Compiled and Edited by Mark_XON

Xon Gaming Insider Info
Goto Index
Here are some of the comments mentioned by some of the people who
worked on FASA Star Trek.
These are the old Stardate / Stardrive Magazine Ask Starfleet / Closing
the Gap Q&A sections.
Then newer postings and e-mails from the internet in later years from
some of the designers.
If you have word from any of the designers please send it to me to be
added here.
Caitian and Claws
Skipping Ship Payments
Largest Ship Class
ABOUT Star Trek: The Role
Playing Game
Brief History
Paramount Licensed
Money In The Federation
FASA Klingons
Human Enlightenment
Filling in Gaps
Tricorder Playing Aid
Doctor Who RPG System
Federation Rec Manual
Notes from Designers
Designer on some Books
The Story of the
Original Enterprise-D Blueprints
Jaynz Masterhead
Ship Art
Orion Ruse and Game News
White Flame
TOS Poster
Denial Of Destiny Cover
The Vanished Cover
The Outcasts Cover
A Matter Of Priorities Cover
A Doomsday Like Any Other Cover
Where Has All The Glory Gone Cover
The Triangle Campaign Cover
Decision at Midnight
Cover Cancelled StarFleet Battles Cover
Old Soldiers Never Die
Tricorder / Starship
Sensor Display
Federation Sourcebook Cover Unpublished Ground
Forces Manual
Intelligence Command Manual
The Strider Incident
Cover The Orions Cover TNG Officer's Manual: Internal Drawnings
The Dixie Gambit Cover
Trader Captains and
Merchant Princes (2ndED) Cover
Operation Armageddon Cover
ST:TNG Officer’s Manual: Equipment Cut-away Drawings
What Happened at FASA?
Talk About ST TRPG
Bladeship Model
Stardate Magazine N1- INTRODUCTION
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
This will be a regular feature of STARDATE, featuring rules questions
about STAR TREK THE ROLE PLAYING GAME and related products. The
system's designers and developers will address queries' on rules
interpretation. Our replies can be considered ''official'' for the
present; though we reserve the right to establish different rule
clarifications in later expansions, if necessary. Even so, feel free to
make whatever rules modifications you wish in your own games!
(''infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations...'')
The appearance of this column does NOT mean we have given up
our, efforts to personally answer all letters sent to us. Sometimes it
takes a bit of time, but we WILL get back to you. (Letters DO go astray
occasionally, however, so write again if you fear your letter might
have been lost.) Meanwhile, you can help by sending rules questions in
a separate envelope to ASK STARFLEET COMMAND at the address listed at
the end of this article. (Be sure to put ASK STARFLEET COMMAND on the
envelope...) General comments on ' the game, suggestions for future
work, friendly words, and other communications are also welcomed by us
at Fantasimulations, but send communications about the magazine's other
features to STARDATE in separate letters.
Also, when a questions answers by one of the co-designers, the
answer will be signed by him. This first column will address itself to
some commonly-asked questions from the mail we've been receiving. On to
the questions....
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Why does certain material in ST:RPG conflict with things
A. There are several reasons for variances between ST:RPG and
other licensed book material. For one thing, it is our feeling that
much of the published material in these two works is not consistent
with the Star Trek universe as established in the TV series and films.
Also, Franz Joseph's approach (in the Tech Manual) to Star Fleet as a
military unit (especially as evidenced by the Dreadnought design) is
not in keeping with the design team's ideas on Star Fleet's role. If
the individual player or Gamemaster wishes to adopt material from these
works, or others, be our guest. We, as designers, have different
philosophies and speculations about the history and technology of the
STAR TREK universe, and we will stick with them. As player, adopt
whatever you like best.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Why are there no rules in the basic game for accumulation
of "experience points" (or a similar system) toward increases in rank
for player characters?
A. For one thing, among top officers, an increase in rank
would often require a transfer to another ship. Commander Spock, for
instance, could not become a full Captain without being moved off the
Enterprise. .(Or until Kirk was promoted out, which is indeed what
happened...) This tends to break up campaign groups. (Of course, a
person in this position could turn down the promotion, as Spock is
rumored to have done on several occasions.)
Most important, however, is our feeling that promotions are
too important to be left to an arbitrary experience system. Only a
Gamemaster can look over a campaign and see where a character has
performed in such an exemplary manner (and gained sufficient experience
as an officer) to merit promotion. In this respect, the Gamemaster
takes the ''role'' of Starfleet Command superiors, examining the
reports filed by the candidate's fellow officers as well as the
officer's service record before deciding to offer a promotion.
Gamemasters should not promote characters too quickly. It
would be unusual in the extreme for a promotion to come along before
the officer had spent at least a year at her/his current rank. If the
character has a satisfactory performance record at a low-grade rank
(Ensign or Lieutenant J.G.) for a year or so, good recommendations from
superiors, and perhaps a 'commendation 'or two, then and only then will
promotion likely be offered. For higher grades, promotions come more
slowly and require more evidence of excellence. Generally, a promotion
above full Lieutenant would not come for two years or more. Promotions
above Lieutenant Commander are rarely made on Constitution class
vessels except between 5-year tours of duty. (Spock promoted. from
Lieutenant Commander to Commander during the voyage, was an exception.)
Very rarely, a character may be offered a promotion as a
resulted a special instance of extreme heroism or demonstration of
professional excellence under extreme conditions. Such efforts are more
often rewarded by such honors as the Star Fleet Citation for
Conspicuous Gallantry or Legion of Merit.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. If two players simultaneously declare that they wish to
make opportunity actions, which goes first? How many actions may be
taken in a row before the person whose turn is being worked out may
A. If two players on the same ''side'' declare simultaneous
actions, they may decide between themselves who acts first. lf
opponents declare at the same time, the figure with the highest DEX
attribute acts first (unless the Gamemaster rules that special
conditions present would delay the action).
If an opportunity action is declared, it takes place as soon
as the player currently acting (on his turn) completes the single
action now in progress. Moving one hex is a single action, so an
opportunity action can interrupt movement in the middle. The
interrupting figure gets ONE action (one shot from a ready weapon, move
one square, etc.); then the character whose turn is in progress may
make another action before being interrupted again. If more than one
character interrupts, each interrupting character gets ONE action
before the character whose turn is in progress gets to continue. (Thus,
a character running across a room full of enemies may be stopped in the
middle and fired upon by all enemies present with ready weapons, but
each can only fire ONCE before the character can continue. )
One exception can be made, as the Gamemaster desires. If a
player is trying to dash across a short stretch of open area, avoiding
gunfire to seek shelter, the Gamemaster may rule that he can be
interrupted for fire combat only ONCE per opponent even though the
character may move several squares. Use common sense in applying this
rule. If the area to be crossed is large, the Gamemaster may want to
allow two or three shots per opponent.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Why don't the phasers in ST:RPG have a wide-angle stun
setting as was shown in several episodes?
A. The newest editions of the game will contain this rule, and
it can also be found in the pullouts with the ST:RPG Gamemaster's
Briefly, it works like this'. A wide-angle stun shot affects
all targets in three CONNECTED squares (any pattern chosen by. the
attacker). AII targets must be within the stated SHORT range of the
weapon, and a clear line-of-sight must be drawn to EACH TARGET SQUARE.
A wide- angle stun shot drains FOUR TIMES as much power as a standard
stun shot.
A separate To Hit roll must be made for all affected targets.
If the roll fails, the target is missed (or at least unaffected), even
though targets on either side (or in the same square) may be hit. A 20
point bonus is applied, however, to all wide angle stun to Hit rolls.
Only phaser-type energy weapons (not disruptors, police
stunners, blasters, etc.) have this setting, and it works only with the
stun setting. (Wide angle heat is possible, but it does no damage to
normal living targets...) Resetting a weapon for ' wide-angle stun
requires performing a ''reset weapon'' settings action, as does
returning the angle setting to normal. There is no ''wide angle heavy
stun'' setting.
By the way, since we just mentioned the Gamemaster's screen,
let me also point out that the weapons tables in the screen and
pullouts contain data for old-style laser weapons, police stunners, and
stunclubs, all of which were mentioned in TRADER CAPTAINS AND MERCHANT
PRINCES. We also included weapons statistics for the Mark II Phaser
weapons, as used in the STAR TREK movies. Using this data you can get a
head start on our upcoming movie supplement.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Must a ship have a ''sensor lock'' on an opposing vessel to
fire on it? Can several ships be ''sensor locked'' at once? Can a ship
whose sensors are temporarily inoperative fire weapons?
A. A sensor lock is not necessary to fire at a visible target,
under normal conditions. Thus, more than one ship can be targeted in a
given turn. A sensor' lock must be present, however, to monitor the
results of fire. Thus, if no sensor lock is present, a firing vessel
cannot determine whether or not a shot did . any damage, or what type
of damage is done, and such information should then be determined
secretly by the Gamemaster and not told to the firing vessel's crew.
Only one ship can be ''sensor locked'' at a time.
Even so, a ship with its sensors temporarily inoperative (due
to battle' damaged) cannot bring weapons to bear at all! This is
because sensor systems are used to aim weapons, even though a '' lock''
is not required.
In the case of a ship that is not visible (such as a cloaked
Romulan vessel), a sensor lock is necessary for direct fire. If the
ship was visible (or sensor locked) last turn, a try can be made for a
sensor lock for the subsequent turn. If the lock is successful, the
ship is sensor locked and' can be fired upon until it moves.
Once an invisible ship has moved, a saving roll on Ship's
Sensors skill by the Science Officer is necessary to maintain the lock
for firing purposes. If the roll succeeds, you continue to track the
ship and may continue firing. If the lock is lost, it cannot be
regained unless the ship scans blindly.
A blind scan can be made for an invisible vessel at the
beginning of any turn. Blind scans are made in a general direction
conforming to one firing arc of the ship (either forward, aft,
starboard, or port). The saving roll is made at a 40 point penalty. lf
the roll is successful, the hex where the invisible ship is located is
identified, and a sensor lock may be attempted. This scan method will
reveal only one invisible vessel (the closest), even if two or more are
present in that sensor arc.
Remember that cloaked vessels cannot be in cloak the same turn
that they fire weapons. The can return to ! the cloak at the beginning
of the next turn. Remember also that a sensor lock or blind scan cannot
be made if the sensors are inoperative or the Science Officer (or other
officer delegated to operate sensors on your ship) is temporarily
unable to perform.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. In STRPG. you mentioned alien hybrids such as Vulcan/Human.
Is it possible to have a Vulcan/Romulan or Human/Romulan crossbreed?
This example was set by Lt. Saavik in STAR TREK II.
A. Yes, Vulcan/Romulan hybrids are quite possible, as Lt.
Saavik's existence makes clear'. Vulcans and Romulans are physically
quite simiIar, and such crosses require no special genetic
restructuring. Human/Romulan hybrids are theoretically possible but
would require very special laboratory help and genetic tailoring as was
used by Ambassador Sarek and Amende Grayson to produce Spock, a
Vulcan/Human hybrid. There are no recorded instances of persons within
the Federation who are of mixed Romulan/Human heritage.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Was Lt, Uhura born in the United States of America or
Africa? On page 20 it says she was born in the "United States of Africa
". (A misprint. I believe...)
A. The United States of Africa is Lt. Uhura's correct
birthplace. This nation evolved by STAR TREK'S time from a coalition of
smaller independent African nations and includes much of Central and
Western Africa. The United States of Africa has Swahili as its official
language, and it is an economically strong country by STAR TREK's time.
The Africans learned that they could make better use of their rich
natural resources by pooling their efforts.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. ls there a recorder or computer on board a ship that
records everything automatically all the time? Players in my campaign
wanted to use recorded evidence to support their report on a combat vs.
the Klingons, but l would not allow it because they didn't specify at
the time that they were recording the incident. They claim that
everything is automatically recorded. Who is right?
A. Yes, most routine ship's actions and all combat actions are
automatically recorded by the ship's flight recorder. This recording
can be dumped into the memory storage area of a ship's recorder buoy
and released if the ship is in danger of being destroyed, or It can be
transmitted to Starfleet Command's nearest outpost.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Can you beam someone to or from an enemy (or friendly ship
as long as there is one unshielded side on both ships, even if the
unshielded sides do not face each other?
A. All beaming by transporter is line-of-sight. Thus, there
must be a clear, straight, unshielded line between two ships before
beaming can take place.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Dave Tepool. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Are there any shields on the under-side of the Constitution
class ships or D-7 battle cruisers?
A. All shields extend around top and bottom of their
respective sides. Think of the shields as being sections out of a large
ball and you'll get the idea.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. When you set a phaser to overload, is it immediately
audible, or is there a delay
of, say, 1 combat turn or so?
A. Setting a phaser to overload is immediately audible. There
is no delay.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Dave Tepool / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. The weapons list on page 54 of the STRPG rulebook does not
allow for weapons such as
pole weapons, axes, and maces to be thrown. Some of these weapons can
be thrown. What are
the throwing ranges for them? Also how are ''power points'' determined
for weapons like
the bow and the MG?
A. Some, but not all pole weapons, axes, clubs, and maces can
be thrown. (For instance,
a glaive, broadax, spiked club, or z-handed mace cannot be thrown with
any reasonable
accuracy for any distance...) lf a weapon is of a throw able variety,
it must be stated
when the weapon is first described. If so, they have the following
range requirements:
CLUB/MACE/AXE: S 1-3, M 4-7, L 8-11, EX 12-15
POLE WEAPON: S 1-5, M 6-10, L 11-1 5, EX 1 6-20
Weapons in these classifications vary greatly. These are
average ranges, and you are
free to modify them for specific types of weapon, if you desire. The
"power points''
for ranged weapons like bow, MG, etc. are the average number of rounds
carried in typical
weapons of the type noted. In other words that's how many shots can be
fired before you
must reload (or, in the case of a bow, refill your quiver). Again, this
can be adjusted
for the specific situation you have in mind. Some types of pistols
carry more rounds than
others, etc.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Dave Tepool / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. In THE KLINGONS, the D-10 heavy cruiser has one set of
range and damage information
for the forward KD-9 disruptors, while the SHIP CONSTRUCTION MANUAL has
different data.
