
Recognition Manual: The Klingon Empire (First Edition) [Data Book]
- 2301
Klingons Ship Recognition Manual (Second Edition) [Data Book]
- 2302 Ship
Recognition Manual: The Federation (First Edition) [Data Book]
- 2302
Federation Ship Recognition Manual (Second Edition) [Data Book]
- 2303
Romulan Ship Recognition Manual [Data Book]
- 2801
Starship Combat Hex Grid (First Edition) [Game Aid]
- 2801
Starfield Hex Grid (Second Edition) [Game Aid]
- 2802 Game
Master's Screen [Game Aid]
- 2803
Tricorder / Starship Sensors Interactive Display [Game Aid]
Goto Page 4
Goto Page 5
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