This page is for the FASA Trek related files I provide.
WHAT'S NEW 6-22-2022
Excel Generators
Miscellaneous |
Rules and
Supplements |
Starship Tactical Combat Simulator
To help create the final frontier!
Be sure to install any fonts included with the files!

A new, relativistic starship combat system using existing FASA RPG
Recreate almost any combat from TOS era!
Download includes rules, sample ship data, and combat examples
Includes control panels for PC and NPC vessels
Rules update 07/17/06

Updated rule set covering ENT, TMP, and NuTrek eras
Includes new control panels and updated charts

A simple system to simulate all types of ship attacks! Easily
adaptable to FASA STCS!
Download includes rules and combat examples
Rules update 08/01/08

Rules covering ground attacks, for use in conjunction with Starship Combat II, Boarding Actions and Planetary Assault Supplements
Download includes rules and combat examples
Rules update 03/31/21

Rule supplement covering planetary defenses in orbit and ground
based weapons
Rules update 02/01/16


Supplement covering the Next Generation era- new weapons, propulsion
and a section on the Borg
Some ship designs and files to use for the STCS
*NEW* 6-22-22
My fan made Adventure Episodes and Logs.
Listed below are the adventure notes (and Logs) I've written for the Essex
campaign. All the adventures were generated campaign specific with the
created characters in mind. Please be advised that through the
course of the game, some of the instances in the game did not play
out as they were written in the adventure notes. There was much ad
libbing due to the creativeness of the players, which made the game
play all around. I still have notes scribbled in a notebook for some
adventures, they need to be transcribed on my PC. Those I will add
as I finish them. Please feel free to provide any feedback or ideas. Thanks!