Which is correct?
A. The D-1O statistics in the SHIP CONSTRUCTION MANUAL are
correct. The ones in the
Klingon book are in error.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: by Guy W. McLimore, Jr. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. ls there a saving roll to detect a false tribble in the
"Again,Troublesome Tribbles''?
A. There is no saving roll the first time a false tribble is
encountered by a person.
After a person has had a chance to (carefully, we hope) examine a false
tribble, he or she
should get a basic saving roll on the INT attribute to recognize one
again if it is
examined closely before being picked up.
From: Stardate Mag N1 1984
Author: FASA
Finally, we would like to reply briefly to all those who
have written to make mention
of concepts, rules, ship designs, and historical notes from Task Force
Games Star Fleet
Battles and related publications. The Task Force game has no connection
with ST:TRPG or
STAR TREK in any manner, and the Star Fleet Battles universe is NOT the
universe, despite marked similarities. Nothing published for their game
system has any
official connection with what we do and we take no responsibility for
remaining consistent
with their system. Despite similarity of names, ship designs, etc.,
Star Fleet Battles is
not licensed by authority of Paramount Pictures, who hold copyright on
Once again, if you as a player or Gamemaster wish to adapt
outside material for your
games, be our guest.
But neither we nor STARDATE can publish such material, and
please do not expect us to
take such material into consideration in our speculations and
expansions on the official
STAR TREK universe.
From: Stardate Mag N2 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Are the stats ie. length, width, height, weight, speeds,
phasers, photon torpedoes,
crew, shuttlecraft and transporters originated at FASA or by Paramount?
A. The stats come from both sources.The dimensions of the
ships that appear in any of
the STAR TREK fiIms come from Paramount. FASA receives photos of the
ship models and then
makes all the appropriate measurements to come up with the proper
dimensions. Only the
speeds, weaponry and other data listed for the Enterprise,
Constitution, Klingon D-7A,
D-7M, and Romulan Bird of Prey came from Paramount. AlI others were
created at FASA. It is
interesting to note that Paramount never generated the weaponry for
either the Excelsior
or the Klingon Scout in STAR TREK III. All of the information published
by FASA has been
approved by Paramount and is therefore what should be used.
From: Stardate Mag N2 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. About the photon torpedoes on the USS Excelsior. On the'
back of your miniatures
card (#2517), the torpedoes are listed as FP-6, however, in your STAR
TREK III Sourcebook
Update (#2214) they are listed as FP-4. Which is correct?
A. The correct torpedo is the FP-4.
From: Stardate Mag N2 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. My first question deals with miniatures; After seeing some
of the ships in the
Federation Ship Recognition Manual, I noticed that most of your ships
are pretty neat.
Since the Enterprise, Reliant. Chandley, and Loknar have been made into
miniatures will
any of the other ships be made into miniatures? l think I would like to
see the Brenton
cruiser and the Baker destroyer and one of the freighter made into
Secondly, I seem somewhat perplexed about some of your
terminology. l noticed that the
Chandley is called a ''frigate'' but it has more weaponry than your
Enterprise class heavy
cruiser, and at 175,000mt. not to mention it carries 250 Marines!
Surely this Baker class
destroyer according to your book, weighs 122,000mt. isn't this a little
big for a
destroyer? I Would really appreciate it if you could explain your
terminology to me.
Thirdly I was shocked to see your stats on the Enterprise
class cruiser. l compared
them with the ST-TMP bIueprints; which showed this ship with 18 phasers
not 6 and a weight
of 19,000mt. and with an emergency warp capability of 12. Why such a
A. First of all the Baker and a freighter will be released for
sure. The tramp
freighter featured in the first issue of STARDATE will be released soon
and the Kobayashi
Maru will be released sometime in 1985. Plans are being made to make
more ships, but what
ships those will be has not been decided. FASA would like to hear from
everyone about
their interests.
Second, in the time of STAR TREK, the Federation classifies
ships similar to the Terrain
classifications of the late 18th century. A Frigate is a large ship
designed solely
noncombat where as the heavy cruiser doubles as a warship and research
vessel, Around 1800
A.D., Terrain dating, the frigate was the largest ship on the seas. It
was replaced by the
Ship-of-the-Line, which was later called a cruiser. This is where the
terminology comes
from. It is a bit confusing when compared to Terrain navies of the late
1900's where
frigates were very small ships. The Baker is a Class IV destroyer. This
is not considered
heavy by Federation standards. Once again, I refer to the mission or
tasks of the ship
type. It is possible for a destroyer to weigh twice as much, but is
About your third question I must admit that we gave the
Enterprise less phasers than on
the blueprints. The En-terprise is the most powerful ship in our game
(excluding the
Excelsior and that is with only 6 phasers. It is possible to destroy
one in combat with a
little cunning and good tactics. lf the ship were given any more
weapons it would be next to
impossible to destroy and there- fore lessen the play value (fun) of
the game. If you
would like to up gun your Enterprise class, feel free to do so, but I
deceive you will find
that it is too powerful. As for the weight and warp capability, we did
not look at the
plans when we published our stats and this causes the difference. We
will not change the
models we have but are considering an unrated Enterprise MK III that
will reflect the
increased weight and higher warp capability.
From: Stardate Mag N2 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. I have just purchased your model of the Klingon Ship in
STAR TREK III and must say l
am impressed. The package calls the model a Frigate and shows it to
have more crew and
Weapons than the one in the movie. Would you please explain the
difference? Also, are you
going to make the Space Dock?
A. When FASA was first given the plans and photos of the new
Klingon ship, the
information supplied did not match the pictures. There are several
pictures that show the
ship to be different sizes. When we asked Paramount about this
discrepancy, they were not
sure what was true. Finally, they told us to go with the picture that
appears on the STAR
TREK III Starship Combat Game. This is the photo most used in promotion
that shows the
Bird of Prev sitting in front ''of the Enterprise. It is from this'
photo that we made our
model. And, as you will see, our miniature is as large as the
Enterprise. We, therefore,
named it a frigate and gave it the L-42 classification. Later,
approximately April, 1984,
Paramount supplied us with information that the ship was a scout and
only carried 12
crewmembers. Of course we asked how a ship that large would only have
12 people on board
and be able to destroy the Enterprise. The answer relieved was several
more pictures from
the movie, one of which, showed the ship sitting on the planet Vulcan
with crowds of
people around. This only led to more confusion for now we had two
photos from the movie
that showed this vessel to be two different sizes. At this time, we
decided to cover both
bases and created the stats for the K-22 scout. More pictures arrived
from Paramount
showing still another size to this ship. Thus, we created the D-32
light cruiser. And, as
our luck seemed to be running high, when the movie came out, this
marvelous ship was seen
to be not three different sizes but five. Hollywood never considers the
facts but is
concerned with visual impact. When viewing the movie, look at the size
of the ship when it
appears over the tramp freighter when it attacks the Grissom. when it
first attacks the
Enterprise, when the Klingons realize that the Enterprise is about to
blow up and turn
their ship away, and, finally, when it lands on Vulcan. In all these
cases you will find
the ship is a different size. At this time it is not feasible for FASA
to make this model
in any other scale and so you have the L-42 frigate. Stats for the K-22
and D-32 are found
in other FASA products, so that you may play them all .
As for the Space Dock, FASA decided not to produce the
miniature of this when it was
determined that no more than one or two could be sold. The model in
scale would be 3' wide
and 4' tall and would only weigh 700Lbs. The retail price would be
somewhere in the
neighborhood of $20,000. It was felt that the item would not be
marketable. The truth is
we could not agree on the packaging.
From: Stardate Mag N3/4 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Admiral, I have two questions about your starship game. The
first is when a ship receives more than one sensors hit in a turn are
the accumulative?
A. You roll the die for the first hit then add one turn for
each additional hit. You
may wish to have sensors permanently damaged after five hits. This
would reflect the
damage to the unit itself and the time required to repair it.
Q. What happens to the damage points on an engine hit when the
engine has been reduced
to zero power?
A. Any hits received in the engine area are counted as
superstructure hits with no
casualty modifier.
l have been playing your game since Origins this summer and am
extremely pleased. Thank
you for your time.
From: Stardate Mag N3/4 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Star Fleet Command I have recently purchased another of
your fine starship models
the USS Excelsior and find that it does not fit on the stand properly.
The mounting hole
in the ship is larger than the small post of the stand. When I place
the ship on the stand
it tips and tilts. What can I do to correct this?
A. On this model and several others we have enlarged the hole
to correct an earlier
problem of the small post on the stand breaking off To make your
Excelsior fit better.
Carefully snap off the small post of the stand by pressing it against a
hard surface until
it breaks off or by cutting it with a hobby knife. The hobby knife is
the better method. I
would also recommend that you super-glue the stand into the ship
permanently. This will
prevent the opening in the ship from enlarging with use and therefore
making the fit
From: Stardate Mag N3/4 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. I would also like to know what the official colors for the
various ships are.
A. The following is a list of the official hull colors by
race. Federation: Off-white
or a very right blue-gray (Equine Gray) Klingon: Silver-grey or light
steel Romulan:
Platinum or light gray-gold Gorn : Light metallic green Orion: Take
your pick. Any colors
will be correct.
All of these colors are available from the fine lines of
paints by ''The Armory'' or
''Genesis Gaming Products ''. A painting guide will be forth- coming in
a future issue of
STARDATE. Finally, I must say you have produced an 'excellent game in
STAR trek. Please
keep up the good work.
From: Stardate Mag N3/4 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Star Fleet Command, I would Iike to know if you are going
to make deck plans of the
new Enterprise, Reliant, Regula l and any of the new ships from the
third movie.
A. Plans for making these deck plans are beginning. They may
appear late in 1985.
From: Stardate Mag N3/4 1984
Author: by Forest Brown. / Fantasimulations Associates
Q. Sirs, My question has to do with the Ship Recognition
Manual: The Federation There is
a discrepancy between the Derf class frigate and the Loknar class
survey vessel. The color
three-view of the Derf matches the black and white print of the
descriptive page for the
Loknar. The opposite is true also. The FASA metal miniature of the
Loknar looks like the
Derf. What is correct and what is not?
A. What is correct is that the Loknar is the frigate and the
Derf is the Survey ship.
The black and white page for each of the ships are correct. The only
errors on the color
pages are the actual names of the ships and their placement in the book
is reversed. This
question has been asked by almost everyone who has purchased the book
and finally l can
answer this for all those who were afraid to ask.

From: Stardate Mag V3N3 1987
Author: by Bob Gray
Q. What is the damage bonus for a Caitian using its claws in
A. Caitians abhor violence, but when forced to, they will use their
claws as a last
resort. They do 1D10/3 (round down) points damage. On a roll of 10 they
rip their claw out
and besides the damage to the victim they do 1D10/2 (round down) points
damage to
themselves and cannot use that claw again until healed.
From: Stardate Mag V3N6 1987
Author: by Bob Gray
Q. In the Star Trek RPG what happens when players skip out on
payments on their ships?
A. Well, nobody is very happy and a bounty is put out on the
ship making it fair game
for anyone to grab for the bounty. That ought to make the players'
lives interesting!
From: Stardate Mag V3N6 1987
Author: by Bob Gray
Q. What is the largest starship class that any race can build?
A. They are limited by the engine tables per race in the Ship
Construction Manual. The
numbers are: for the Federation, Class XX; Romulans, Class XIX;
Klingons, Class XVIII;
Gorns, Class XVII, and Orions, Class X
Copyright 1996 Guy W. McLimore
Guy McLimore, Greg Poehlein, and Dave Tepool were privileged
to add their small part to the Star Trek legend as the authors of
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game for FASA Corporation. As long time
Trekfans, the trio is still very proud of the work they did on this
project in its early days.
Guy, Greg, and Dave, operating at that time as
Fantasimulations Associates, were assigned the Star Trek project by
FASA after five other design teams had failed to turn in a manuscript
that both FASA and Paramount Pictures would approve. FASA's license
option was about to run out, and they needed to get a product into
print almost immediately.
"We had only a few weeks to create character creation,
character combat, and starship combat systems," remembers Guy. "When we
made that deadline, FASA assigned us the entire project." It was to
absorb almost all of their design efforts for the next several years.
Guy, Greg, and Dave created the first edition of the basic ST:RPG
rules, which debuted at a Trek convention in Omaha, Nebraska. The game
was an immediate success, and soon became the second best selling RPG
in history at the time (although well behind #1 - Advanced Dungeons and
The first boxed set included both the role playing rules
and a role playing style starship combat system that remains unique
among game systems. Instead of a tactical board game, the role playing
combat system offered players the chance to sit at "consoles" for the
various bridge stations and perform their duties by allocating power to
various systems, setting course, activating the shields, and firing
A series of expansion volumes soon followed, all written by
Guy, Greg, and Dave, including The Klingons, The Romulans, and Trader
Captains and Merchant Princes, which introduced non-military
personnel as player characters for the first time. Most of the early
adventure supplements were also written by one or more members of the
trio. David created and later revised the Star Trek Tactical Ship
Combat Simulator, which was eventually boxed as a separate
component of the system and probably outsold even the role playing game
because of its fast play mechanic and authenticity.
The main books of the system, including the Basic Game and
the Klingons, Romulans, and Trader Captains supplements, entered a
second edition, using the Fantasimulations Associates systems and text
that was rewritten and edited by John Wheeler. The second editions
proved even more popular than the first.
FASA was already pursuing another success story in the form
of Battletech. Future warfare was very popular, and FASA was in the
forefront of the new gaming craze.
FASA's desire to stress the combat aspects of Star Trek led
to disputes between them and the Fantasimulations Associates designers,
who wanted to maintain the less-violent focus of the Star Trek TV
series. This led to ST:RPG projects being assigned to other designers,
and eventually to a payment dispute which ended the three
Fantasimulations Associates designers' association with FASA and the
Star Trek property.
The later ST:RPG works became very controversial in fandom
because of their focus on military themes. Gene Roddenberry returned to
active interest in licensing (during the initial planning of Star Trek:
The Next Generation) and was reportedly unhappy with the change of
approach to the game materials. A number of proposed FASA projects were
turned down when submitted to Paramount for approval. One short-lived
sourcebook was actually sent to press and distributed before Paramount
had ruled on it. When it was turned down, Paramount insisted that FASA
withdraw the book from publication.
Eventually FASA did not renew the license to produce Star
Trek materials, and the game went out of print. Paramount has never
again allowed a role playing game license to be sold for any Star Trek
property, despite the interest of companies such as TSR, Mayfair Games,
and Steve Jackson Games.
There are still a lot of fans of the FASA game, and on this
page in the future will appear some of our notes for projects that
never saw print, including the Star Trek adventures produced by Guy and
Greg as RPGA tournaments. We're also very interested in Star Trek
material for our upcoming fanzine for out-of-print games, The
Orphan Games Gazette. We'd especially like to see ST:RPG character
stats for characters from the movies, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Deep Space Nine, and Voyager, along with ship designs for the Star Trek
Starship Combat Game, adventures, updated weaponry and gadgets, etc.
From: David Schneiders fasatrek site
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 2003
In the early 1980s, the game company Fantasimulations was
granted a license to develop the first role-playing game based on Star
Trek. The first boxed set included both the role playing rules and a
role playing style starship combat system that remains unique among
game systems. Instead of a tactical board game, the role playing combat
system offered players the chance to sit at "consoles" for the various
bridge stations and perform their duties by allocating power to various
systems, setting course, activating the shields, and firing weapons.
The game system uses percentile dice for randomization.
Characters were created by rolling up some basic attributes and
assigning points to various skills through a training process, which
was nicely expanded in the second edition's "Star Fleet Officer's
Manual." Close combat could be played out using a counter (or
miniature) based "Tactical Movement" system featuring lots of possible
weapons and actions.
The basic first edition included:
* core rulebook
* Adventure book (with three adventures)
* Enterprise deckplans
* Klingon cruiser deckplans
* 22" x 33" starfield hexgrid map
* 2 die, counters
* and FASA catalog
* Am I forgetting something?
The Star Trek Role Playing Game Deluxe Edition contained
the following:
* Star Fleet Officer's Manual (a guide for players)
* Game Operations Manual (a game master's book)
* Cadet's Orientation Sourcebook (overview of the Star Trek universe)
* Starship Combat Role Playing Game, 64-page rulebook
* 78 full-color counters
* 22" x 33" starfield hexgrid map
* record keeping sheets
* 2 die
The second edition boxed set contained three books:
* Star Fleet Officer's Manual (a guide for players)
* Game Operations Manual (a game master's book)
* Cadet's Orientation Sourcebook (overview of the Star Trek universe)
In the second edition, starship combat wasn't covered in
much depth; for detailed rules, players had to purchase the Star Trek
III Starship Combat Game.
Before going out of print, FASA's Star Trek RPG attained
great success and spawned an impressive number of supplements. It did
eventually come to an end, however, and the torch was passed on to Last
Unicorn Games (a great game, and hats off to everyone involved: Ross
Isaacs, S. John Ross, Charles Ryan, Don Mappin, Dan Moppin, etc... ).
On January 1, 2000, the license expired, and Paramount bestowed the
honor upon yet another company, Decipher.
From: Games * Design * Art * Culture - Origins2004
Author: by Gred Costikyan (West
End former Employee)
Date: 2003?
Almost word for word from a former West End
"...West End had a bit of a pissing match with
FASA over the Star
Trek rights. (Essentially: Paramount licensed FASA the "roleplaying
boardgame" rights, and they published a highly successful Trek
Trek Starship Mini-Game of Weissman's design; Paramount turned around
and sold West End
the "adventure gaming boardgame" rights, which was a problem,
both groups published Trek boardgames, and both claimed the exclusive
rights to do so. In
retrospect, it was Paramount's fault..."
Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek
Author: by Richard Arnold (Star
Trek Consultant)
Date: 9-10-1991
A Quote from an Interview, this portion focuses on the FASA
...Star Trek has never been about violence--in fact, it's the
antithesis of that. And, in
order to...I'm trying to remember the way he put it...for _image_
reasons, he thinks that
no version of Star Trek should be excessively violent. And that's why
he's never really
allowed the phasers to be sold weapons, as guns, for kids to
play with--'cause he
doesn't like the idea of kids running around shooting each other with
phasers when they're
_only_ a defensive weapon--they're not an offensive weapon. And that's
why he got
particularly upset with FASA, because they were looking to build more
and more and more
battle scenarios into the role-playing game...they were looking
for_enemies_...they were
doing whole supplements strictly to build in another enemy to fight
with, and that was
_not_ what he wanted. And when he got a fight from them on it,
when--and, of course, at
the same time the studio was fighting back against Gene as well--that
was when he just
drew the line, that he would not have Star Trek sold as a war game any
longer. Even though
there are people that claim that when they play the game, they never
"war" it,
we've all seen examples at conventions, of people who maneuver it into
battle scenarios,
and on Star Trek, you lose if you fight, you don't win. I mean, when
you resort to that,
you've lost. You've lost the philosophy, you've lost the point. So,
violence is not story
on Star Trek, and conflict does not have
to resort to violence in order to tell a Star Trek story. Again,
anybody on the show can
tell you that it's rarely necessary.
[phone break]
Yeah, I know at times we've said one thing, and at other times we seem
to be saying
another, but when somebody drags somebody in, a race for instance--this
is a specific
charge--when somebody drags a race in strictly to use them as an enemy,
we say, you know,
"don't drag in people that we've used in the past just for these
purposes, be more
creative!" And then at other times, we say, "We've never heard of this
before, you're trying to turn them into a new major villain, we do not
want new major
villains, use someone established like the Klingons or Romulans. So I
know it sounds
contradictory, but it's really not....
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
Paramount isn't known for being particularly stable in their
policies. FASA's view of ST seems to have been completely out of synch
with Paramount's by
the time STNG aired. Rodenberry would say things like: "There's no
lusting for a
superior's job in ST." and FASA would publish a scenario about a mutiny
on a
Federation Starship. Or the Klingon "pre-X-Files 'everyone is out to
get me'"
Paramount now takes much closer looks at licensed products
they did in the early days. The original objections to the later FASA
products came when
Gene Roddenberry himself saw a sea change in the way FASA was pursuing
the license and
called on Paramount to call a halt. My last info was that Paramount had
decided NEVER to
issue such a license again because it took too much time and trouble to
police it.
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
Just a bit of my take on this, as an early participant...
From my viewpoint, support for FASA's Star Trek products started to
wane when they began focusing on combat and war and drifting from the
philosophies that made Star Trek popular
in the first place. Battletech was beginning to do well, and FASA
seemed to have the idea
that Star Trek should be more of a wargame, too. It was certainly at
this time that FASA
and Paramount began to have trouble.
In the early days, right up through the second editions of the basic
game and the
Klingons, Romulans and Trader Captains supplements, ST:RPG was the
second-best-selling RPG
on the market, right behind AD&D. It dropped off when FASA's
products started to drift
from the Star Trek formula, which was why Paramount became disenchanted
with FASA.
I was an outside observer by that time, as FASA and I had already
parted company over a
payment dispute, but I was still a game retailer at that time and still
(intellectually but not financially) in how ST:RPG developed. I saw the
drop off in sales
coinciding with the change in direction.
There is a fundamental difference between the Battletech player and the
Star Trek player.
BT people tend to be from the wargaming mold (as most of FASA's
originators were). ST:RPG
players were role players who had graduated from the hack-and-slash
stage into the
"heroic adventure" and "playing inside someone else's head" stage.
FASA's designers during that time period proved better at serving one
breed of cat than
the other.
And, indeed, FASA has made more in the long run from Battletech (whose
rights they control
and can license out to others) than they did from Star Trek (a license
they had to pay --
and pay well -- for).
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/11/25
Paramount knows just how hot the Star Trek license is and wants 1
million a year for the
right to use it. That is what they charged FASA all those years ago for
the very few Next
Generation books they put out and that is what they still want.
Yes, Paramount charged a lot of money for the Next Generation
license, but there is no
way FASA ever paid one million dollars a year for it. Paramount in
those days (and I
believe still today) licenses every Star Trek property separately.
Thus, if you publish
something based on the original series, you do NOT have the rights to
use material from
the movies, ST:TNG, Deep Space Nine, etc. unless you license each of
THOSE individually,
too. That adds up very quickly. It is why some of FASA's Trek projects
carried an original
series logo, some carried a logo for one of the movies, etc. And it's
why things got so
expensive as time went on.
I was not involved as a designer with the FASA Next Generation
projects, but my
understanding is that failure to get them through the entire Paramount
approval process
before sending them to press was the major issue between the two
companies that led to
FASA's Star Trek license being withdrawn by Paramount. Paramount
originally licensed
ST:RPG for a very reasonable fee, as I understand it, but as the
franchise became popular
again they upping the ante, making the later projects less profitable
for FASA. So it is
possible the line would have come to an end anyway.
But a million dollars -- that may be a figure you were given now, but
I'm sure FASA never
paid that. In fact, it was Paramount policy as recently as a year ago
that no RPG license
would ever be granted again. If you were offered a license, I'd be
interested in hearing
about it, as it signals a recent change in their desires in regards to
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1999/01/14
I was once informed that it was the excessive meddling by a Paramount
functionary which caused FASA to abandon their popular Star Trek rpg in
the eighties.
Here's hoping history doesn't repeat in this situation.
That is not strictly true. FASA had little problem with the
Paramount approval process
at the time my partners and I were designing the bulk of the FASA Star
Trek products. In
fact, on no occasion was any rewrite required on any product, to my
knowledge, nor was any
objection to them by Paramount ever made known to me or to my partners.
Later, I understand things did get more adversarial, with Paramount
objecting to what they
perceived as a more combat-oriented stance in the games. But in the end
it is my
understanding that it was Paramount who pulled (or perhaps failed to
renew) FASA's
license, allegedly because of FASA's failure to properly submit certain
items for
approval. It may well be, however, that FASA didn't fight too hard to
keep it, as
Paramount was asking significantly more and more for each successive
renewal, and FASA was
doing very well with Battletech by that time and not as dependent on
the Star Trek
There's a whole new crew in charge at Paramount these days, and LUG
seems to have a good
relationship with them from all I've heard from folks I know there. I
lament their lack of
a decent "official" web presence, too, but they've made a fine start on
the game
side, which is certainly more important.
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 2001-02-06 14:30:27 PST
Paramount took away the license from Fasa, apparently because they
thought that FASA was
taking too many liberties with the ST universe. More specifically I
seem to recall that
FASA was planning a planet-side forces sourcebook (Federal Marines, or
something like
that) and Paramount decided that the feel of the game was heading
towards a more wargamish
mood, and this would be in contrast with the generally "violence as the
resort" ideal expressed in the TV series and movies.
the best of my knowledge (as per what I was told by then-FASA employees
and by
Majel Barrett Roddenberry herself years after the fact), this is
essentially correct. My understanding is that the last straw was the
publication of at least one supplement without final Paramount
approval. I have no
first-hand knowledge, as my partners and I were no longer freelancing
for FASA by that
time. But I have heard this story confirmed by enough people who were
involved at the time
that I believe it to be true.
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
"There's no money in the Federation." And FASA would
publish adventures about merchants and give the pay scales for
Federation crew members.
There was never an objection to money voiced by anyone at
Paramount that I'm aware of. There certainly IS money in the
Federation, but aboard ship
you rarely dealt with it (as you would rarely deal with it directly
aboard a modern
submarine on deep duty). Remember "The Trouble with Tribbles"
established the
"Federation credit" as the unit of exchange in the Federation. The same
established Cyrano Jones as an independent trader, the model for our
characters in
"Trader Captains and Merchant Princes".
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
John M Ford's version of Klingons seems to differ greatly from
Not at the time. In fact, we adopted John M. Ford's
Klingons as
canonical because Paramount asked for his notes and back story
information from the novel,
intending to make it official. It was only after ST:TNG writers started
playing with
things that Paramount shifted gears. There were NO Paramount objections
to the first or
second edition of "The Klingons". And I have it on excellent authority
that Mr.
Roddenberry was quite taken with Ford's novel. And the recent "sequel"
"Tribbles" aired on Deep Space Nine has a line by Worf that makes it
clear that
no one outside the Klingon Empire itself is STILL exactly sure why the
Klingons changed
appearance. Ford's explanations are still as good as any.
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
"Humans are a much more enlightened race in the 24th
century." And they weren't in FASA's version. (See the aforementioned
scenario, as well as the Sherman's Planet adventure, the Triangle
stuff, the Merchant
stuff, etc.)
More enlightened as a group, but still capable of villainy
stupidity as individuals. Again, I am unaware of any Paramount
objections to The Triangle
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
Granted, FASA was doing what game companies do. They were
previously viewed material and trying to make it into a coherent whole.
They were also
trying to make it interesting for people to adventure in, and utopian
societies generally
aren't good places for adventure. So FASA created it's own material
from things that they
saw on the series. With licensed material, sometimes this works. But
with FASA and
Paramount, it didn't work.
Granted, we had to fill in gaps where no canonical material
existed. But no one (certainly not Gene Roddenberry) has ever claimed
the Federation is a
perfect utopia (except, perhaps, compared with 20th century Earth).
Certainly ST:TNG and
ST:DS9 episodes have made clear that the Federation has it's share of
fools, poltroons,
power-mad sadists, etc. -- even in Star Fleet itself. But the good
people, with courage,
caring, and a high regard for the spirit of Life, eventually come out
on top. That's the
way my partners (Greg Poehlein and Dave Tepool) and I tried to write
our Star Trek
material -- in the traditions of the original series concepts. My
feeling (and it's just
my opinion) is that later editorial decisions and designers tried to
make Star Trek into a
wargame-oriented battleground. Certainly, it was this change in
direction that hacked off
Roddenberry and Paramount. I think it cost FASA their audience well
before it cost them
their license.
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1998/08/17
FASA fell into the trap of making up stuff about Star Trek.
Remember "The
Klingons" sourcebook? All true Trek fans get a laugh out of reading it
now, as it was
WAY off the mark! To be fair: The Klingon Sourcebook was written well
before TNG was a
twinkle in any eyes but Rodenberry's, was based on (a very good) bit of
Trek fiction and
was presumably approved by Paramount, both when John M. Ford was
writing 'The Final
Reflection' and the source book. Certainly these days Paramount are
very picky about what
gets written, I expect things were laxer in those days, but I doubt it
was radically
Sure Paramount chose to go down some different paths, but
what's there is pretty much
entirely consistent with all the Klingon stories that had been given
airplay before 1984.
There's really very little in the dishonorable barbarian classic Trek
Klingons that rings
true with TNG's neo-Samurai Klingons.
As one of the original designers of FASA's Star Trek: The Role
Playing Game and The
Klingons sourcebook, I can speak to this question, I think. In point of
fact, Paramount
was pleased enough with Ford's "The Final Reflection" to ask to have
unpublished notes submitted so that future authors could work from
them. (They were also
used in the creation of the RPG supplement.) Paramount accepted "The
Reflection" as canon (something done with very, very few other novels)
and indeed
encouraged us in our decision to base our view of the Klingon Empire on
it as well as the
series episodes.
This was changed when, for the purposes of ST:TNG (particularly because
of the popularity
of the Worf character) Paramount decided to rework a lot of the
thinking about the
Klingons. I certainly don't apologize for being unable to borrow the
Enterprise, take a
slingshot orbit around the sun, and travel forward in time to
anticipate what he Klingons
would become in later seasons of ST:TNG.
If any "true Trek fans" were laughing at The Klingons then, it didn't
show in
the sales figures, apparently. Nor has anyone laughed since. It was
based solidly on
accepted canon and Paramount's plans AT THAT TIME.
In the case of The Romulans, we had no such clear direction. The
original TV series
episodes give us only a very thin look at their culture, and the novels
out at the time
had wildly contradictory views, none of which was accepted as canon by
Paramount. So we
made it up. Lots of it. We had to. If someone else's view was
different, they were
certainly free to play it that way. But we had to have some unified
vision, and ours was
approved 100% by Paramount.
In point of fact, during the time the Fantasimulations Associates team
(myself, Greg
Poehlein and David Tepool) worked on ST:RPG I do not recall EVER
reciving a single request
from Paramount for a change based on noncanonicity. Quite the reverse,
in fact. Paramount
often referred to details from the RPG during the early days of
planning on ST:TNG, and if
you look closely you will occasionally see data pages directly from the
FASA books appear
in the background as data screens on the Enterprise control and data
displays in Next
Generation episodes.
There is no harder task in RPG creation than converting a well-known
and detailed
fictional universe into a game universe. The level and type of detail
required by
gamemasters and players is much different than that required for
episodic dramas. RPG
authors are often forced to "fill in the cracks". In that respect, the
of the new LUG systems have an even tougher task than we had. The STAR
TREK universe is
far more detailed today than it was in our day, but the fact that it
continues to grow
makes it a dead certainty that their materials will end up contradicting
SOMETHING that comes along from some screenplay writer's mind in the
future. That should
hardly spoil the fun for a "true Trek fan" playing the game, however.
Want a laugh? Sit down right now and write game materials based on, for
example, the
universe portrayed in Babylon 5 and try and anticipate the details
about it that will be
revealed in the potential five-year run of the upcoming Crusade series.
Keep that document
and read it after the final episode of Crusade airs in half a decade.
Author: by Guy McLimore
Date: 1997/01/22
As for the sales totals, saying that Star Trek was being
outsold by
Battletech is in direct contradiction of what I've been told by various
As I've said elsewhere, my information is that as of the
time of
the major second edition Star Trek RPG releases (The second edition
rules, and the second
editions of The Klingons and Trader Captains and Merchant Princes),
ST:RPG was the #2 best
selling RPG in the world, right behind D&D/AD&D.
I missed much of the beginnings of this exchange.
From: His old Website
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: ?
As an author, I actually wrote something - a playing aid,
tricorder/sensor display for
the Star Trek role playing game by FASA. The sales were disappointing.
Also did the Federation Cover and many other drawings and covers.
From: (
Author: Guy McLimore
Date: 06-30-2000 17:15
...the Doctor Who RPG system is NOT the same system that was used
in Star Trek: the
Role Playing Game. It uses several of the same assumptions, but fact,
FASA seemed to me
(at the time and now, in reflection) to be deliberately trying to alter
the system AWAY
from looking too much like ST:RPG's, even if it meant making the system
much clunkier to
do so.
Why? Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that my partners
(Greg Poehlein and
David Tepool) and I, who created ST:RPG, had a contract which gave us
royalties on any
product that made use of the ST:RPG systems. So it was necessary for
Dr. Who NOT to use
those systems. We did end up working on the Dr. Who RPG (and we wrote
sourcebook), but our involvement came after the systems were pretty
much set by other
designers. Our job was to add more Dr. Who flavor to it and work out
some problem areas
such as TARDIS operation, etc.
At any rate, judging ST:RPG by Dr. Who is like judging D&D 3rd
Edition by SenZar
because SenZar is sort of a level-based system like original D&D
was. Read ST:RPG for
yourself (if you can get hold of copies of either edition -- they're
hard to come by and
demand high prices on eBay and such) and decide if you like it or not.
I think that, given the prevailing taste for more complex systems at
the time, ST:RPG
simulated its subject matter well. I won't claim that for Dr. Who,
which I feel took
itself far too seriously, system-wise, when the subject matter called
for something much
breezier. Though hindsight is always 20-20, it certainly is not how I
would approach the
matter today.
The CIA concept was a tool by which we could justify allowing players
to play other Time
Lords than the Doctor. We knew it was a tenuous connection at best, but
it offered play
possibilities that would otherwise be denied, and allowed gamemasters
and players much
more room to create their own sagas instead of just playing untold
stories of the
television series characters. (The serial nature of Doctor Who's
episodes makes fitting in
"untold" stories between the ones in the series a bit difficult anyway,
you simply shrug and assume that with a TARDIS, anything is possible.
Which is certainly a
valid assumption in this case, I suppose,)
Of all the stuff we did for Dr. Who, my favorite part was the example
character story
featuring Stan, the slightly dotty Time Lord, and Tabby, his companion.
This was not
actually CREATED for the game originally, and certainly not in the
location and way it was
used. It was requested by FASA for a separate pre-release brochure they
were putting out
which was supposed to show the flavor of how the game was played as a
teaser for the
release of the full system. Instead, that publication was dumped and
the material was used
in the game rules to illustrate various parts of game play and the
rules. Despite the fact
that it wasn't what had originally been intended, I still love that
section and happily
claim it as my own.
Overall, I felt the review was a fair assessment of the game from the
viewpoint of a
player today. The game systems were closer to what was the prevailing
taste at the time
than the reviewer gives them credit for, but they don't hold up as well
today as I feel
ST:RPG does. Nonetheless, I'm proud of our contributions to Dr. Who,
and I'm really happy
we got the chance to be a small part of TWO pieces of TV SF history,
both of which are
very close to my heart.
Author: Robert Oswald, starship illustrator & playtester
Date: Jul 29 2002
My work appeared in the second edition of the Federation
Ship Recognition Manual.
Dana Knutson was the only other Illustrator and I believe Forest Brown
wrote most of the
technical data and designed the game stats for the ships. Forest gave
me most of my
direction. Scale and timeframe was very important to the consistency of
the stats vs. the
illustration. The Kiev was my favorite ship. I like the weapons pod at
the top.
I actually traced some of the components from my set of
Enterprise blueprints
published by Del Rey back in 1980. The drawings were larger than Forest
and Dana needed
but they were able to reduce them to the size needed for paste-up.
The reason that I like the FASA products over any other,
is that they pour a lot
into the game mechanic and even more in the fiction. All of the worlds
they create are
very rich with detail indeed. The only change I would add is the
Quick Draw rule to
all of the Battletech, Renegade Legion and Star Trek products. Quick
draw rules is from
"Crimson Skies" and is basically stating that if your unit has a higher
draw value than your opponent, you get to fire first and damage is
immediate. Exchange or
fire is NOT simultaneous!
Author: MicroTactix - Guy McLimore
Date: 11-28-2004
>The Starship Combat Game was excellent for its day. And
very easily tied in to the RPG, too... There were two (possibly three)
editions of the Starship Combat Simulator, with mostly-identical rules
and a slightly different selection of ships in each.
Give credit for this to David Tepool, who did the lion's share of the
design work on the Starship Combat Game. In my
admittedly-biased opinion, it's still one of the best ship combat
boardgames ever. The incredible complexity of the ship creation rules
were because we didn't have time originally to DESIGN it with ship
creation in mind. (We had six weeks to develop all the core systems --
character creation, combat, ship combat -- because FASA was about to
have the license expire. It's a LONG story.
Suffice it to say we were the fifth or sixth design team assigned to
the project and time was very, very short by the time we got it.
Anyway, we had to go back later and design a ship creation system
AROUND all the assumptions made for the existing ships from
the first edition of the board game. Note to designers: don't EVER do
it this way! But the game itself was damn fine work. I've been trying
to get David back into design work for years. David has promised Greg
Poehlein he will at least help playtest the
PlainLabel-based starship combat game Greg is working on.
>The Klingon set was mostly written by John Ford (and
will thus fit nicely with what you've learned from TNG) (mostly, I
repeat). The Romulan and Orion sets are very much made-up-on-the-spot
and bear little relation to anything ever televised. (I much prefer to
ignore FASA's Romulans and use Diane Duane's instead.)
J. M. Ford was my roommate for awhile during the time we were both
starting our writing careers. Several years later, he was finishing up
his novel The Final Reflection just about the same time as we were
working on the RPG. (He wrote Greg Poehlein,
Dave Tepool and I in as Klingons on the bridge in the final sequences
of the novel. Look for Kreg, Kepool and Klimor. As this novel
is generally considered to be the best Star Trek novel ever written,
this mention may be my only lasting claim to fame. When I saw the
manuscript of the novel, I begged to be allowed to base the upcoming
Klingons supplement on it. Thus, the good stuff in the
supplement is Ford's. Anything you don't like in it you can blame on
Greg, David and myself, as we wrote it. Since Paramount adopted this as
the OFFICIAL view of the Klingon Empire until the introduction of Worf
changed everything later, it was an
apporpriate decision. I liked Duane's treatment of Romulans, too... but
hers was one of several different and incompatible fictional
takes on the Romulans -- and we didn't have permission to use any of
them. The lesson taken from this is that I am not as good at
extrapolating cool alien cultures as J. M. Ford. I can live with that,
since most SF writers (about 99% of those writing Star Trek novels)
also have to live with the same knowledge.
>There was also a supplement called "Trader Captains and
Merchant Princes", which set things up so you could play civilian types
or even pirates. Would be useful for a DS9-style campaign. I never had
access to a copy myself so I can't tell you how well it covers the
I wish we'd had time and space to do more with non-Star Fleet
characters, and we would have if the ride had continued longer than it
did. I had to beg to do this one, but time and DS9 proved me right --
some of the best stories in the Star Trek universe were eventually told
about people not in Star Fleet.
>Another supplement I never had access to was "The
Triangle Campaign", which covered a 'no-man's-land' region of space
caught between the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan borders, where
several minor polities jockeyed for power and the great empires courted
I loved doing this one, largely because it was a place we could cut
loose and set up tons of adventure hooks in a campaign area. There were
two pieces to this. "The Triangle" was the sourcebook and set up, which
our crew wrote. "The Triangle Campaign" was adventure material based in
our setting, and that was written mostly by others.
>Finally, there is the semi-mythical "Operation:
Armageddon", a four-part strategic simulation meant to tie in to the
Starship Combat Simulator and allow players to play out long-term war
campaigns between any combination of the three great powers. It was on
FASA's catalog to be released and development was started - partial
manuscripts may still exist buried somewhere - but it was at this point
that FASA lost the Trek license.
This isn't semi-mythical, it's entirely mythical. As far as I can
recall, no manuscript ever existed. though Jordan Weisman may have
had notes for it. (I do seem to recall seeing such at one point...)
Paramount (and Gene Roddenberry) hated the idea of a "wargame"
and would never have approved it. We snuck the starship combat game
past them by calling it a "simulator". Eventually,
Paramount's dissatisfaction with the increasingly military tone of the
later FASA supplements killed the line, according to what folks
at Paramount told me later. By that time, Greg, David and I were long
Author: Phil Broad (for Ed Whitefire)
Date: 2005
The Original Enterprise D Plans By Ed Whitefire
The ship was designed by Andy Probert who would also work with Ed
Whitefire on the original set of interior plans for the "D", which are
presented for the first time (2005) anywhere.
Phil Broad: "It was sometime during the first season of Next
Generation's run on on TV that I mentioned in passing to Ed that
"someone" should see about doing plans of the new Enterprise, like the
old Franz Joseph deck plans of the ship from the original series. Ed
replied "that gives me an idea" and the rest is history."
Ed contacted Paramount Studios and eventually came in contact
with Star Trek Art Department staff member Andrew Probert who listened
to his idea. Andrew thought it was good and they agreed that Ed should
do the "official" plans for eventual publication. It would be up to Ed
to not only create the drawings but to find a publisher as well. This
would prove to be no small task, the drawings would take two 1/2 years
of effort to design and draw and the search for publishers was not easy
either. In the end the gaming publisher "FASA" was given the contract
to publish and distribute the plans under their existing license with
Paramount for Star Trek related products.
As Ed got going on the project some of his original pencil
layouts would be displayed at the last "Equicon" science fiction
convention held in Los Angeles and interest from the fans seemed
reasonably high. After two years of effort and uncounted trips to the
studio to confer with Andrew Probert, Rick Sternbach and Mike Okuda,
the plans were finally ready for publishing. Ed had them duly
copyrighted and all seemed well.
It was at this point that fate intervened when it was learned
that FASA had let their license with Paramount expire and they could no
longer publish the plans. Ed began to cast about for a new publishing
house and it was during this process that he learned that Rick
Sternbach had agreed to the Pocket Book offer to produce plans of the
ship. Ed now had to watch as all his work was cast aside so someone
else could publish the "official" plans. There proved to be little that
Ed could do to stop the other project as by this time his friend Andrew
Probert had left the Star Trek Art Department.
The new plans seemed to borrow heavily from Ed's work yet did
not incorporate many of the design features that the ship's original
designer Andrew Probert had intended. Only Ed's drawings do that.
Now, after more than ten years, Ed has agreed to make his
plans available for free via the "Vault". For the first time this gives
fans a chance to see the "Enterprise D" as it's original designer
intended. The copies posted do not do justice to the level of detail
found in his full size originals but they are generously provided by
him to you, free of charge here on the internet.
Note: Ed sells these old plans
and the newer updated plans on the internet, his drawings come in a
custom drawing tube which will feature a free full size copy of his
plans. These plans consist of 13 sheets, 22x34 inches in size.
(2005 Trekplace Ed Interview)
Author: Chris Lynch (Ravenstar Studios)
Date: Jun 6 2005
>The Ranger class was a small gun boat type of ship that
operated in groups. The Ranger
is from the long ooP Fasa's StarShip Tactical Combat Simulator and was,
to the best of my remembrance, never produced as a mini. FASA's
Recognition manual lists the Ranger as 57m
by 87 m. Future Legends (FL) lists their fig as 1.8 ins by 1.4 ins. If
my math is correct
that gives a scale of somewhere around 1/1900 to 1/1600. Don't know how
consistent that is
with the rest of FL's range. Proportions (assuming both FASA and FL are
measuring the same
points) are slightly different with FASA at 0.66 and Fl at 0.78.
Well FASA at one time did have one in the works , I know
because I sculpted it (The
Ranger) and two others, the Brenton and Baker, only one made it , the
Baker Class. The
Ranger was Lost along with another ship I did (Brenton) by UPS back in
the early 80's , man
That was a long time ago. yup. they were my very first mini sculpts
besides the Baker.
Broke my heart and I backed off doing minis for a while (years really).
If a Ranger was
sculpted to scale it would be tiny, about a 1/4 of a inch. There is a
great top view of
all the Fed ships in scale done in Black from the original SRMs. If you
can find one of
these you can see the true scale to say the Enterprise A.
From: CreativeWorks and other places on the net.
Author: Ab Mobasher
Date: 9/19/2001 and October 2005
The first 22 Master Miniatures Sculpted by Ab Mobasher.
Winner of H. G. Wells Award. Scale;1/3950. 22 Brass
masters sculptured by Ab
Mobasher in early 80's. Licensed and manufactured by Fasa Corp. of
Chicago under licensing
agreement with Paramount Picture. Fasa no longer manufactures these
USS Enterprise & Klingon D-7 were the first 2 of the 22
Star Trek Miniatures
machined by Ab Mobasher in 1981-85 under a licensing agreement with
FASA & Paramount
FASA provided blue prints of USS Enterprise and a plastic model with
12” diameter
dish for comparison. The final brass master (approx. 3” long) was
actually more
detailed than the much larger, injection molded plastic model. The
original master (brass
pattern) was meticulously machined out of 12 brass pieces.
2-Dimentional industrial
engraving machine (Kohlmann Gm II), magnifier and microscope were used
to machine the 3-D
master. Machining started with larger cobalt & carbide end mills
and cutters. Single
flute cobalt cutters with tip diameter of .002” (size of human hair)
were used to add
final lines, geometrical patterns and created the microscopic details.
The brass
masterpieces were grouped in sub-assembly sections and were reproduced
in 40/60 tin-lead
alloys in vulcanized rubber molds and by spin-casting process.
FASA Corporation of Chicago received the famed H. G. Wells Science
Fiction Award because
of the extreme details of these miniatures created by Mr. Mobasher.
"I understand that there is about 4% shrinkage after each
casting. Wish I knew
that before making the miniatures because many of the thin sections had
difficulty flowing
in the spin casting molds. In that process, they make a set of second
generation originals
and from that, they make casting, therefore more shrinkage."
Made of Lead. "They usually use Tin-Lead alloy in the ratio of
40%-60% for best
flow rate and details."
"These miniatures were so detailed that you need to use
microscope and
magnifier to really appreciate the workmanship or even find my
Note: Ab is almost blind when he made these miniatures.
From: E-mail
Author: Guy McLimore
Date: December 31 2005
On your old website (MC+ site of 1996), you mentioned that,
"There are still a lot
of fans of the FASA game, and in the future will appear some of our
notes for projects
that never saw print, including the Star Trek adventures produced by
Guy and Greg as RPGA
tournaments." Is there
any way these could be made available?
"Some of this stuff no longer exists -- some may be on old
Apple II 5.25"
floppy disks somewhere. Greg may indeed have one of his old RPGA
tournament adventures...
I seem to recall he mentioned it once. I'll ask him this weekend and
see if he knows where
the files are.
We could never sell any such material, as we don't own the rights to
the Star Trek
material. The rights to all our design material returned to us under
contract two years
after it went out of print, but that doesn't help much when we don't
have permission to
use the Star Trek trademarks and names. Still, releasing an adventure
that was never
published as a free download would probably be OK under Fair Use -- of
Greg or I finds
anything, perhaps we'll do that. With our workload right now, though,
it's unlikely to be
From: E-mail
Author: Guy McLimore
Date: December 31 2005
A "mystery ship" from the back of the Star Trek II: Ship
Construction Manual.
"We" have no idea what it was to be; it doesn't seem to match any Fed,
Romulan or Orion ship design. It has been speculated that it is a Gorn
ship, but it is
"color coded" as being a Federation ship on the folder version of the
Star Trek
II: Ship Construction Manual. Can you help?
"Hmm... Wish I knew. I don't specifically remember the
design. I'll pass that
along to David Tepool when I see him next and see if he remembers. He
and Jordan Weisman
sketched out some of the roughs on the ships originally. Others were
done by FASA artists
and adapted by David when he did the Ship Construction Manual. It's
possible one of those
slipped into the cover that was never actually intended for use. It
isn't likely to be
Gorn, as we were never working on those. It may have been a Federation
colony ship design
-- but most of the Federation ships used outboard nacelles. The design
looks vaguely
Klingon to me, somehow..."
From: E-mail
Author: Dave Tepool
Date: December 31 2005
"The Art of the Jaynz column was stock art & not of a
particular ship, if
I remember correctly."
From: E-mail
Author: Pat Larkin
Date: December 31 2005
Did you write "The Korellian Caper", published in "Game News
"Yes, that short piece was one of mine. IIRC, it was just
about a page or so
long as published in the magazine. (Game News wanted to print one or
two very short RPG
mini-adventures in each issue.)"
"Aside from "The Korellian Caper," I think my only other
Star Trek
RPG work was a FASA-published adventure -- "The Orion Ruse." It was
about 40,000
words long and it was set on an Orion-settled world outside the
Federation. It was
designed for use with the Trader Captains & Merchant Princes
supplement, and player
characters could be either merchants or Federation officers operating
From: Fasa Trek Universe Group
Author: Karl Hiesterman
Date: September 17 2006
First of all, thank you for all your kind words. It's always
nice to hear when your
work rings true with the audience.
Regarding Boarding parties: If I remember rightly, I only used Boarding
for the three-way
pirate scenario, two pirate players both trying to beat up the convoy
but winning
separately. For that scenario I specifically set the boarding numbers
to be what was
appropriate for the scenario. I needed the Convoy player to have more
marines than one
pirate, but both pirates combined to have more than the Convoy. I
certainly think a D-10
would have a much larger marine contingent than a Destroyer, but for
the scenario I made
them fairly equal, so the Convoy player had some more options. I think
I explained away
the difference in the scenario vignettes by saying marines had been
removed from the
Cruiser... (I have to back and read my own book?) I would think we
could easily just base
Marines off of a percentage of the number of crew as a general rule,
with a few exceptions
(I've always expected Klingons to have more marines than Feds, and the
Chandley class was
a Marine transport, if I remember rightly...
Regarding Victory points and such: Remember, VPs and victory conditions
often vary
according to the scenario. They are the tool the designer uses to
affect the behavior of
the players to fit the supposed behaviors and conditions of the
situations they are
"simulating". Thus it's possible for both sides to claim victory in
some of my
scenarios, or for a victory to be Pyrrhic at best (on some of the
linked scenarios, for
example. Win scenario 1 but be so beat up you lose #2?). If I remember
correctly, when I
had just points for ships destroyed or whatever, those values were
based on the Combat
Efficiency numbers somehow, but for the life of me I can't remember
how. You can probably
see a pattern by looking at the CE numbers and my VP charts...
One campaign I ran a long time ago was based on the White Flame
scenarios, I made up a set
of about 6 basic scenarios: Convoy attack, Base assault, Patrol, Fleet
Engagement, etc.
And we rolled randomly for each player as to what scenario he played
this turn. And a
ranking system that just gave you points worth of ships, so the
scenario auto-balanced for
you. If you were a new player in a Convoy game, the other player had
fewer points, if you
were and experienced player, you had a bigger fleet, but so did your
Unfortunately, those rules are lost to time...
Did I ever consider doing more Trek work: Oh, I would have loved to do
more, but there
wasn't much call for it, I'm afraid. FASA was about to lose the Trek
license (they didn't
know that at the time?) and Battletech was going strong, so most of the
attention was
there. I think the only reason White Flame was done was because Jordan
and Ross loved the
game and wanted to do at least one scenario book for it. They knew I
loved the game to and
just came up to me and said "we want to do a Scenario book for the
Combat Simulator,
and we want you to write it. Do whatever you want". So, loving Klingons
like I do, I
did a Klingon squadron. The natural reaction would probably have been
to do a Fed book,
but everything is so Fed focused in Star Trek, I wanted the bad guys to
have their day? I
tried to make sure the opponents were varied, so it wasn't just Fed vs
Kingon, and so I
had them serve on both fronts near the Triangle, so they could fight
Fed, Romulan,
Pirates, and other Klingons.
An interesting side note, the character artwork in that book was done
by a then newcomer
to the gaming world, Doug Shuler. He was a friend of mine, and a young
and really talented
artist, but it was really hard for an artist to break into that field.
Artists are
notoriously flaky in the publishing industry, missing deadlines, etc.,
so publishers don't
like risk trying new artists (better the devil you know?). I had just
gotten Doug his
first work, illustrating a piece of design work I had just completed,
the Battletech
combat books for Nova. I asked FASA if they would consider Doug for the
White Flame, and
they said no thanks. So what I had Doug do was go ahead and do the
Character illustrations
anyway, made sure I finished the Character stuff first so he could work
on the art as soon
as possible. Then I sent both the manuscript and the art together
thinking they couldn't
turn down suitable art exactly to their needs? I was right, they loved
them and included
them in the book, and Doug got his start in the Gaming Industry. He's a
fairly well-known
gaming artist now, did a ton of work Magic-the Gathering and loads of
other stuff...
...As for White Flame, well I was greatly helped by the fact
that John M. Ford had
already written his fantastic Klingon suppliment, which
really brought them to life. Particularly the whole Komerex zha
concept, which gave
Klingons a whole new level of struggle.
I started with trying to make sure the scenarios themselves were
interesting. I made the
assumption that the readers had probably already done lots of standard,
fights, and so resolved to have victory conditions more varied than
just fight to the
death, and force balances that were different. I designed well balanced
scenarios, and
playtested them, before I wrote a word of the background (although a
lot of it was in my
head...). It sounds kinda backwards, but it worked. It made sure that
the primary purpose
was served (that is, interesting scenarios for the Combat Simulator)
and still was cool
and interesting, made you care about what happened in the scenario, not
just a dry combat.
From: From the Archives! Web Blog;
Author: Mitch O'Connell
Date: February 20 2011
<poster image>
My first and only actual job was spent happily drawing away
for a year and a half at FASA, a role-playing game company in Chicago.
Started right after leaving art school, but then began to get enough
freelance to not bother with 9 to 5 employment. The rest is history!
From: Twitter @couchguy
Author: Guy McLimore
Date: January 26, 2014 at 5:50 pm
It is always a nice surprise when I come across someone who
has such fond memories of Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. As one of
the original designers, I can tell you that the time I spent with my
long-time collaborator Greg Poehein and the late David Tepool working
on the game, supplements and adventures still stands out as one of the
best creative experiences of my life.
I still remember the day we were offered the project out of the blue by
FASA’s Jordan Weisman. For me, it was the dream job — the project I had
always wanted. As a Trek fan and gamer, the Star Trek universe was the
most incredible place to explore. The three of us felt very privileged,
spending a number of years placing our own small mark on this
incredible adventure setting.
Many of my favorite memories of my career as a game designer come from
my Star Trek days. Among my favorites:
* Working around the clock with Greg and Dave to meet the tight
deadline for the manuscript before the FASA license lapsed.
* Opening the very first case of the First Edition boxed set in a hotel
room the night before debuting it at a major Star Trek convention.
* Replaying the bar fight from “The Trouble with Tribbles” with Jimmy
Doohan and Walter Koenig reprising their roles at a charity event.
* Collaborating with my much-missed friend John M. Ford on The Klingons
supplement and having our team written into the climactic scene of his
Star Trek novel “The Final Reflection” as Klingon officers.
* Meeting the Great Bird of the Galaxy himself in an elevator in St.
Louis and giving him a copy of the game (and finding out years later
from Majel Barrett Roddenberry how much Gene had liked it).
These are things that stick with you for a lifetime. Greg’s clever and
fun game mechanics and David’s peerless starship combat rules formed
the strong framework of the system, while I did my best to keep the
role playing experience true to the spirit of optimism, adventure and
diversity that made the Star Trek universe so special to all of us. We
had a great time doing it.
Hearing after all these years from people who played (and apparently
are still playing) the game who think in some measure that we succeeded
— that’s the best thing of all. Thanks for playing.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 13, 2014
“Rich artist” is a contradiction of terms for most creative
types. That certainly has been the case in my career; I have had
periods of peak activity and affluence but they never last long enough
to even out for the lean years. As a good friend said ” One month the
chicken is in the pot and the next month you get only feathers.” In
order to mentally and emotionally survive you have to find your rewards
in others ways. You can’t used income to keep score.
Sometimes the pay-off comes with the subject matter you are assigned.
It’s been my good fortune to make my living doing Star Trek art at
three separate times in my career. In the mid-eighties I did covers for
FASA corporation’s Star Trek role-playing game, in the mid-nineties I
did a couple of sub-sets for Skybox Cards Star Trek Masterworks II set,
and in the mid -“oughts” I did the three dealer-incentive covers for
IDW comics adaptation of ‘The Wrath of Khan”.
It was kind of nice the way that all worked out….
This was the first cover I did for the FASA game series. I had just
started free-lancing after four years as an officer in the army and
truth be told this was a little difficult for me. During my “time in” I
did occasional free-lance work but not enough to push me into
developing my work; I came out making images almost exactly the way I
did when I went in.
Unfortunately my “eye” did continue to develop – what I could conceive
was much more demanding of what I could produce. I had an idea of what
I wanted to do but was having a hard time getting there.
Considering the predicament I was in at the time this didn’t work out
all that badly. It was done in July of 1983 with airbrush on
illustration board with inks and Dr. Martin’s dyes. Some areas have
been embellished with colored pencil or brushwork. It measures about
12″X16″ – it was originally a wrap-around cover so you’re missing half
the image – the back area was split between white space and a
continuation of the space-view.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 16, 2014
Second in the run of Trek covers I did for FASA corporation,”
The Vanished” was probably the least visible out of them all. The
supplement had been published previously using cover art by another
illustrator and I was told that Paramount licensing was not happy with
the way a female figure had been depicted – her Star Fleet tunic skirt
was too tight/too short…which seemed to contradict the definition of a
Star Fleet tunic-skirt.
To be honest I thought the first cover illustration was great but I was
all too happy to get the work.
This was one of the few covers Jordan was less than thrilled about –
specifically the blue reflected highlight on Sulu’s face and the large
hands on the security guard behind him. I thought we was going to kill
the project but between the tight deadline and the fact that he loved
the ship, monster and background it went to print. As a second printing
it didn’t get a very large run; FASA was also unsuccessfully
experimenting at the time with packaging the supplements in a cardboard
sleeve that could be hung from a peg which also hurt sales.
…and there was that yucky blue highlighting!
24″X16″ ink and Dr. Martin’s dyes applied with airbrush on cold-press
illustration board. Detail added with colored pencils, designers
markers and gouache. August 1983
thought on “The Vanished”
David R. Deitrick on June 24, 2014 at 11:27 am said:
I come from a family of Trek fans and no one was more excited about
these covers than my nephew Erik (Taveres). It was frustrating for him
though because his buddies didn’t believe him when he’d tell them his
Uncle David was doing the covers for the books they were carrying
around – the different surnames didn’t help much for that matter. I
decided to give him a hand: it’s hard to tell with a small image like
this but scattered in the numbers in the computer readout on the back
cover are his phone number, birthdate and street address. I also sent
him an autographed cover signed “Uncle David”….
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 17, 2014
Third in the series of FASA Trek covers. For various reasons
there was an 18 month gap between this book and the previous one. In
that time I had gone to the 1984 WORLDCON in Los Angeles where I spent
most of my time going through the art show and taking notes. Soon
afterwards I make a major change in the way I worked, incorporating
more paint over the top of the airbrush work and using better reference
16″X24″ on hot-press watercolor board. (back portion of the wrap-around
has been cropped off). Acrylic paint over the top of airbrush which in
turn was laid over the top over a water-color underpainting. My friend
Mark Robison posed for the Starfleet officer – the first of several
instances in which he did so. The “Vulcan” in the background was based
on my nephew Gordon Laird Michael.
The original art fell victim to the Christmas in Chicago curse. Four
years running I had a painting bent when it passed through Chicago
during Christmas time. FASA was still able to use this piece by some
imaginative use of a clear overlay and an airbrush. but I was able to
salvage only the cropped out head & shoulders of each figure
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 18, 2014
Another gap between this and “The Outcasts” – though not as long. By
this point I was feeling very comfortable with the multi-media/multi-step
process I was using for my cover work. I was also trying to work an Art
Deco/JC Lyndecker style into what I was doing as well. I love work from
both the Art Noveau and Art Deco periods and I was fortunate that the
times and people involved allowed me to do so. My first Klingon and while
“The Search for Spock” had established the wrinkly look, I preferred the
extended spine treatment used in “Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I could
accept that look as a logical step in evolution but the wrinkly brows
looked like someone wanted to save money in make-up.
Acrylic over airbrush with a watercolor underpainting on Strathmore
hot-press watercolor board. Again, this is just the front of a wrap-around
cover; I will post a view of the entire painting but be warned it’s a
pretty small scan.
Oh – it was done in March of 1985
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 19, 2014
One Doomsday Is Like Any Other
I think this piece was commissioned with a title slightly different
than it was published with. At this point I started getting regular Trek
cover work, though the timing for this one was kind of tough. I got the
assignment just before deploying to the Western Pacific at the battalion
S-2 for 1st Battalion, 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) for a month. I
worked up a sketch before I left and after fighting my way through jet-lag
I jumped into production right after I got home.
This is another
one of those chopped wrap-around covers ( I have to break down and get a
larger scanner) and it was a lot of fun to do. I posed for the stern
captain, the weapons officer behind me is my wife Lori and the unseen
villain on the chopped-off back part was posed for by artistic super-star
James C. Christensen of “Voyage of the Bassett” fame.
Ah – to be
younger and buffer again. I think I trimmed a little off my waistline, but
not much. I was running 2-5 miles a day while on jump status. Lori made an
entire Starfleet uniform for me the winter before – I got the pattern at
LA-CON II and was able to write the entire cost off on my taxes. A few
years earlier I was lucky enough to find the Enterprise blue-print set
from ST:TMP which gave me reference to get that weapons station just
16″X24″ (before cropping); Acrylic paint over airbrush which
in turn was applied over a watercolor under-painting on Strathmore Hot
press heavy-weight watercolor board. At this point I was beginning to
realize that I really, really hated to brush-paint the color red. You can
mix shades of red (go darker) but mixing tints ( making it lighter) just
gives you a range of pinks. I finally decided to mix a bit of yellow when
mixing a red tint, but life was much easier when I found a great premixed
lighter shade of red acrylic craft paint.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 21, 2014
I was extremely blessed to have my career start when it did. I came
into the market on the tail-end of the Conceptual Era in illustration
history, when the idea behind the picture, intense thought was involved in
the design process and individual style were as important as the degree of
realism to which the image had been rendered. It was also a time when an
illustrator worked with a single art director or editor instead of dealing
with art direction by committee.
As usual I was blending a
J.C.Lyndecker influence with a movie poster technique and in the process
trying to portray enough detail in the adventure to generate interest but
no so much that I gave everything away. It was challenging in that the
action almost all happened in vacuum; not only was a required to carefully
tailor the Star Fleet space-suits we saw in “The Wrath of Khan” into
something more practical, I had to devise a Romulan suit based on the
paucity of visual reference for Romulan garb available in 1985. Some
comments were made at the time there being a strong resemblance to the
Zhodani vacc-suits in Traveller but if that is the case it was purely
Technical notes (this is going to get boring at this
point) I used the same mixed medium process on the same support in the
same size as the covers to follow. Again, it is just the front cover-half
of a wrap around. Keeping that same 16″X24″ made buying, cutting and
storing the Strathmore hot-press water color board very convenient. I used
a big of bubbly acrylic wash for the asteroid but lost most of the effect.
I took this with me to Boskone in 1987 where I thought it would just sit
because I had cropped the painting into just the front half to make
framing and display easier. I figured that because of the Trek subject
matter and the purple color in the back ground but it sold right away….
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 23, 2014
Even though this was one of the last original Trek cover paintings to
go, it is a head-scratcher to me. While I know that I used the same
multi-media/multi-step procedure on the same type of hot-press water-color
board I cannot remember the date or the size of this piece. It was smaller
than the other paintings and I know it was done during relatively cool
weather in 1985 because I had a bad cold during most of the time I was
working on it.
This was an adventure set in The Triangle, an area
of vague boundaries where Romulan, Klingon and Federation space. It was
given to me with a very short-fused deadline so I went for a very simple
composition which drew some flack when the sketch arrived in the office.
The main complaint was that is seemed like it had nothing to do with The
Triangle area, until Jordan pointed out that the three circular windows
were trimmed in the colors belonging to the state that would have occupied
that space on a regular map: blue for the Federation, red for Klingon
space and purple for Romulan space. it was the kind of conceptual twist
that was happening in main-stream illustration but not necessarily in
The model was a friend of ours from church, a conservative
young mother with the grace and slender build most professional models
would die for. Though I used her several times she never spoke much, so it
kind of shocked by a comment she made when she saw the printed version: ”
I love it when David “boobs me out” like that”
You’ll notice
several star systems scattered in the background – I usually apply the
patterns in a random matter by tapping the side of a loaded paintbrush or
using my thumb on an old toothbrush. This time I had to be more
imaginative – I was just putting the finishing touches on the painting
when I was rocked by a surprise-sneeze ( remember the cold I talked about
earlier?) After cleaning the sneeze-whiz off I was left with an area of
clustered faded dots in the lower right hand corner – and I was baffled
because I didn’t know of a way to repair a damaged airbrushed surface.
Then the light went on; by judicious application of highlights and shadows
I turned a glob of spots into a star system in a nebula…but when Jordan
told me how much he liked that part of the painting I just kept my mouth
shut until the check cashed.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: June 28, 2014
One of my favorites…but one with some odd stories behind it.
The plot involved a Starfleet captain that had gone insane and was
trying to start a war. I held on to the original until January of 1993
when a guy walked into the CHATTACON art show at the last minute and
bought it for the immediate purchase price. The buyer kept gushing
about the great portrait of Commander Riker he’d purchased and when I
told him that A) it was an illustration for a classic TREK product
published two years before ST;TNG came on the air and B) the guy who
posed for the piece just happened to look like Jonathon Frakes the
buyer’s eyes would kind of glaze over.
There is also a sad story to go with piece. About the same time I did
this painting I got a reply from Task Force Games about an inquiry I
had made to them 6 months earlier about doing work for Star Fleet
Battles ( it’s a long story but it was a licensed line co-existing with
FASA’s products. When I finally heard back I was told that the game’s
designer specified that I not be used for the game – by name. As I had
never met the guy it kind of took me back but evidently he wanted a lot
more detail that I usually included – especially more little dead
bodies getting sucked out into space…so when I did this space battle
scene I made sure that I had lots of little dead bodies.
…but as I was finishing up the painting and cleaning my brushes an
announcer broke into the classic rock station I was listening to,
saying ” Folks, I’m not sure what is going on but we’ve gotten word
that something wrong has happened at Cape Canaveral – that something
might have happened to the Space Shuttle Challenger.”
Yep, it was early 1986 and while I was being oh-so-clever about dead
bodies in space the shuttle was blowing up. There are times in my life
when I felt like a bigger jack-a** than I did that day – but not many.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: July 1, 2014
The presence of two licensed Trek products in the gaming world was a
bit of a mystery back in the early ’80s. Both companies maintained that
they were the exclusive license holders but the story I got a about the
situation was murky at best.
In the mid-70s Franz Joseph Designs
produced two wonderful licensed Trek items: a set of blue-prints for the
starship Enterprise and a Starfleet Technical manual. For some reason they
were able to grant a sub-license to Lou Zocchi to produce a line of
injection-molded styrene plastic miniatures based on the ship designs in
the technical manual (and if I may add they were positively beautiful).
Not so long after that Task Force Games was granted a sub-sub license to
develop a tactical ship game based on the miniatures.
How plausible
is this? Well, Paramount never shut down the TFG Trek line, though to be
honest the back story for that game had morphed over the years to
something quite unlike the main Trek universe. I know that the licensing
department was very casual when first started doing the FASA trek covers;
at the beginning I signed the covers along with a copyright bullet but it
was two years before Paramount came back with ” Well, you probably
shouldn’t be doing that”.
There was also talk in late 85 about
Paramount granting a non-exclusive license to West End Games for a Trek
tactical starship combat game – I know because I worked up comps for
Jordan for a similar game that FASA would have rushed to market to fight
the West End product….but all along Task Force games churned out their
version of Trek and finally I was asked to do a painting for them.
Central to the book was a new cruiser class for Starfleet and the
accompanying sketch is the concept I came up with – I felt it did a good
job of splitting the difference between the class TV series version and
the current movie version. It wasn’t until I submitted a cover sketch that
I had the boom dropped on me.
The game designer sent Task Force a
four page hand-written letter demanding that I NOT be used for the cover,
and unfortunately by contract he had the right to do so. I had produced a
cover for their STARFIRE game a couple of years prior to this; he felt
that my work was too stylized and abstract to represent the Starfleet
Battles game system. I lost, but the art director gave me another STARFIRE
cover assignment ( the Gorm-Khanate War) that I always thought was one of
the best covers I did during that time period.
Epilogue: In early
1987 I got a frantic call from Task Force Games – they needed a cover and
their regular artist was unable to take the assignment. At this point I
was indelibly connected with the FASA Trek series so I didn’t feel like
taking the job was appropriate – and I had just taken a non-gaming
assignment with a short deadline ruling out any other work. I was kind of
glad for that as I didn’t want to look like I was thumbing my nose at Task
Force .
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: July 2, 2014
One of my pet peeves with doing book covers is the “who shot
John” phase after a book tanks. Invariably it is blamed on the cover –
but when the book sells well it’s the author who is solely
responsible…but to be honest I am guilty of a similar crime. If one of
my covers looks bad, I’ll usually dump it in the lap of the designer
that handled the type.
This is one of my faves out of the TREK cover line, but it enjoyed a
brief stay in my portfolio. When I heard “Great illustration but that
type…” for the third time I pulled it out. I wasn’t happy about it
though because it was the kind of thing I lived for: good likeness of
George Takei, nice retro-design of a Romulan war “clumsy cylindrical
ship” and the whole thing pulled together in a nice thematic design.
Unfortunately this was produced in March of 1986 – the Pre-Jeff era.
Jeff Laubenstein was a staff artist at FASA and is (without a doubt)
the best typographer I have ever worked with or ever knew of. You could
put a photo of dog-vomit on a cover and Jeff would design type that
would make it look good. Luckily, he was soon regularly handling the
cover type on just about everything I did for FASA.
Same technical stuff – Mixed Method/Medium on hot-press watercolor
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: July 12, 2014
This one is a little different. Not only did I create the art
– I designed the thing as well. I had put together a small version for
use in a Trek RPG campaign that ran intermittently during the course of
1984 and when I mentioned it in passing to Jordan he jumped right on
the idea.
Unfortunately it lost something in translation. The original device was
much simpler to use, being limited to just the dials. When I sent in
the prototype and instructions the project got handed off to another
writer who added a measure of depth and complexity that just didn’t
fit. Instead of being able to quickly dial in readings players had to
stop and consult charts for range as well as go through other steps
that slowed play down.
The prompting for the project came from playing the old “B1 Bomber”
computer game on the TRS-80. It was text-based, but I liked the fact
that you could take contacts and headings and plot them on a chart. As
a veteran and one-time aviator I knew that most information gleaned
from dials and read-outs had to be interpreted and I liked that one
little step closer to reality…of course now 30 years later you get
instruments that lay all the information out for you, interpretation
and all.
I’m not sure what happened to the original art – neither piece was very
marketable to collectors. It’s just as well – I used airbrush on
regular weight illustration board and some of the inks I used were not
light-fast…and yes, I know that I spelled a word wrong on the sensor
side. Tight deadlines prevented FASA from sending the work back to me
before printing – and this was years before Photoshop.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: July 17, 2014
This was an odd project. I did this in the spring of 1986 and as I
mentioned before I was in the first flare of ankylosing spondylitis which
meant that every major joint in my body was stiff and inflamed, making
simple things like walking and dressing difficult…much less painting. I
had previously made a commmitment to attend a sister’s graduation back in
Alaska; when I made travel plans I thought my schedule was clear but then
someone started counting fingers, toes and days until GENCON and this book
suddenly became red-hot.
I split the work on this piece between
just before the Alaska trip and just after – and just so it wouldn’t be
too easy for me I ended up without a manuscript for reference so I had to
work from a verbal description.
So – very little time, little
information and hampered skills to contend with – how did we get around
it? You can’t tell right off hand, but I only painted part of this scene –
the figures, table and viewer-frame. That imagery was then
photographically superimposed over the star field behind them; the idea
being that if there were last minute changes while I was out of contact
in-house people could shuffle backgrounds if need be.
As far as
technical notes – same size, method and materials as the other single
panel TREK covers. I think this one ended up getting bent by FEDEX as well
but I was able to crop the Vulcan ambassador’s image out in a format
suitable for framing.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: July 21, 2014
The concept of ground forces for Starfleet was a conceptual
black hole for me. I started sketching and planning the night after
watching “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” for the first time; I was
intrigued by the helmets and body armor the security people wore ( an
idea that was long overdue if you ask any redshirt) and as I was a
fairly new second lieutenant in the Army the whole “soldier” thing was
pretty important to me.
I kept at it for the next couple of years and when I shared some of my
ideas with Jordan he jumped right on the idea. However, the gestation
of the actual supplement ended up being a little too drawn out. By the
time the book was ready to go to press it was late 1987; with the
success of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and the hype over the upcoming
Star Trek: The Next Generation Gene Roddenberry was back in the
driver’s seat and he was adamant that there would be no “marines” in
the Star Trek universe. He felt that regular Starfleet security teams
would handle any ground combat.
You have to give The Great BIrd of the Galaxy his props – after all he
spent some time as a bomber pilot in WW2, but I’m not so sure about
this one. You’re going to take a master-at-arms – or an M.P. , tap them
on the shoulder and all of a sudden they’re SEALS?
David R. Deitrick on November 30, 2017 at 8:48 pm said:
No (regarding uploading manual). I never had the complete document-
just some dot-matrix print-outs of background information and
descriptions and even those have disappeared. Three moves equal one
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: August 5, 2014
Noteworthy for a couple of reasons:
1. My dual-view of Pavel Chekov, first as a line officer and then as an
undercover agent.
2. The featured starship is a bladeship – my personal design.
3. I wrote a fair amount of written material that was incorporated into
this book.
For most of the time I worked on the TREK series my “second life” was
as the battalion S-2 (intelligence officer) for 1st Battalion, 19th
Special Forces Group (Airborne) UTARNG. I was doing so much in the way
of technical writing for that job that I kind of eased into writing a
special operations command supplement for Starfleet. Known as ‘SPOOX”
they were an SAS/SF/GS7 amalgam with their own dedicated ship
designs…like the bladeship.
Bladeships were packed full of sensors and receivers for use in
reconnaissance and surveillance. It had some weaponry, but it was meant
to fight running away (it had two torpedo tubes firing aft but only one
firing forward). It was the fastest ship in the ST:RPG universe but
couldn’t take a whole lot of damage and had sleath-shields that were
the closest thing Starfleet had to a cloaking device…in other words a
combined AC-130, submarine and “black helicopter”.
“SPOOX” was another casualty of the demilitarization that The Great
Bird was stressing in the late 1980s – but it was just as well because
I ended up butting heads with editors over what they wanted (Rambo) vs.
what I wanted ( Tom Clancy). The bladeship and a lot of the equipment
were folded into the rest of the Intelligence manual material.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: August 21, 2014
What do I do with original art?
In the beginning I just stored it away. I wasn’t going to conventions
and galleries weren’t interested in “space boy” art so I had no means,
no venue for selling it. It was just as well as in the beginning I was
also using a lot of “fugitive media” – inks and dyes that were not
UV-resistant and prone to fading rapidly when displayed in sunlight or
strong interior lighting. I was also using non-archival illustration
board for a ground which would start to discolor over time because of
its wacky pH balance ( or lack of). However, as my career progressed I
moved into spending more for archival art supplies; I also started
displaying my work in convention art shows where people would then buy
my artistic “children” and (sob) take them away forever!
It was then that I discovered something interesting – actually it came
from Bill Whitaker, a former teacher of mine and a master of the human
figure. Those philistines buying and pawing my masterpieces were no
dopes. I found that my favorite paintings were the ones that the
consumer wanted but if I just “knocked something out” just to pay the
rent it would just hang on the panel lonely and undisturbed. It wasn’t
always a matter of quality either – quite often I’ll find myself liking
one of my works of art because of the concept behind it – or even
because of the era and circumstances in which it was painted. I
couldn’t have told you the nonverbal cues in the piece to save my life
but the non-creative buyers would react to it too.
Consequently Lori and I had to make a rule about what went up for sale
and what didn’t. At each show we could designate one (1) piece of art
as “NFS” (not for sale) but everything else had to have a price tag –
after all it was a business we were engaged in and the money we earned
from selling the originals often made up a sizeable percentage of a
month’s income. The rule worked fairly well except when during those
rare times when I happened to produce several remarkable paintings all
in a row. Such was the case with the cover illustration for “THE
It was getting close to the end of my time working on Star Trek
role-playing game. the line would continue to stay in publication for a
couple more years but between continuing friction with Paramount’s
licensing department and the exploding popularity of BATTLETECH more
and more of my time was being booked creating uniforms, equipment and
vehicles for that world of giant anthropomorphic fighting robots. I
looked at my stock of original TREK art and realized that A) I didn’t
have much TREK stuff left and B) I wasn’t going to be making much more
of it. I had liked the way the slightly abstract background and worked
with the representational handling of the ships in THE STRIDER INCIDENT
so I figured that painting to be a keeper.
There was a problem though: I was scheduled to attend NORWESCON in
Seattle and unfortunately I had already chosen my NFS piece. I decided
to play dirty so I priced the STRIDER INCIDENT art high enough that
most convention attendees couldn’t afford it – but not so high that
Lori would figure out what I was up to.
My cunning plan worked…temporarily. Just as I had planned the painting
failed to sell at the convention. However, at the convention I met a
real nice guy by the name of Bill Mimbu, a long time TREK fan and had
followed my work on FASA products over the years. He was a fan – but
not a fawning fan. I liked the fact that he could discuss the pros and
cons of each one of my covers in an informed and intelligent manner –
some of my work he liked and some of it he thought stunk, though he was
much too diplomatic to express his opinion in that matter. With that
level of insight and knowledge AND the fact that we were at a science
fiction convention I figured him to be a clerk in a bookstore.
I was wrong. Three weeks after the convention I received a nice letter
from Bill, asking if THE STRIDER INCIDENT art was still for sale. It
turned out that he was well paid engineer for Boeing and the convention
had just caught him in between paychecks. Lori had taken note of his
letter in the mail so was compelled to let THE STRIDER INCIDENT warp on
out the door to the Pacific Northwest.
As far as technical data – Same tools and media as before as far as
with the other TREK covers. Hot-press watercolor board with airbrush
and acrylic used for the rendering. I never realized how many compound
curves were included in the movie-version of the starship Enterprise
and I have to confess to cheating in some spots and straightening some
of them out.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: August 27, 2014
Although this was the first painted cover I produced after moving from
Utah back to my hometown in Alaska in the early summer of 1987, it had its
origins two years earlier, and even then it was as confused as this final
cover painting was.
The plan all along was to have a two book
supplement for the Orions supplement but the budget wouldn’t allow for two
cover illustrations. The compromise concept was to start with common
background for both books that would depict the bridge with all of the
sensors, read-outs and controls, then I’d paint a separate foreground
pertinent to each book using acrylic paint on clear Mylar film. The
in-house production staff would then create the two covers by
photographing one overlay over the background, then swapping out overlays
to get the second book cover.
I produced sketches showing the two
over lays and backgrounds but I was never sold on the process. The only
way I could paint the background painting and two overlays for less than
the price of two regular covers was to work for just under minimum wage
but then the manuscript got put on back-burner and I forgot about it.
June of 1987 and the project pops back up – for some reason with a
very short deadline as well. The editors still were tweaking the
manuscript but wanted the book done in time for the major summer
conventions looming ahead. The decision was made to use one cover which I
handled easily enough, but when my finished painting arrived in Chicago
panic ensued.
Panic over skin color.
Orion slave girls in
the original series were green, but Orion pirates in the animated series
were blue. In the first round of sketches I instructed to follow that
pallete: blue for men and green for women. While the manuscript had been
“on the back burner” there had been discussion about multi-colored Orions
beyond blue and green but when I got the call to do the cover I was told
to go with a grey skin color for the pirate captain. After the painting
arrived I got a frantic telephone call demanding the reason why I hadn’t
made him orange! Evidently the discussion had been resolved after I got
the assignment – but no one had called to let me know. In fairness this
was during the time period that Jordan Weismann was easing out of art
direction and into what would become his Virtual World Enterprise project
so communication was getting pretty garbled in general.
overlay idea from 1985 was revived and used by in-house staff member – he
laid the Mylar over the painting and airbrushed orange paint over the
exposed grey skin areas so the cover art would match the text. I’ll leave
you to your own judgment ,,,,but The Orions book never made it into my
From: The Trek Collective: Interview: Rob Caswell on the art of
Author: Rob Caswell
Date: August 27, 2014
This is a small section from the interview:
....This isn't your first published Star Trek work though, is it?
started my illustration career in the 80’s doing pieces for many of the
popular printed scifi role-playing games of the time, like Traveller,
TORG, the Star Wars RPG, and others. In 1988 I was pulled in as one of the
primary illustrators for FASA’s “Star Trek TNG Officer’s Manual” which was
really the first licensed “tech manual” for the series. It’s long out of
print now, but I think it’s still got a space on bookshelves from the
period’s TNG fans....
Two Examples:
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: September 2, 2014
I’m including this one only because my eldest son Conrad will
never forgive me if I left it out. The Dixie Gambit was by far and away
my least favorite FASA Trek cover. Why? There are too many reasons to
reel them all off but A) the crewmen are not my best work involving the
human figure and B) my first (and rejected) cover design was ever so
much cooler, featuring Uhura dolled up in Klingon armor and doing her
best “Dirty Harriet” while aiming a disruptor at an unseen target. [The Uhura
version never made it past the sketch stage…]
(‘Did I fire four phaser bolts or five? Go ahead – make my light-year”)
Technical specifications: Ditto as with the previous covers. Once I got
comfortable with that mixed airbrush/paintbrush technique I stayed with
it because it worked so well.
On Facebook: Date: ? David Deitrick's Dixie Gambit Cover,
on why he hates it with a passion; He was suffering with arthritis at the
time and the two characters on the cover were a rushed job, all this was
while he was in pain and working on a huge Battletech project, the house
book and with other distractions.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: September 5, 2014
This was a nice bookend of sorts; the second TREK supplement
I did for FASA was a reworking of a Mitch O’Connell cover and this
(almost) next to last FASA Trek supplement was an O’Connell rework as
well. At the time I never got a straight answer as to “why’ they were
having me do new covers because Mitch’s work is great, but as time has
passed I found out that I was being used as a club to keep him and
other artists in line – in the same manner that other younger, less
expensive artists were eventually used against me when I was better
established and getting better rates
There were other aspects in the project that were equally stressful. I
made a typographical error in the computer readout in the illustration
but there was not enough time to send it back to be reworked. Oddly
enough I was glad that I had to let a mistake like that stand because I
would have been required to make another change had there been an extra
week or so available.
I’d have been required to make the security guard white.
One reason the original TREK series appealed to me in the first place
was the way people of all shapes, sizes and colors got along – so it
was disconcerting to find that my efforts to put some variety in the
RPG covers met with resistance. There were no crossed being burned –
but there was always a “good reason” why I had to change this person or
that person. I worked around the issue by featuring George Takei twice
but with this cover I just made sure in the sketch that security guard
had strong side-lighting so the skin-tone wasn’t so obvious, and once
the sketch is OK’d…
It wasn’t the last time I would run into covert bias. A few years later
I had another client who fought tooth and nail to keep strong female
characters off his covers so when I sent in a cover featuring an armed
female adventurer standing guard while her male compatriot (with weapon
holstered) was working on bypassing an alarm I came close to having the
job cancelled and being banned from all future work.
This was also one of my first “celebrity death covers” too. I had a lot
of fun featuring Harry Mudd on the cover but two months later Roger C.
Carmel (the actor who played him) died. It happened again twenty years
later when Ricardo Montalban died two months after I included him in
one of the covers I did for IDW Comics Wrath of Khan adaptation.
…so, the next time you start thinking that it would be fun for me to
paint you into one of my covers you may want to get a check-up first!
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: September 16, 2014
FASA Star Trek Boardgames
<Operation Armageddon Cover Image>
I was startled to find this image while doing some ‘surfing” today. It
brings back some difficult memories of hard lessons learned.
This was a comprehensive sketch for one of three strategy board games
FASA was developing in the middle of their RPG run. Paramount had just
announced modification to their licensing agreements; up to this point
West End Games also had a licensed Trek game line but were limited to
strategy board games but that policy was being changed. From that point
on the various licenses were non-exclusive – the holders could develop
board games, RPGS or whatever they thought would sell.
I got a panic call from Jordan: they needed comps for proposed games to
go in the new catalog – but there was no budget to cover the cost. As
at this point we were all still “friends” I did the work on spec, with
the understanding that I’d get top dollar when the actual game covers
were commissioned.
They never were…and it was at about this time that I noticed a distinct
“coolness” radiating from Van Buren Avenue in Chicago and the whole
“we’re in this together” atmosphere slowly faded away. It was a sad
lesson: sometimes you can’t be as nice to people as you’d like to be.
Sometimes people take it as a sign of weakness.
Sometimes people shoot themselves in the foot.
David R. Deitrick on January 26, 2016 at 12:05 pm said:
never saw a manuscript – just a short verbal description over the phone
(as was usually the case). I don’t think anything became of them.
David R. Deitrick on January 28, 2016 at 7:05 pm said:
As far as I know none of the operation Armageddon books went to print –
at least I was never commissioned to do covers for them and both Jordan
and Ross were evasive
when I inquired about them later on.
All the Trek work I did is long gone. I occasionally do commissions
(marker renderings of characters) in fact I did a red-tunic movie era
Vulcan last month – a female Vulcan SF officer for a friend in the Bay
David R. Deitrick on January 30, 2016 at 11:08 am said:
Jordan Weismann and Ross Babcock – the two principals in the FASA
corporation. As for the Vulcan drawing: she’s on this blog. I think I
posted the image in December (2015)
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: September 18, 2014
<STTNGMedTRicorder, image>
This was almost one of the coolest products ever to hit the street from
FASA. I started work in late 1987 and I worked on it sporadically for
the next couple of months. It was full of all sorts of nice techy
information but evidently the Great Bird had problems with some of the
text; book was pulled and edited down to a ghost of the original form
(I think most of my cutaway drawings failed to make the cut). If you
have the first volume you have a collectors’ item.
I worked hard to make the “guts” of each device look functional. Again,
a background in industrial design followed by experience as a
maintenance officer in the Army was of great help. In order to
facilitate maintenance almost all complex devices in the military are
built up out of smaller components; first and second echelon
maintenance/repair consists mainly of testing and replacing those
smaller modules. It was disappointing to see wire & LED “spaghetti”
when Data or some android was opened up on camera. Maybe it was a
budget thing or writers thought viewers needed 1950’s technology in
understand what was going on.
<STTNGPhaserOne, image> <STNGOfficersManualPhaser, image>
When I got to the Phasers I tried to carry on with the design
philosophy used with the Original Series side-arms: the concealable
Phaser 1 could clip into the Phaser 2 when more power was needed with
the Phaser 2 clipping into a rifle when you really needed to knock
something down. When I got to my version of the rifle I decided to have
some fun.
<STTNGStenGun, image>
Taking a page from George Lucas’ book I styled the rifle on a British
STEN submachine gun i.e. the lethality of the base weapon is mirrored
in the new device. I rationalized the long side-handle as being the
base for a more accurate “triangulating” sighting system…and these
weapons would need them because you’d have a hard time hitting anything
with them.You’ll have a hard time finding a current military rifle
without a pistol grip because they help shooters more instinctively
aim. It plays on the way you hold your hand when you point a finger.
Flatten the hand out and your aim gets even more shaky; when Worlds of
Wonder used a flashlight -format for the initial prototypes for
Lazer-Tag they found effective aim to be impossible.
The word must have gotten through: this “dust-buster” format got an
angled-down handle towards the end of DS:9.
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: January 26, 2016
David R. Deitrick on January 27, 2016 at 12:26 pm said:
When the Trek game started out in 1983 there wasn’t much oversight by
Paramount – in fact the first half dozen covers I did I signed my name
with a copyright bullet and they let it go without requiring a change.
STIV and ST:TNG changed everything- Paramount’s licensing department
mushroomed and they started micro-managing everything. GR got a lot
more clout too. He was always trying to downplay the military aspects
of Trek (which is a glaring contradiction) and he thought that FASA’s
interpretation was too militaristic and focused too much on combat and
violence. I don’t know if he was a factor in the overall license but I
do know that he personally killed the Star Fleet Marines supplement,
which was sad because a top-notch artist did uniform designs and cover
for it that never got used.
From: EN World / Email
Author: Guy McLimore
Date: July 1, 2017
Talking With Guy McLimore About FASA's Star Trek Roleplaying
Christopher Helton
For many old-school gamers, it was the original Star Trek
role-playing game – with no bloody A, B, C or D. Star Trek RPGs, much
like the USS Enterprise herself, warped through some major refits
through the decades, but few iterations can match the scope of FASA’s
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. FASA held the license for much of the
1980s and delivered a detailed and crunchy means of experiencing life
in Starfleet during the classic era of Kirk and Spock. FASA’s extensive
line of rulebooks, adventure scenarios and setting guides created a
rich canon that often built upon elements that were only hinted at
during the on-screen depictions of the Enterprise’s five-year mission.
Guy McLimore, one of three writers who sculpted FASA’s first edition of
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, was kind enough to answer some
questions from EN World, conveyed by email, about his experience
designing a game worthy of one of popular culture’s most revered
properties. Read on to learn how McLimore got started writing for Star
Trek, what makes a good Trek rpg adventure and how he thinks the game
has aged in the decades since.
A Dream Job
McLimore’s experiences as both a gamer and a Star Trek fan reach back
decades. He participated in the famed write-in campaign that
contributed to the classic television show earning a third season when
the network was considering its cancelation after its second year, and
he started gaming with the original "brown box" edition of Dungeons
& Dragons.
Those two passions collided at a GenCon in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while he
was running a booth with David Tepool and Greg Poehlein, two friends
with whom he’d established a game design partnership. The trio met FASA
founder Jordan Weisman, who mentioned casually that FASA had acquired
the license to produce a Star Trek RPG. The conversation led Weisman to
ask the trio if they would be interested in working on the game after
several other designers had failed to come up with something acceptable
to both FASA and Paramount.
"I don't think I ever had to work harder to keep a poker face in my
life," McLimore said. "To this day, I can't conceive of any fictional
universe more suitable for a great RPG than this one. I already wanted
to live there. Designing the game would give us the closest thing to
that dream."
McLimore, Tepool and Poehlein scrambled to build a game engine complete
with character creation, personal combat and starship operations
systems to meet FASA’s 30-day deadline. The effort required some late
nights, but it paid off. The game received approval from FASA and
Paramount, and the trio became the core design team (credited as
"Fantasimulations Associates") for much of the early FASA Star Trek
Charting The FASA Galaxy
McLimore and his colleagues stressed the importance of baking Star
Trek’s philosophies of peaceful exploration and seeking out new life
into the game. Their design objectives sometimes ran counter to the
prevailing tastes of the tabletop industry, which emphasized combat and
realistic tactical simulations. The Fantasimulations team often turned
in a different direction for their game, McLimore said.
"Solutions to problems had to come from using knowledge, technology and
human effort in the spirit of exploration, cooperation and good will,"
he said.
Even so, Star Trek: The Role Playing Game couldn’t escape the
prevailing influences of the early 1980s tabletop game industry. The
"simulationist" bent of the era seeped into the game design, requiring
the writers to go to some wild lengths to capture a realistic feel.
"I will never forget Dave Tepool, while working on the character combat
system, 'playtesting' the classic Captain Kirk dive roll maneuver over
and over in real life to see how it would really affect the combat
timing," McLimore said.
The design team produced most of the early content for the game,
including supplements focused on the Klingons, Romulans and merchants.
They also developed an extensive list of adventures scenarios. McLimore
named "Ghosts of Conscience," an introductory adventure included in the
deluxe boxed set, as one of his favorite accomplishments while working
on the game. The adventure sends a starship crew in search of the USS
Hood, which is caught in a pocket of interphase space that causes it to
shift between universes. “The Triangle,” another popular supplement,
offered gamemasters a ready-made sector of space full of adventure
hooks for further exploration and boldly going.
McLimore said good Star Trek RPG adventures avoid the hack-and-slash
storytelling commonplace in many tabletop role-playing games. Rather,
Star Trek games should mimic the structure and pace of a television
episode, he said, giving players opportunities to make difficult
ethical decisions that affect the rest of the story that follows.
"It has dramatic highs and expository lows, pacing the action and
building to a satisfying climax," McLimore said. "It presents a lot of
diverse viewpoints and opportunities for very different beings to find
common cause."
All Good Things…
McLimore and his colleagues remained involved through the launch of the
game’s second edition, but McLimore said the team increasingly ran up
against a desire from the publisher for a more militaristic tone that
the writers felt clashed with Star Trek’s core philosophy. FASA tapped
other editors to rework some of the presentation and mechanics for the
new edition, he said.
"Our primary editor rewrote a lot of the structure with this in mind to
make it sound more like a military organization," McLimore said. "I
think we fought more over the Second Edition more than anything we'd
ever done. We won some of those battles, and lost others."
Those creative differences, along with disagreements over payments,
eventually led McLimore and his colleagues to step away from Star Trek:
The Role Playing Game. But, looking back on the game today, McLimore
said he sees a product that managed to offer an authentic Star Trek
experience that drew many Trekkies into the tabletop world.
"We succeeded in attracting a lot of Trek fans to the game who had not
previously been role players, in great measure because they found our
game gave them a new way to be part of the Star Trek experience," he
said. "I'm most proud of that accomplishment, at least."
From: David R. Deitrick Web Blog
Author: David R. Deitrick
Date: February 7, 2019
I designed the bladeship (It's a Claymore in FASA text) to be
Starfleet’s primary Special Operations support vessel – a concept that
kicked off a short but brisk discussion that recently spread across
WordPress and Facebook. Essentially an SR-71, an AC-130 and a submarine
rolled into one ship, the bladeship was central to an (unfortunately)
unpublished special operations supplement I wrote for FASA’s Star Trek
role-playing game back in the day. The fact that at the time I was also
serving as the battalion S2 (intelligence) for the 1st battalion, 19th
Special Forces Group (ABN) UTARNG was most definitely a factor in the
whole project
The aforementioned discussion got me thinking about all the work that
went into the project and how it could be of enough interest to support
a couple of posts. Unfortunately, I started the original bladeship
project thirty-four years and seven houses ago, and as I learned in the
army “three moves equal one fire” …so I’ve essentially been burned out
twice since 1985.
I still have some “stuff” left, including this Styrene and Bondo ®
model built in scale to the original AMT USS Enterprise model. As I
think about this I’m pretty sure I’ve already written a post or two
about the bladeship but A) it’s been awhile and B) the pertinent files
have proved to be elusive.
<Bladeship Model Image, Insert Here>
In this section there are a few known interviews recorded of
the designers located for download on the web. If you have transcripts
of these interviews, please send them to me to post here.
From: Guy McLimore Interview - Julia Sherred's Geeky Pleasures
Author: Guy McLimore
Date: June 25, 2012
Guy McLimore Interview to discuss many things Star Trek,
media and technology. Things we discussed during the interview include:
Guy’s background; How he got into designing tabletop RPGs, Working with
Paramount and FASA on a licensed game; Why he stopped working with
FASA; The designing of Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game; A wonderful
story about meeting Gene Roddenberry and Majel Barrett; The Star Trek
universe; Technology and media, plus content distribution, Why the Star
Trek love; A fabulous story about Dork Tower creator John Kovalic; and
From: Trekyards: Introducing Josh Spencer - (Youtube)
Author: Josh Spencer
Date: April 12, 2015
Today's announcement focus's on Starfleet Battles and FASA as
we speak with Mr. Josh Spencer. He was lucky enough to have worked on
both gaming systems and not only designed ships (Charger-class and
Indomitable-class) and weapons, but also an entire race for Starfleet
Battles. Very cool stuff.
From: Trekyards EP26 - Fasa/Starfleet Battles with Josh
Spencer - (YouTube)
Author: Josh Spencer
Date: April 15, 2015
We speak with Josh Spencer, who has worked on both Star Trek
tabletop games Starfleet Battles and FASA role-playing systems. He is
also responsible for the SFB race the Interstellar Concordium or the
ISC and developed many other aspects, ships and weapons for both game
From: Axanar 38: A Psychic Timeshare / TrekFM
Author: John Theisen and Stephen Fender
Date: May 31, 2016
The Making of the FASA Role Playing Game.
The story of Axanar was born of the role-playing game
published by the FASA Corporation between 1982 and 1989. Many elements
of the game have influenced later Star Trek, particularly John M.
Ford’s supplement, The Klingons, published in 1983. But it was 1986’s
Four Years War sourcebook and its companion campaign module “Return to
Axanar” that would plant the seeds for the story of Prelude to Axanar
and the film yet to come.
John is the original author of the FASA Four Years War
supplement, and Stephen penned the four-part novel series.
From: Trek Talk: A Star Trek Podcast – Episode 6 Interview
Author: Guy McLimore and Greg Poehlein
Date: April 5, 2017
We interview Guy McLimore and Greg Poehlein who, along with David
Tepool, designed FASA’s Star Trek The Roleplaying Game first published
in 1982!
From: FASA Corp - FASA History with Ross
Author: Ross Babcock
Date: March 6, 2021
FASA co-founder, Ross Babcock, discusses the history of FASA
and other interesting tidbits from the past as part of FASA's Freedonia
Con 2021.